. "\u4E9E\u6D32\u4EBA\u5DE5\u5CF6"@en . "A high-tech, futuristic city, it was the centre of the Asian economy in 1998, supporting a population of seven million people. Unfortunately, it also became a reservoir for crime syndicates, who thrived across the three city zones. The three zones clearly marked a distinction between rich and poor in both business and lifestyle, displaying clear colours of a dependence on capitalism. Six months after the carpet bombing of Raccoon City, twelve mysterious \"Arks\" arrived in the city's airport terminal, discovered to be B.O.W.s. Their escape began a second round in the fight against Umbrella."@en . "A high-tech, futuristic city, it was the centre of the Asian economy in 1998, supporting a population of seven million people. Unfortunately, it also became a reservoir for crime syndicates, who thrived across the three city zones. The three zones clearly marked a distinction between rich and poor in both business and lifestyle, displaying clear colours of a dependence on capitalism. Six months after the carpet bombing of Raccoon City, twelve mysterious \"Arks\" arrived in the city's airport terminal, discovered to be B.O.W.s. Their escape began a second round in the fight against Umbrella."@en . . "Y\u00E0zh\u014Du r\u00E9ng\u014Dng d\u01CEo"@en . "Artificial island"@en . . . . . . .