"6348411"^^ . "* To have Questionable Allegiance completed\n* At least Level 140"@en . . . . . "You brought Nobunaga's commanders back to Momijigaoka while Tadakatsu fended off the remaining enemy troops. It's time to report to Princess Sakuno."@en . "These territories are no longer safe. Return to Momijigaoka and talk to Tadakatsu."@en . "NPC Honda Tadakatsu.png"@en . "58"^^ . "Hideyoshi and Ieyasu have left the Oda ranks and joined the alliance. This will cripple Nobunaga's ambitions. The final battle is almost here!"@en . . "Quests/58/No Love for the Demon King"@en . "No Love for the Demon King"@en . "#Talk to Honda Tadakatsu in Honnou-ji Eastern Wall.\n#Talk to Princess Sakuno in Momijigaoka."@en . .