"The independent Omega Sagitta system was an inhabited planetary system. This system contained the twin planets that formed the Coalition of Madena, Atlec and Straleb. Both worlds were populated by a humanoid race which colonized the planets in the mid-2160s, and now coexisted under a tenous but successful treaty. By the mid-24th century, the governments of both worlds were cognizant of the Federation and their starships. The mineral tricellite was not available in this system."@en . . . . "The independent Omega Sagitta system was an inhabited planetary system. This system contained the twin planets that formed the Coalition of Madena, Atlec and Straleb. Both worlds were populated by a humanoid race which colonized the planets in the mid-2160s, and now coexisted under a tenous but successful treaty. By the mid-24th century, the governments of both worlds were cognizant of the Federation and their starships. The mineral tricellite was not available in this system. In 2365, the USS Enterprise-D, on impulse power, traveled through the space between the twin planets. (TNG: \"The Outrageous Okona\" )"@en . . . . "Omega Sagitta system"@en . . .