. "(Prendel 3 colony command centre) alarms were blaring all over the place \"they're getting closer sir\" an ensign said \"darn those machines didn't the perimeter minefield take care of them?\" his CO replied \"no they're advancing pretty quickly nothing seems capable of stopping them\" \"how long?\" \"they'll be able to land in around 30 hours sir\" \"whats the closest starship to our location?\" \"the USS Firebreather is around 24 hours away if they come at maximum speed\" \"send them a message detailing the situation\" \"aye sir\" the ensign pressed a few buttons and the message was away (1 hour later)"@en . "Men and Machines"@en . . "(Prendel 3 colony command centre) alarms were blaring all over the place \"they're getting closer sir\" an ensign said \"darn those machines didn't the perimeter minefield take care of them?\" his CO replied \"no they're advancing pretty quickly nothing seems capable of stopping them\" \"how long?\" \"they'll be able to land in around 30 hours sir\" \"whats the closest starship to our location?\" \"the USS Firebreather is around 24 hours away if they come at maximum speed\" \"send them a message detailing the situation\" \"aye sir\" the ensign pressed a few buttons and the message was away (USS Firebreather Bridge) Rantonia was sitting in his ready room when a message flashed up on his laptop screen he read it \"4 borg cubes are closing on prendel 3 they are 30 hours away you are the only ship capable of getting here before them please assist\" he read then he stood up and walked onto the bridge \"senior officers conference room now\" he ordered (5 minutes later conference room) all the senior staff were seated as rantonia repeated the message for them \"Emily you're the borg expert on board would you care to make some general points about them?\" Rantonia said Emily stood up \"the borg rely on their collective consciousness to guide them if that link is severed they become confused and tend to activate their emergency protocols these are basic survival functions that don't include assimilation unfortunatley we don't know of anyway to severe the link between drone and collective so we have to look at their other weakness which is that they can't adapt to melee attacks they also have to recharge after a cretain amount of time and will not attack until you are deemed a threat\" she said \"right so whats the plan?\" She'Mott asked \"we do what starfleet regulations requires us to do which is respond to any distress call ok Mr Munitiz set your course for prendel 3 at maximum warp. Lt Jovak arm security up ready for borg incursions onto this ship and onto the planet itself. Emily any issues concerning fighting borg aggressively such as incursions onto cubes or counter-attacks on the planet I leave to you as you have the most expierience. Meanwhile Medical and engineering departments will be starting a full evacuation of the colony and they will be seeing to any wounded should the borg land during the evacuation which they probably will for the evacuation to work I think our best option is to land the ship on the planet so it does not come under attack however we can get more people out if we're in orbit that we will decide when we come to it understood?\" Rantonia said \"yes sir\" everyone else said \"Right everyone get to it\" Rantonia said \"Captain, i have a concern, where are the civilians supposed to go?\" the doctor spoke to him as he lingered staring out the window. \"I have no idea doctor, what other ships are in the facinity?\" \"No idea, i think there is the Redemption, that's about it.\" \"What class is she?\" \"A small defiant.\" \"Do you know the colonies population off hand?\" \"Somewhere around the 100,000,000 mark.\" \"With that, it would take at least 4000 trips.\" \"Exactly.\" Dragomire objected, \"But, there is a way. What if we use nature.\" \"Nature?\" \"Yes, we evacuate all non-essential personel from the ship and the refuges from the colonies to the outer rim of the planet, or to the northern caves and protect them?\" \"But again doctor, we would need guards.\" \"I am sure there are guards from the planet, and i could take a hopper of marines with me on my detail.\" \"So far Doctor, that sounds like the best idea, work with engineering and Colonel Sullivan, work on setting up a perimeter fencing, prepare for heavy casualties, only leave the emh on board.\" \"Yes captain.\" the doctor said as the captain remained in the briefing room. he rushed to sickbay, the sirens were ringing thru the corridors, the commanders young niece was with him in sickbay. \"Sarah.We are going to be seeing some bothersome things down there, seeing on how you are 15 it is really not recommended that you come with me, but i do need your hands... it is yours and your uncles decision, i will personally guard you with my life. \" The doctor knelt before the young woman. \"My duty is to help those in need Doctor, i will tell uncle bertus what you had said. and i will tell you my decision soon.