. "Flatswood is an American animated television series that first premiered on Parrot on October 12, 2013. It follows The seemingly average life of Flats, an alien who crash landed on Earth, and into the Flatswoods forest in West Virginia. He lives his life as a cryptid, resisting being caught by humans, learning and fighting off Earth's nature, and simply being a low self-esteemed guy. Episodes have a narration within them, like a diary perhaps. It's suppose to be a point of view story based on the view of a cryptid."@en . . "Flatswood is an American animated television series that first premiered on Parrot on October 12, 2013. It follows The seemingly average life of Flats, an alien who crash landed on Earth, and into the Flatswoods forest in West Virginia. He lives his life as a cryptid, resisting being caught by humans, learning and fighting off Earth's nature, and simply being a low self-esteemed guy. Episodes have a narration within them, like a diary perhaps. It's suppose to be a point of view story based on the view of a cryptid. The series aired It's first season on Parrot in 2013, holding 10 episodes. The second season aired in 2015, carrying 3 episodes. The third and final season aired in 2016, carrying 9 episodes. The series was cancelled due to low veiwership, but it didn't end the full franchise. Home media for the full series, comic books, and other merchandise were sold."@en . "Flatswood"@en . . .