. "2364"^^ . . . . . . . "Portal 63 was a guardian on a planet in the Delphi Ardu star system that was active over 600,000 years ago during the Age of Bastu as time was marked by the Tkon Empire. He was invested with great powers, including the ability to immobilize starships and could appear in various corporeal forms according to the appearance of the beings he encountered. Portal 63 also had some form of telepathy. He remained inactive until 2364 when the crew of the USS Enterprise-D encountered his outpost along with a Ferengi starship. At that time the Portal learned that the Tkon Empire had fallen shortly after the Age of Makto and that he had been inactive all that time."@en . "Portal 63 was a guardian on a planet in the Delphi Ardu star system that was active over 600,000 years ago during the Age of Bastu as time was marked by the Tkon Empire. He was invested with great powers, including the ability to immobilize starships and could appear in various corporeal forms according to the appearance of the beings he encountered. Portal 63 also had some form of telepathy. He remained inactive until 2364 when the crew of the USS Enterprise-D encountered his outpost along with a Ferengi starship. At that time the Portal learned that the Tkon Empire had fallen shortly after the Age of Makto and that he had been inactive all that time. Both ships were caught in an energy field around the unexplored planet and sent away teams to try to disable the energy field. After the Ferengi attacked the Enterprise away team, the Portal appeared and threatened both teams. He asked \"Who will meet the challenge?\" After the Ferengi tried to lay blame on the Humans, the Portal became disgusted with the Ferengi's profiteer responses to his questions. When Riker refused to attack the Ferengi, the Portal was impressed and took an interest in Riker's wisdom. Once Riker passed several of the Portal's intellectual \"tests,\" Riker convinced the Portal to free the two vessels in orbit and they departed. After releasing the ships, the Portal returned to his post until he was needed again. (TNG: \"The Last Outpost\" ) The Portal was played by Darryl Henriques. In Richard Krzemien's original story, Portal 63 was named \"Dilo\" and was kind of a caretaker of the planet who slept when the Tkon Empire was destroyed. (Creating the Next Generation: The Conception and Creation of a Phenomenon, p.39-40)"@en . "Portal 63"@en . "thumb|Der W\u00E4chter Portal (2364) Portal 63 ist der W\u00E4chter des Tkon-Imperiums im Delphi-Ardu-System auf einem weit entfernten Au\u00DFenposten der untergegangenen Zivilisation. Dort hat er seit tausenden von Jahren geschlafen und so auch den Untergang seiner Zivilisation verpasst. Er wird erst wieder 2364 von der Crew der USS Enterprise-D und einigen Ferengi geweckt. Offenbar verf\u00FCgt er \u00FCber eine Form von empathischem Empfinden, so kann er in Commander Rikers Gedanken die Kampfkunst von Sun Tzu lesen. (TNG: )"@de . "Portal 63"@de . . "Active"@en . "Portal 63"@pl . . . . "thumb|Der W\u00E4chter Portal (2364) Portal 63 ist der W\u00E4chter des Tkon-Imperiums im Delphi-Ardu-System auf einem weit entfernten Au\u00DFenposten der untergegangenen Zivilisation. Dort hat er seit tausenden von Jahren geschlafen und so auch den Untergang seiner Zivilisation verpasst. Er wird erst wieder 2364 von der Crew der USS Enterprise-D und einigen Ferengi geweckt. Offenbar verf\u00FCgt er \u00FCber eine Form von empathischem Empfinden, so kann er in Commander Rikers Gedanken die Kampfkunst von Sun Tzu lesen. (TNG: ) Portal 63 wurde von Darryl Henriques gespielt und von G\u00FCnther Jerschke (CIC-Version) sowie von Alexander Herzog (TV-Version) synchronisiert."