. . . . "The Guess Who"@en . . . . . "Doctor Who was a constant guest on Oprah and based on his popularity with the female audience Oprah decided to sponsor a talk show for the Doctor with the simplest concept, Doctor Who would talk to guests about the Doctor What TV series. Since every TV talk show requires a band and the production schedule was tight, Oprah invited her next-door neighbor\u2019s garage band to play for the opening show, knowing that she would replace it later with a real band. The garage band unfortunately lacked three key instruments, though percussion, bass and rthymn guitar are a good foundation for a band, Burton Cummings and Randy Bachman were imported from Canada to fill out the important vocals, keyboards and lead guitar. Burton only sang when he was not drinking, which was not often. Randy Bachman would later go on to form the band Kathleen Turner Overdrive, while Burton Cummings and his moustache turned their attention to porn (Not making it, just watching it. A lot.)"@en . "Doctor Who was a constant guest on Oprah and based on his popularity with the female audience Oprah decided to sponsor a talk show for the Doctor with the simplest concept, Doctor Who would talk to guests about the Doctor What TV series. Since every TV talk show requires a band and the production schedule was tight, Oprah invited her next-door neighbor\u2019s garage band to play for the opening show, knowing that she would replace it later with a real band. The garage band unfortunately lacked three key instruments, though percussion, bass and rthymn guitar are a good foundation for a band, Burton Cummings and Randy Bachman were imported from Canada to fill out the important vocals, keyboards and lead guitar. Burton only sang when he was not drinking, which was not often. Randy Bachman would la"@en . . . . . . . . . . . .