. . . . "Shanks"@en . "The USS Leonardo (NCC-1454) was a Shanks-class light cruiser active in the 23rd century. (Jackill's Reference Guide: Ships of the Starfleet) On 14 February 2293, USS Challenger encountered a lifeboat belonging to Leonardo. Its lone occupant was Lieutenant Commander Mary McManus, Challenger 's former chief engineer. The ship then proceeded to Leonardo 's last reported position in the Tikun Olam system to investigate the fate of the Leonardo. (Star Trek: Challenger Chronicles: \"Return\")"@en . . "light cruiser"@en . . "NCC-1454"@en . . . "USS Leonardo"@en . . "USS Leonardo (NCC-1454)"@en . "The USS Leonardo (NCC-1454) was a Shanks-class light cruiser active in the 23rd century. (Jackill's Reference Guide: Ships of the Starfleet) On 14 February 2293, USS Challenger encountered a lifeboat belonging to Leonardo. Its lone occupant was Lieutenant Commander Mary McManus, Challenger 's former chief engineer. The ship then proceeded to Leonardo 's last reported position in the Tikun Olam system to investigate the fate of the Leonardo. (Star Trek: Challenger Chronicles: \"Return\")"@en . .