@de . . "Unknown"@en . . . "thumb|Portal 63 po przebudzeniu w 2364. Portal 63 by\u0142 stra\u017Cnikiem na planecie w systemie Delphi Ardu, kt\u00F3ry odbywa\u0142 czynn\u0105 s\u0142u\u017Cb\u0119 ponad 600 000 lat temu podczas trwania ery Bastu dla Imperium Tkon. By\u0142 obdarzony ogromnymi mocami, w\u0142\u0105cznie z unieruchamianiem okr\u0119t\u00F3w, a tak\u017Ce mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci\u0105 przybierania r\u00F3\u017Cnych form zgodnie z wygl\u0105dem spotkanych humanoid\u00F3w. Portal 63 posiada\u0142 r\u00F3wnie\u017C zdolno\u015Bci telepatyczne. Pozostawa\u0142 nieaktywny a\u017C do 2364 roku, kiedy za\u0142oga USS Enterprise-D napotka\u0142a jego posterunek razem z okr\u0119tem Ferengi. Podczas spotkania z obiema za\u0142ogami dowiedzia\u0142 si\u0119, \u017Ce Imperium Tkon uleg\u0142o zag\u0142adzie kr\u00F3tko po erze Makto i od tamtego czasu pozostawa\u0142 nieaktywny. Okr\u0119t federacyjny jak i Ferengi zosta\u0142 uwi\u0119ziony w polu energii wok\u00F3\u0142 niepoznanej planety. Wys\u0142ane zwiady pr\u00F3bowa\u0142y wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 pole. Po tym jak dru\u017Cyna Ferengi zaatakowa\u0142a zwiad federacji, Portal pojawi\u0142 si\u0119 i grozi\u0142 obu ekipom. Zapyta\u0142: \"Kto podejmie wyzwanie?\". Portal wyra\u017Anie czu\u0142 wstr\u0119t do Ferengi, kt\u00F3rzy kierowali pod adresem Ludzi fa\u0142szywe zarzuty i zareagowali zbyt wojowniczo na jego pytanie. Gdy Riker odpar\u0142 atak rywali, zaimponowa\u0142 Portalowi, kt\u00F3ry by\u0142 pod wra\u017Ceniem jego m\u0105dro\u015Bci. Za jednym razem Riker zda\u0142 kilka intelektualnych \"test\u00F3w\". Komandor przekona\u0142 stra\u017Cnika, by uwolni\u0142 oba okr\u0119ty z orbity. Gdy to uczyni\u0142, powr\u00F3ci\u0142 na swoje stanowisko a\u017C do momentu kiedy zn\u00F3w b\u0119dzie potrzebny. (TNG: \u201EThe Last Outpost\u201D) W posta\u0107 Portala 63 wcieli\u0142 si\u0119 Darryl Henriques."@pl . "thumb|Portal 63 po przebudzeniu w 2364. Portal 63 by\u0142 stra\u017Cnikiem na planecie w systemie Delphi Ardu, kt\u00F3ry odbywa\u0142 czynn\u0105 s\u0142u\u017Cb\u0119 ponad 600 000 lat temu podczas trwania ery Bastu dla Imperium Tkon. By\u0142 obdarzony ogromnymi mocami, w\u0142\u0105cznie z unieruchamianiem okr\u0119t\u00F3w, a tak\u017Ce mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci\u0105 przybierania r\u00F3\u017Cnych form zgodnie z wygl\u0105dem spotkanych humanoid\u00F3w. Portal 63 posiada\u0142 r\u00F3wnie\u017C zdolno\u015Bci telepatyczne. Pozostawa\u0142 nieaktywny a\u017C do 2364 roku, kiedy za\u0142oga USS Enterprise-D napotka\u0142a jego posterunek razem z okr\u0119tem Ferengi. Podczas spotkania z obiema za\u0142ogami dowiedzia\u0142 si\u0119, \u017Ce Imperium Tkon uleg\u0142o zag\u0142adzie kr\u00F3tko po erze Makto i od tamtego czasu pozostawa\u0142 nieaktywny."@pl . . . "Male"@en . "Portal 63 after reawakening in 2364"@en .