. "The reality deviant known as Merces was first encountered as part of the Orphic Circle, an occult group interested in dealing with entropic EDEs and entropic space in general. Tentatively assumed to be a member of the Euthanathos. Appearing as an infiltrator to that group, Merces assisted the group in infiltrating the first meeting itself, and quickly became more aligned with the group. A technomancer, Merces was familiar with the way Technocratic operatives operated (Heads: Oblivion Wins). After she assisted in a second mission, where she was instrumental in solving the problem our operatives faced, she was offered, and accepted, official recruitment in the Technocratic Union (Into the Vaults: Time). Prospects for the new recruit appeared good, and she was soon send along a series of missions as a field test (Starry Day). Disaster struck, however, when only months later it became clear that Merces was not a traditionalist at all, but a Nephandic agent. Catastrophe was averted by Levi, who was suspect of Merces' allegiances; once proof of her true affiliation came, however, our agents had the dangerous task of retrieving her. After doing so, the team was faced with the problem of how to interrogate her. Unconcious at the moment, a Nephandus was too dangerous to interrogate without serious precautions. Levi took to the task, ordering the team out of the room. When they entered again, an exhausted Levi went for his room, and Merces was left, her Enlightened Genius completely burned out. (Tails: Humanity Loses) After her interrogation was complete, the question of her fate was briefly discussed, but quickly again tabled due to certain other pressing matter at hand. She was left in a cell in agent Jane's floor of the tower. From this moment on, records do not mention `agent Merces' anymore. However, there are extensive records about `subject 362' who was eliminated three years later. Records are classified, but can be requested from agent Jane. Strong stomach required."@en . . . "The reality deviant known as Merces was first encountered as part of the Orphic Circle, an occult group interested in dealing with entropic EDEs and entropic space in general. Tentatively assumed to be a member of the Euthanathos. Appearing as an infiltrator to that group, Merces assisted the group in infiltrating the first meeting itself, and quickly became more aligned with the group. A technomancer, Merces was familiar with the way Technocratic operatives operated (Heads: Oblivion Wins)."@en . . . "Subject 362"@en . "Merces"@en . "Merces"@en . . . .