. "Antioch is a high-ranking officer working in the Central City Authority, acting as Captain of the City Guard. He is currently in league with Nabonidus and the other Dark Dreamkeepers."@en . . . . "Jobber's Delight"@en . . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Antioch/preload editintro=Antioch/editintro width=25 Antioch is a Catholic Youth Community. It is a parish based program for 16 to 24 year olds. It is based around a weekend experience, and a weekly group meeting involving prayer, sharing, guided talks, singing and socialising."@en . . "2008"^^ . . . "Antioch is a city in Greece. It was in Antioch that the disciples of Jesus were first called \"Christians\" (Acts 11:26)."@en . . "Antioch is a city inland from the Mediterranean sea. This city became home to the first Christian church outside of the land of Israel and was the first place in which followers of Jesus were referred to as Christians. The city was founded by Seleucus I in 300 BC, and its port, which was called Seleucus, was founded at about the same time. Antioch had a population of Greeks from Athens and Macedonia, and also a sizeable Jewish population. The Romans took it in as part of their empire, and next to Rome and Alexander, it became the third great city of the empire."@en . . "15"^^ . "Antioch is a city inland from the Mediterranean sea. This city became home to the first Christian church outside of the land of Israel and was the first place in which followers of Jesus were referred to as Christians. The city was founded by Seleucus I in 300 BC, and its port, which was called Seleucus, was founded at about the same time. Antioch had a population of Greeks from Athens and Macedonia, and also a sizeable Jewish population. The Romans took it in as part of their empire, and next to Rome and Alexander, it became the third great city of the empire. After Stephen's martyrdom in Jerusalem, some of the disciples scattered to Antioch and started preaching to the Greeks. When the Christians in Jerusalem heard that many people in Antioch were becoming believers in Christ, they sent Barnabas there, who in turn brought Paul, to help the new converts. Paul and Barnabas stayed there for one year, and Paul began and ended his second missionary journey from there. When the prophet Agabus predicted a famine for Israel, the church in Antioch generously sent financial aid to Jerusalem to aid their brethren. Peter also visited Antioch."@en . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . "8.0"^^ . . . "Antioch"@en . "Reinforcements under the leadership of Executor Artanis arrived at Antioch, having successfully engaged numerous zerg patrols in the lands surrounding it. Fortifying the base, the protoss then launched a successful counterattack against the zerg Tiamat Brood forces which occupied the ridge to the north."@en . "Antioch"@en . "Antioch was a city on Earth which the First Doctor and Susan visited before meeting Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. They visited the city around the time of Jesus Christ. The Doctor found it a \"brutal and murderous place\". He went on to call it \"terrible\", replete with \"slavery, crime in the streets, everybody stabbing everyone else in the back\". He held the same views of Rome and Jerusalem, other ancient Earth cities the two Gallifreyans visited together. (PROSE: Byzantium!)"@en . "Antioch was an ancient city of Assyria on Earth. The Obnoxious Gate Guard of Falderal requested for the Holy One Ton Tomato of Antioch. However it was a nonsense quest for an artifact that doesn't exist, in a location that existed in a separate realm of the multiverse, and not on the Realm of Eldritch."@en . . . . "mentioned"@en . . . . . "Antioch is a city in Greece. It was in Antioch that the disciples of Jesus were first called \"Christians\" (Acts 11:26)."@en . "2000"^^ . . . "Antioch"@en . "Lecuna"@en . . . . "1297"^^ . . . . . "25"^^ . . "Antioch was an ancient city of Assyria on Earth. The Obnoxious Gate Guard of Falderal requested for the Holy One Ton Tomato of Antioch. However it was a nonsense quest for an artifact that doesn't exist, in a location that existed in a separate realm of the multiverse, and not on the Realm of Eldritch."@en . "Captain of the City Guard\n\nDark Dreamkeeper"@en . . . "green"@en . . . . "Viridian"@en . "Note: this page is updated within each few days."@en . "Antioch is a city mentioned by Sir Galahad and Arthur Pendragon during the King Arthur's Knights special encounter."@en . . "Antioch is a high-ranking officer working in the Central City Authority, acting as Captain of the City Guard. He is currently in league with Nabonidus and the other Dark Dreamkeepers."