. . "From: [[]] \t It is useful to be with them, for now. It remains to be seen whether your employer will keep its promise to them - and whether it will consider you one of them - but you have much to gain here. Your eye is on the prize. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "\"Fondness,\" you suggest, \"is a coin like any other.\"\n[\u2026] When the time comes, you will be placed at the fulcrum of powers. Look ahead, to the light of the Judgement. All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."@en . "You tell the Masters that \"fondness\" is just another coin. They, and their employer, have invested in you and you promise to repay that investment. Each Master reacts differently to these words: One with melancholy, one with suspicion, one thinks you speak of revenge. Only Mr. Wines winks at you.\nYou, however, look ahead to the light of the Judgement. When you'll be at the center of power. When all shall be well."@en . "A Conversation on the Road"@en . . "It is useful to be with them, for now. It remains to be seen whether your employer will keep its promise to them - and whether it will consider you one of them - but you have much to gain here. Your eye is on the prize."@en . . "A practiced distance"@en . "Prevaricate 2"@en . . . "From: [[]] \t It is useful to be with them, for now. It remains to be seen whether your employer will keep its promise to them - and whether it will consider you one of them - but you have much to gain here. Your eye is on the prize. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__"@en .