"A church meetinghouse or church where the offices for a Stake are located. Similar in size to most other meeting houses, the Stake Center is the location where, in additional to normal church services, stake meetings are held. To see inside a Mormon meetinghouse, click here."@en . "A church meetinghouse or church where the offices for a Stake are located. Similar in size to most other meeting houses, the Stake Center is the location where, in additional to normal church services, stake meetings are held. A stake center building usually includes a large chapel, with overflow space into a \"cultural hall.\" The cultural hall is a multi-purpose area with a finished wood floor and retractable basketball standards. It can be used for basketball games, which are frequent between wards, dances, gatherings, and celebrations. Stake Centers usually have stages for dramatic productions, which often are part of holiday celebrations, or youth activities. There is a large kitchen, classrooms, a special room for the Primary, a nursery, a room for the Relief Society, a baptismal font, rest rooms and dressing rooms. There are offices for ward and stake leaders, and sometimes a family history library. To see inside a Mormon meetinghouse, click here."@en . . "Stake Center"@en .