. "Emma's father, Will, teaches Norman taxidermy after Norman takes his dead dog to him. Upon the school principal's request, Norma has Norman meet with a psychologist, who suggests Norma may have control issues over her son. Jake reveals to Norma that he knows the full story about Shelby and Summers; she kicks Jake out in retaliation. Dylan brings trimmers to stay at the motel; Norma decides to take Dylan out to dinner to thank him for bringing new customers, but is horrified to see the autopsied corpse of Shelby on her bed"@en . "Emma's father, Will, teaches Norman taxidermy after Norman takes his dead dog to him. Upon the school principal's request, Norma has Norman meet with a psychologist, who suggests Norma may have control issues over her son. Jake reveals to Norma that he knows the full story about Shelby and Summers; she kicks Jake out in retaliation. Dylan brings trimmers to stay at the motel; Norma decides to take Dylan out to dinner to thank him for bringing new customers, but is horrified to see the autopsied corpse of Shelby on her bed"@en . . "A Boy and His Dog"@en . .