\" SArah said, straightening her jumpsuit, as she left the main sickbay. \"Computer locate all medical staff and tell them to report to sickbay immediately.\" The doctor said as he pearched himself on his desk. Folded his arms, as the first bit of officers arrived. Emily had called the platoon together in the marine area they formed their 3 ranks of 5 as they had done so often \"alright people we're heading to prendel 3 to evacuate the colony before the borg can assimilate them however the plan which lt cmmdr Dragonmire has just told me on my way down here is that we take them from the colony to caves which are around 2 days journey away from the colony. Our objective is to get the people to those caves and protect for as long as we can.\" Emily said \"also as its the borg and there is a significant chance of a riot I want DNA sensors on all your equipment so only you can use it. ok prepare the ember and have the equipment modified. Dismissed\" Emily left for her quarters and began to look at detailed overhead maps of the cave area there was only one way through to them by the look of it a small mountain pass if they set transport inhibiters up on the caves side of the pass they could set a fence up in the pass and hold them there. Then she did some rough calculations to allow the entire population of the colony to escape the borg they would have to hold out for... a week. Emily stared at the screen could 16 people hold of a swarm of borg for that long and that was only if the remdemption went unscathed if it had an engine problem it would be longer. Hansman walked to Rantonia. \"Captain. i'm a medical man. I'm sure that my med skills will be more usefull then me being on the bridge to command it. We allso have the ECH witch can be activated if needed. (off: Mat, al and I have talked about a ECH a while back and agreed on it. we have a ECH. I know that there are more prommy's that have them. On the prommy the ECH and the EMH are two comepletely different holograms so the EMH and ECH can run simultaniously.) I request permission to help in Sickbay Sir.\" Andre nodded. He knew that Bertus' heart lay in Sickbay. He was an exeptional XO and loved his job but whenever he had a change he could be found in Sickbay. He ran double shifts a lot to be able to work in Sickbay and keep his Medical knowledge up to date. \"Permission Granted.\" Bertus left the bridge, on his way to Sickbay. \"Hansman to Dragomire. Could you use my help in Sickbay?\" the man asked. The turbolift doors opend and Sarah stood before them. Reply came quick. \"I sure would sir.\" \"Okay. i'm on my way.\" Bertus stepped out of the turbolift. \"What is it Sarah?\" They both walkde towards Sickbay. \"Uncle. I would like to help Doctor Dragomire if that is okay by you.\" The girl looked at him. \"I know I can help there. And I am old enought to handle the images there. One day I will see them out anyway.\" \"I know sweety. If you want to help you may. Come, walk with me. We have to do something before we go into sickbay.\" They walked back to the turbolift. \"Engineering\" After a few moments the turbolift arrived at engineering. Bertus and Sarah left the lift and entered Engineering. \"Karina. Come here for a moment.\" The woman raced to him. \"Yes Bertus? Ah, hello Sarah. What brings you two down here?\" Karina was a good friend of Bertus and she was the wife of the Captain, who was a great friend of Bertus too. Ever since he had started on the Firebreather, as XO, they became very close friends. \"You know that Sarah has become Doctor Dragomire's assistent? He's teaching her basic med skills.\" \"Yes. I heard about that.\" \"Well. I thought that it was a good time that she got her own combadge. Cause there could turn situations up that she needs to ask Rob's assistence.\" \"Ah. I see. Well. I have an extra combadge right here.\" Karina walked to a draw, full of combadges. \"Here you are. Computer. Add combagde serial number 456 A5 78L to the Starfleet Communications system\" \"Please input name and position of user\" \"Sarah Hansman. Service Civilian Medical assistent and student. Full communications authorisation inner ship.\" \"Combagde has been added to Starfleet Communications System.\" Karina neeld down. \"Allow me\" she said and put the combadge on Sarah's cheast. \"Okay girl. Now. Try it.\" Sarah tapped her Combadge. \"Sarah Hansman to Doctor Dragomire\" \"Dragomire here. Sarah. How did you get a combadge?\" \"Uncle Bertus got it for me so that I can get in tough with you if I need help with an patient.we are on our way to Sickbay. Sarah out.\" \"Okay\" Bertus said. \"We now need to check one last thing. Computer. Locate Sarah Hansman\" \"Sarah Hansman is located in Engineering sector 023 of that compartment.\" With all the frustrations Jovak was causing in her heart She'mott decided she would like to go to the planets surface with the rescue team.She went to find Sr. Comdr. Hansman. \"Computer, locate Commander Hansman,\" she asked. \"Commander Hansman is in sickbay at this time.