. "\u3053\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u304C\u30A2\u30F3\u30C7\u30C3\u30C8\u65CF\u30E2\u30F3\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u306E\u52B9\u679C\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u81EA\u5206\u306E\u5893\u5730\u304B\u3089\u7279\u6B8A\u53EC\u559A\u3055\u308C\u305F\u6642\u3001\u76F8\u624B\u30D5\u30A3\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9\u4E0A\u306B\u5B58\u5728\u3059\u308B\u9B54\u6CD5\u30FB\u7F60\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\uFF11\u679A\u3092\u7834\u58CA\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3002\u3053\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306F\u7279\u6B8A\u53EC\u559A\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30BF\u30FC\u30F3\u306E\u30A8\u30F3\u30C9\u30D5\u30A7\u30A4\u30BA\u6642\u306B\u7834\u58CA\u3055\u308C\u308B\u3002"@en . "B\u014Dn Kurassh\u0101"@en . "300"^^ . "\u0398\u03C1\u03B1\u03CD\u03C3\u03C4\u03B7\u03C2 \u039A\u03BF\u03BA\u03AC\u03BB\u03C9\u03BD"@en . "8141"^^ . "Bone Crusher"@en . . "Senmaro, T\u0101bin"@en . "!width=\"33%\"|100%TP !width=\"33%\"|200%TP !width=\"33%\"|300%TP |- |align=\"center\"|? |align=\"center\"|? |align=\"center\"|? |}"@en . "10"^^ . "5"^^ . . . . . "Trigger, Trigger"@en . "Triturador de Ossos"@en . . "10"^^ . "Quando questa carta viene Evocata Specialmente dal tuo Cimitero dall'effetto di un mostro di Tipo Zombie: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 Carta Magia/Trappola controllata dal tuo avversario; distruggi quel bersaglio. Durante la End Phase del turno in cui questa carta \u00E8 stata Evocata Specialmente: distruggila."@en . . "Aplastahuesos"@en . "1600"^^ . . "Wenn diese Karte durch den Effekt eines Monsters vom Typ Zombie als Spezialbeschw\u00F6rung von deinem Friedhof beschworen wird: Du kannst 1 Zauber-/Fallenkarte w\u00E4hlen, die dein Gegner kontrolliert; zerst\u00F6re das gew\u00E4hlte Ziel. W\u00E4hrend der End Phase des Spielzug, in dem diese Karte als Spezialbeschw\u00F6rung beschworen wurde: Zerst\u00F6re sie."@en . "This sword can also be used with nature transformations, as seen when T\u0101bin uncovered the sword and took it for his own, and uses it for his Wind Release. It is also possible that Senmaro used Earth Release through Bone Crusher as well. With this sword, Senmaro was able to take down lots of shinobi with simple swings; a very powerful weapon, in the right hands."@en . "Briseur d'Os"@en . . . . "Bone crushers are mostly Orcs and Dwarves who thrive on pain (their own and others) and focus on the purity of combat. Already confident in just how powerful they are, a bone crusher trains to become a living, unstoppable force. Bone crushers use their heads in combat, literally. No brains needed here. Indeed, some bone crushers claim that they enter an almost meditative state in combat, focused on the smooth motion of their muscles, the speed of their reflexes, noting (occasionally) the blades that bite their flesh, but feeling nothing from them. They are roaring giants that wade through their enemies, their foes unable to stop them. They do not need weapons; their fists are enough. Arrows and blades bounce off their impervious hide, as they simply ignore any attack aimed at them. Each blow sends their opponents flying into the air. They are bone crushers. The bone crusher's abilities are, like everything about them, obvious and blunt. Bone crushers are beasts in combat, the ultimate manifestation of strength and raw power. A bone crusher is most dangerous when he charges or overruns an opponent, trampling lesser creatures into the ground or slamming them so hard they are sent airborne. A bone crusher's punches may become strong enough to shatter stone and bones with equal ease. A bone crusher's hide toughens as he grows in strength, and his mind pushes away pain, until he is able to ignore many wounds. Many a foe has lost a battle with a bone crusher when she dealt the beast a blow that would have felled any other combatant, only to have the bone crusher shrug and strike at her once again. A bone crusher is easily recognizable, even from afar. The bone crusher's body is littered with scars from battle, and he remembers receiving few, if any, of them. He forsakes armor, relying on his own personal strength and toughness to carry him through battle. Few bone crushers bother with weapons, relying instead on their massive fists. The few who choose to wield weapons prefer massive, two-handed weapons, most often bludgeoning or cleaving weapons. Finesse is a foreign word to these behemoths. The average bone crusher is not much of a conversationalist, either, and is quick to put up