@en . . . "Active"@en . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Antioch/preload editintro=Antioch/editintro width=25 Antioch is a Catholic Youth Community. It is a parish based program for 16 to 24 year olds. It is based around a weekend experience, and a weekly group meeting involving prayer, sharing, guided talks, singing and socialising."@en . "Volume 4"@en . . . . . "Antioch"@en . . . . "The kingdom of Antioch shared a border with Carpathia. The neighbouring kingdoms nearly went to war when Vitron plotted to steal Prince Alexandros' throne."@en . "0.6"^^ . . . . "Antioch is Fatz Geronimo's pet spider that would descend from the ceiling above the stage ( between Fatz and Dook LaRue) on center stage of The Rock-afire Explosion. Antioch took his name from the location of the first ShowBiz Pizza Place location, in Antioch Center in Kansas City, Missouri."@en . "33.0"^^ . . "90532"^^ . . . . "27"^^ . "Antioch is Fatz Geronimo's pet spider that would descend from the ceiling above the stage ( between Fatz and Dook LaRue) on center stage of The Rock-afire Explosion. Antioch took his name from the location of the first ShowBiz Pizza Place location, in Antioch Center in Kansas City, Missouri."@en . . . . . . "Antioch is a city mentioned by Sir Galahad and Arthur Pendragon during the King Arthur's Knights special encounter."@en . "AntiochSeal.png"@en . . "Note: this page is updated within each few days."@en . . "22"^^ . "27.6"^^ . "10"^^ . . "Venst"@en . "yes"@en . "In 2012, Abstergo Industries used a virtual representation of the location in the second stage of the Animi Training Program. The simulation depicted a thriving city that had a large building, presumably a mosque, at its center, as well as an accompanying minaret. Traffic circled this mosque continuously, necessitating wide roads and open spaces, making hiding difficult. Though most residences were structurally sound, a part of town had fallen into disrepair. In the distance, one could glimpse the city's massive fortification walls. Antioch, like most of the simulated locations in the first and second stage, had two aesthetic variations. As such, it could be utilized during dusk or the day."@en . "Antioch was a city on Earth which the First Doctor and Susan visited before meeting Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. They visited the city around the time of Jesus Christ. The Doctor found it a \"brutal and murderous place\". He went on to call it \"terrible\", replete with \"slavery, crime in the streets, everybody stabbing everyone else in the back\". He held the same views of Rome and Jerusalem, other ancient Earth cities the two Gallifreyans visited together. (PROSE: Byzantium!)"@en . "-7"^^ . "FO2"@en . . . "A border planet between the Kurgans and the Vuldroks. A religious leader the Palindindrax has ruled this planet since the Fall protecting it from the rivals outside factions."@en . . . "Autocratic"@en . . "Antioch was a crew on the Viridian Ocean. Before they became defunct, they flew the flag of Vanguard. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . "2007"^^ . . . . . . "5009779"^^ . "In 2012, Abstergo Industries used a virtual representation of the location in the second stage of the Animi Training Program. The simulation depicted a thriving city that had a large building, presumably a mosque, at its center, as well as an accompanying minaret. Traffic circled this mosque continuously, necessitating wide roads and open spaces, making hiding difficult. Though most residences were structurally sound, a part of town had fallen into disrepair. In the distance, one could glimpse the city's massive fortification walls."@en . "No"@en . "The kingdom of Antioch shared a border with Carpathia. The neighbouring kingdoms nearly went to war when Vitron plotted to steal Prince Alexandros' throne."@en . "A border planet between the Kurgans and the Vuldroks. A religious leader the Palindindrax has ruled this planet since the Fall protecting it from the rivals outside factions."@en . "Antioch was a crew on the Viridian Ocean. Before they became defunct, they flew the flag of Vanguard. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . . "-8"^^ . . . "black"@en . . . . "7"^^ . . . "Reinforcements under the leadership of Executor Artanis arrived at Antioch, having successfully engaged numerous zerg patrols in the lands surrounding it. Fortifying the base, the protoss then launched a successful counterattack against the zerg Tiamat Brood forces which occupied the ridge to the north."@en . .