"1337 h4x, or to j00 n00bs, is the l337 version of Elite Hacks. Essentially defined as someone h4xing j00, what it basically means is best described through a real-life, slightly counter-strike based example. For example; \"Omgz, i r t3h st4nding here and r totally HSd. That guy is such h4xx.\" Possibly originating in the year 1337, but is technically undated."@en . "1337 h4x"@en . . . "1337 h4x, or to j00 n00bs, is the l337 version of Elite Hacks. Essentially defined as someone h4xing j00, what it basically means is best described through a real-life, slightly counter-strike based example. For example; \"Omgz, i r t3h st4nding here and r totally HSd. That guy is such h4xx.\" Possibly originating in the year 1337, but is technically undated."@en .