his fists in any argument. A bone crusher is more at home in a bawdy tavern prone to bar fights than quiet discussions in a library. Bone crushers are reckless and hard to control, and even harder to stop once they start moving. Bone crushers balk at rules, or literally anything that holds them back. \"Less talking, more smashing\" is a motto to bone crushers, one that most others learn quickly. As a character grows into a bone crusher, he learns to shrug off previous concepts of strength, lifting objects that would balk others. A bone crusher learns how to use his fists in combat to deliver powerful, ringing blows. The bone crusher shrugs off wounds that would cripple other characters. Once a skilled bone crusher starts moving, he becomes almost impossible to stop. The highly skilled bone crusher becomes almost invincible in battle, able to fight far longer than seems possible."@en . "40"^^ . "Cleaver Sword, Sword"@en . "This sword can also be used with nature transformations, as seen when T\u0101bin uncovered the sword and took it for his own, and uses it for his Wind Release. It is also possible that Senmaro used Earth Release through Bone Crusher as well. With this sword, Senmaro was able to take down lots of shinobi with simple swings; a very powerful weapon, in the right hands."@en . "Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary"@en . "Undead"@en . . "4"^^ . . . . "37675138"^^ . . "When this card is Special Summoned from your Graveyard by the effect of a Zombie-Type monster: You can target 1 Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls; destroy that target. During the End Phase of the turn this card was Special Summoned: Destroy it."@en . . . . . "Bone crushers are mostly Orcs and Dwarves who thrive on pain (their own and others) and focus on the purity of combat. Already confident in just how powerful they are, a bone crusher trains to become a living, unstoppable force. Bone crushers use their heads in combat, literally. No brains needed here. Indeed, some bone crushers claim that they enter an almost meditative state in combat, focused on the smooth motion of their muscles, the speed of their reflexes, noting (occasionally) the blades that bite their flesh, but feeling nothing from them."@en . . "Effect"@en . "EARTH"@en . . . "1"^^ . . "* Destroys your opponent's Spell Cards\n* Destroys your opponent's Trap Cards\n* Destroys itself"@en . "Knochenbrecher"@en . . "No"@en . "Anime, Manga, Game, Movie"@en . "Zombie"@en . "Cells"@en . . . . "Bone crusher"@en . . "There is a large chain in the middle of the chamber, and Kratos must grab it and pull it down hand over hand to make the platform descend. As he does however, a spiked ceiling also descends, and a large horde of Cursed Remains awaken. Kratos must keep pulling the chain to lower the platform and stay ahead of the descending ceiling. As he does however, he must also kill the Cursed Remains, who attempt to stop him from descending. If he succeeds, then he will be able to move on to the Phoenix Chamber."@en . . "\u9AA8\u7834\u7815\u6A5F"@en . "!width=\"33%\"|100%TP !width=\"33%\"|200%TP !width=\"33%\"|300%TP |- |align=\"center\"|? |align=\"center\"|? |align=\"center\"|? |}"@en . . "200"^^ . "\u30DC\u30FC\u30F3\u30AF\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E3\u30FC"@en . . . "Kostolomac"@en . "Cuando esta carta es Invocada de Modo Especial, desde tu Cementerio, por efecto de un monstruo de Tipo Zombi: puedes seleccionar 1 Carta M\u00E1gica/de Trampa que controle tu adversario; destruye ese objetivo. Durante la End Phase del turno en que esta carta fue Invocada de Modo Especial: destr\u00FAyela."@en . . . . "Kotsu Hasaiki"@en . . . "Zombie"@en . . "Lorsque cette carte est Invoqu\u00E9e Sp\u00E9cialement depuis votre Cimeti\u00E8re par l'effet d'un monstre de Type Zombie : vous pouvez cibler 1 Carte Magie/Pi\u00E8ge contr\u00F4l\u00E9e par votre adversaire ; d\u00E9truisez la cible. Durant la End Phase du tour o\u00F9 cette carte a \u00E9t\u00E9 Invoqu\u00E9e Sp\u00E9cialement : d\u00E9truisez-la."@en . . . "No"@en . . . . "Annientatore di Ossa"@en . . "There is a large chain in the middle of the chamber, and Kratos must grab it and pull it down hand over hand to make the platform descend. As he does however, a spiked ceiling also descends, and a large horde of Cursed Remains awaken. Kratos must keep pulling the chain to lower the platform and stay ahead of the descending ceiling. As he does however, he must also kill the Cursed Remains, who attempt to stop him from descending. If he succeeds, then he will be able to move on to the Phoenix Chamber."@en . . "5"^^ . "\uBCF8 \uD06C\uB7EC\uC154"@en . .