. . "1"^^ . "Ooroo"@en . . "5000"^^ . "*Jedi Order\n*Galactic Republic"@en . "*Odan-Urr"@fi . . . . . . . . "*Orden Jedi\n*Antigua Rep\u00FAblica"@es . . "Ooroo was a male Celegian Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order as a senior instructor at their academy on Ossus and fought in the Great Hyperspace War."@en . . . . . . "Ooroo"@es . "Ooroo"@fi . . . . . . . "Ooroo was a male Celegian Jedi Master who acted as an instructor to Jedi students on the planet Ossus for a long time before the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY. Ooroo's species breathed a gas, deadly to most life-forms, known as cyanogen, whereas oxygen was deadly to them. This caused the Jedi Master to depend on a crystalline life support chamber for survival on oxygen-rich worlds. Ooroo trained many students during his time as a Jedi instructor, but the Draethos Jedi Knight Odan-Urr was by far the most well known. 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, Ooroo sent Odan-Urr to help restore peace to the Koros system, which was ravaged by a series of Unification Wars aimed at uniting the seven planets of the system. During their separation, Ooroo and his apprentice were plagued by visions of long-forgotten Dark Jedi, as well as the pain and suffering the darksiders would bring the Republic. The Celegian Jedi traveled to Koros to meet with his student. Ooroo was on the planet when the Sith Empire launched their attack on the Republic. He and Odan-Urr led the forces of Teta, the Empress of the system, on Kirrek. Teta's men were overrun with Massassi warriors, so the ancient Master sacrificed himself to defeat the Sith warriors, shattering his cyanogen tank and sending the fumes into the Massassi's lungs, killing many of them instantly. He was later known as the Martyr of Kirrek for this selfless act."@en . . . . . "\u0423\u0440\u0443"@es . . "Ooroo"@es . "Ooroo was a male Celegian Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order as a senior instructor at their academy on Ossus and fought in the Great Hyperspace War."@en . "Ooroo"@en . . "Deceased"@en . . . . . . . "Ooroo oli celegialainen jedimestari joka taisteli Suurissa Hyperavaruussodissa ja koulutti Odan-Urrin jedien tavoilla l\u00E4hett\u00E4en h\u00E4net puolustamaan Koros-j\u00E4rjestelm\u00E4\u00E4 viimeisen Yhdistyssotien taistelun aikana. H\u00E4n kuoli uhraamalla itsens\u00E4, jotta tuhoaisi sith-sotilaita Kirrekin taistelussa rikkomalla syanogeeni-tankkinsa, l\u00E4hett\u00E4en myrkyllisi\u00E4 kaasuja massassien keuhkoihin tappaen monia niist\u00E4 v\u00E4litt\u00F6m\u00E4sti."@fi . . . . "Ooroo"@en . . "*Jediritarikunta\n*Galaktinen Tasavalta"@fi . "5000"^^ . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Ooroo oli celegialainen jedimestari joka taisteli Suurissa Hyperavaruussodissa ja koulutti Odan-Urrin jedien tavoilla l\u00E4hett\u00E4en h\u00E4net puolustamaan Koros-j\u00E4rjestelm\u00E4\u00E4 viimeisen Yhdistyssotien taistelun aikana. H\u00E4n kuoli uhraamalla itsens\u00E4, jotta tuhoaisi sith-sotilaita Kirrekin taistelussa rikkomalla syanogeeni-tankkinsa, l\u00E4hett\u00E4en myrkyllisi\u00E4 kaasuja massassien keuhkoihin tappaen monia niist\u00E4 v\u00E4litt\u00F6m\u00E4sti."@fi . . "Ooroo"@fi . "Ooroo"@es . . . . . "Jedi Order"@en . . . "Ooroo"@es . . . . . "Ooroo"@en . . . "Ooroo"@es . . . "Jedi"@en . . "Ooroo was a male Celegian Jedi Master who acted as an instructor to Jedi students on the planet Ossus for a long time before the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY. Ooroo's species breathed a gas, deadly to most life-forms, known as cyanogen, whereas oxygen was deadly to them. This caused the Jedi Master to depend on a crystalline life support chamber for survival on oxygen-rich worlds. Ooroo trained many students during his time as a Jedi instructor, but the Draethos Jedi Knight Odan-Urr was by far the most well known. 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, Ooroo sent Odan-Urr to help restore peace to the Koros system, which was ravaged by a series of Unification Wars aimed at uniting the seven planets of the system."@en . "Nacido en Celegia Ooroo fue uno de los pocos celegianos que abandonaron su mundo. Adem\u00E1s era sensible a la Fuerza y pudo llegar a convertirse en un Maestro Jedi de Ossus gracias a su sistema de soporte vital, que consist\u00EDa en un cristal amarillo que manten\u00EDa la atm\u00F3sfera de cian\u00F3geno para permitirle sobrevivir. En el a\u00F1o 5.000 ABY se dedicaba a adiestrar a estudiantes. El m\u00E1s famoso fue Odan-Urr, que se qued\u00F3 con su maestro despu\u00E9s de graduarse. Odan-Urr se sent\u00EDa fascinado por el conocimiento y la historia y dedicaba su tiempo libre a estudiar, pese a que Ooroo le hab\u00EDa ense\u00F1ado la necesidad de la acci\u00F3n adem\u00E1s de las palabras. Ooroo envi\u00F3 a Odan-Urr al sistema Koros, donde la Emperatriz Teta hab\u00EDa unificado seis de los siete mundos. Despu\u00E9s de triunfar en la unificaci\u00F3n, Odan-Urr se qued\u00F3 en Koros como consejero Jedi de la Emperatriz y all\u00ED tuvo una serie de visiones sobre el regreso de los Sith. El y la Emperatriz fueron a Coruscant a advertir a los senadores. Fueron ignorados, pero los Jedi entre los que se encontraba el propio Ooroo comenzaron a preocuparse. thumb|left|135 px|Ooro en el momento de su sacrificio. Ooroo viaj\u00F3 a Koros y acord\u00F3 con la Emperatriz Teta formar un ej\u00E9rcito de defensa contra el posible ataque de los Sith. Ooroo y Odan-Urr dirigieron la defensa de Kirrek con las tropas de la Emperatriz mientras esperaban que llegasen los refuerzos. Los atacantes massassi superaron las l\u00EDneas de defensa tetanas, y la meditaci\u00F3n Jedi de Odan-Urr fracas\u00F3. Ooroo tuvo que unirse a la lucha sacrificando su propia vida para destruir a los guerreros Sith haciendo a\u00F1icos su tanque de cian\u00F3geno, que inund\u00F3 los pulmones de los massassis, matando a muchos de ellos instant\u00E1neamente. Al no poder respirar ox\u00EDgeno Ooroo se hizo uno con la Fuerza en brazos de Odan-Urr."@es . . . . . . . . "Nacido en Celegia Ooroo fue uno de los pocos celegianos que abandonaron su mundo. Adem\u00E1s era sensible a la Fuerza y pudo llegar a convertirse en un Maestro Jedi de Ossus gracias a su sistema de soporte vital, que consist\u00EDa en un cristal amarillo que manten\u00EDa la atm\u00F3sfera de cian\u00F3geno para permitirle sobrevivir."@es . "Ei ole"@fi . "Ooroo"@en . "5000"^^ . . . . "Male"@en . "Jedi"@es . "\u0423\u0440\u0443"@en . . . "Ooroo"@es . . . . "Ei ole"@fi . "Ooroo"@en . . . "250"^^ . .