. "Route 169 runs from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Virginia, Minnesota, en route passing through the western suburbs of the album's main location, Minneapolis."@en . "169"^^ . "Julian kehrt nach der Geiselnahme in die Firma zur\u00FCck, obwohl er das Geschehene noch nicht verarbeitet hat. Diana findet zwar bei Oliver Halt und genie\u00DFt das Zusammensein mit ihm, doch so ganz kann sie ihre Gedanken an Julian nicht absch\u00FCtteln. Jenny gegen\u00FCber zeigt sich Julian weiterhin unvers\u00F6hnlich. Tim ist wegen des Tablettenfundes in Nina Tasche beunruhigt. Nina redet sich zwar mit der Behauptung heraus, dass es sich lediglich um Beruhigungspillen handelt, doch Tim bleibt skeptisch. Als Nina erkennt, dass sie Tim zu verlieren droht, greift sie zu einem \u00FCberraschenden Mittel. W\u00E4hrend Simone ganz auf die Zukunft des Unternehmens konzentriert ist, sucht Richard nach neuen Inhalten in seinem Leben. Als sie gemeinsam auf Kremers Beerdigung auftauchen und dort auf dessen Witwe treffen, komm"@de . . . . "This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 169."@en . "[[Plik:4906 na p\u0119tli Dworzec Wschodni Kijowska.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Jelcz M121I na linii 169 na p\u0119tli Dworzec Wschodni (Kijowska) (2010)]] 169 \u2013 linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a (rozk\u0142ad jazdy), kt\u00F3ra kursuje na trasie z Br\u00F3dna-Podgrodzia na Dworzec Wschodni (Kijowska). Lini\u0119 obs\u0142uguje zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa."@pl . "1967-02-09"^^ . . . "1967"^^ . . . . "1967-02-16"^^ . . . . . . . . "169"@ko . . "El ciento sesenta y nueve (169) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 168 y precede al 170. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "The number 169 can refer to: \n* Puzzle Mysterious Maze from Professor Layton and the Last Specter"@en . "169"@ko . "The number 169 can refer to: \n* Puzzle Mysterious Maze from Professor Layton and the Last Specter"@en . . . "169"@en . "This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 169."@en . . . "Julian kehrt nach der Geiselnahme in die Firma zur\u00FCck, obwohl er das Geschehene noch nicht verarbeitet hat. Diana findet zwar bei Oliver Halt und genie\u00DFt das Zusammensein mit ihm, doch so ganz kann sie ihre Gedanken an Julian nicht absch\u00FCtteln. Jenny gegen\u00FCber zeigt sich Julian weiterhin unvers\u00F6hnlich. Tim ist wegen des Tablettenfundes in Nina Tasche beunruhigt. Nina redet sich zwar mit der Behauptung heraus, dass es sich lediglich um Beruhigungspillen handelt, doch Tim bleibt skeptisch. Als Nina erkennt, dass sie Tim zu verlieren droht, greift sie zu einem \u00FCberraschenden Mittel. W\u00E4hrend Simone ganz auf die Zukunft des Unternehmens konzentriert ist, sucht Richard nach neuen Inhalten in seinem Leben. Als sie gemeinsam auf Kremers Beerdigung auftauchen und dort auf dessen Witwe treffen, kommt es zu einem Eklat..."@de . . "Carolyn is anxious as a storm rages. Dr. Guthrie arrives at Collinwood with news of Laura's refusal to participate in the s\u00E9ance. As he and Carolyn go into the Drawing room, the upstairs door opens seemingly of its own accord. Carolyn wonders if Guthrie will really be able to establish communication with Josette. She can't help feeling skeptical of the idea of a s\u00E9ance. Guthrie tries to reassure her and asks her to trust him and give him her support. Victoria comes downstairs and learns that Laura will not be attending the s\u00E9ance. Frank arrives on Roger's orders. Carolyn doesn't know what's going on and is more frightened than she's ever been. Frank learns the 'emergency' Roger called him about is that Roger wants the divorce settled soon. Roger also learns where he stands legally. Roger asks Frank what a s\u00E9ance, which is apparently planned for tonight, has to do with Guthrie's care of Elizabeth. Frank is steadfast in his beliefs about Guthrie's psychological credentials. Roger plans to deal with Guthrie in his own way. Despite her mixed feelings for David, who's like a little brother, Carolyn is worried about her ability to make decisions. She feels she was never as good at it as Elizabeth was. Victoria reassures her. After some chat, Carolyn gets desperate to visit her mother. Frank has news to deliver to her. He reports that he saw Elizabeth this morning and that she seems the same. The doctors are advising against family visits. Carolyn feels that Elizabeth is worse and going to die, which is obviously why Frank is trying to keep her away. Carolyn screams that Guthrie is a quack; he overhears and offers to call off the seance. She tells him to call it off because it won't help anything: she's never going to see her mother alive again. Later, Victoria has calmed Carolyn down and wants to know the truth from Frank. He tells Victoria that the doctors don't think they'll ever find out what's wrong with Elizabeth. Frank admits to Victoria that Elizabeth looks technically dead; that's why he's keeping Carolyn away. Victoria is so upset she almost collapses. As the trio is discussing their options, Carolyn comes in, calmer, and says she does want to proceed with the s\u00E9ance. They'll proceed in a few minutes; Guthrie wants family-only. Frank is leaving; he'll call Victoria first thing in the morning. Guthrie admits to Frank that he's frightened of failure and of success with the s\u00E9ance. Might they be unleashing an uncontrollable, incomprehensible force?"@en . "169"@de . . . . . . . . "El ciento sesenta y nueve (169) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 168 y precede al 170. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "169"@pl . "166"^^ . . . . "169"@es . . . "[[Plik:4906 na p\u0119tli Dworzec Wschodni Kijowska.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Jelcz M121I na linii 169 na p\u0119tli Dworzec Wschodni (Kijowska) (2010)]] 169 \u2013 linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a (rozk\u0142ad jazdy), kt\u00F3ra kursuje na trasie z Br\u00F3dna-Podgrodzia na Dworzec Wschodni (Kijowska). Lini\u0119 obs\u0142uguje zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa."@pl . . . . . . . "DStitle.jpg"@en . ""@en . "Route 169 runs from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Virginia, Minnesota, en route passing through the western suburbs of the album's main location, Minneapolis."@en . ""@en . . . "169"@ko . . "Carolyn is anxious as a storm rages. Dr. Guthrie arrives at Collinwood with news of Laura's refusal to participate in the s\u00E9ance. As he and Carolyn go into the Drawing room, the upstairs door opens seemingly of its own accord."@en . . . . . .