\" it answered She left for the sick bay, arriving she notice that the senior officer was now in scrubs and placing trays of equipment out. \"Sir , may I have a word with you.\" she stopped him. \"What is it Lt.?\" he asked \"Sir, I would like to go to the surface with the rescue team, in my blood I am a warrior, and it is hard for me to sit still at my station if I know a battle may ensue. I am asking permission to join the rescue party. Sir.\" she stood there waiting for his answerer. \"Are you sure you really want to take the chance, you just got here.\" he said concerned. \"Yes sir, I am sure.\" she said without hesitation. \"Hansman to Sullivan\" he tapped his comm. \"Sullivan here\" she replied. \"Emily I have a volunteer for the rescue team , Lt. She'mott would like to join you.\" he said looking at She'mott \"Good, I need some strong volunteers. Send her down and I will get her ready to go.\" she said singing off quickly. \"Permission granted, Lt., but come back to us in one piece, we don't want to loose our new science officer on her first assignment.\" he said with a pat on her shoulder. \"Thank you sir,\" she left with a smile on her face. She quickly ran to her quarters and changed into her fatigues and grabbed her bat'leth. Throwing it over her shoulder. She had had it made special for her since she was shorter than most Klingon's, but she never let her size get the best of her. She always knew how to use it to her advantage. Being smaller meant you could come up underneath the enemy to defeat them. She smiled to herself as she entered the turbolift to meet with Emily. Emily stood in the shuttlebay infront of the embers gangplank as the different teams arrived ready to be breifed. they had arried in orbit of prendel. she looked at them all ready to do their duty everyone of them silent She'Mott had been placed with the Marines. The marines and Emily had all changed into civilian clothing as it was easier to move around in Emily had made sure to leave her valiant service medal back in her quarters now she looked at Bertus and Rob neither of them stepped forward so she began to brief them. \" ok people you know what we have to do our objective is to get the colonys population to some caves which we have located a couple of days journey from the colony on the planet. the plan is to get them moving quickly towards the caves to give the engineering team more time to setup whatever sort of barrier they can however this can't be forcefields as borg can walk right through them. once in the caves we'll set up transport inhibiters to give us cover from any attempts by the borg to beam us out. The marines will stay around the barrier as it is inevitable that the borg will attempt to get past it. the planets security aren't accustomed to fighting borg so the marines will have to try to do as much of the fighting as they can. Medical teams should be aware that heavy casaulties are expected however under no circumstances do I expect you to go into the battle to get someone out I have a medic in the marines thats private moore he will try to get people out to the nearest medical team. The most important thing is that when we land we have 6 hours before the borg show up by the time we have unloaded the rations and other equipment we expect to only have 3 hours therefore rounding the people up and getting them moving as soon as possible is vital do I make myself clear?\" Emily said \"Yes Emily\" was said back at her by everyone then they started to get onto the ember which launched 5 miutes later and began to descend to the surface. \"O'Reilly you have the bridge\" Emily said as she went into the back to check on a few things. She checked each team then came to the medical team. where she noticed Sarah \"This isn't going to be a walk in the park\" Emily said \"no it won't\" \"right so you all set?\" \"yep I've got everything\" Emily stood up and reached into a cupboard and pulled out a phaser handing it to Sarah \"just in case\" Emily said Jovack made his way to the transporter with the others \"what are you doing here\" she'mott spat at him \"I have been ordered to made security teams for the ship and planet and i decided to go with the planet\". He responded with out much emotion so she would just get even more upset with him. Kligion females can be very deadly when really annoyed he just hoped Emily Sullivan knew what to expect from her. \"Stop it both of you\" Sullivan scolled them \"no more fighting you two other weis i seperate you two\". A couple securty guy came to the transporter \"6 to the planet ensign\" she called out to the transporter chief the embers transporters weren't that powerful but it meant that a few teams made it onto the planet before the ember landed this meant that people could be organised quickly which would now take priority as the teams disembarked from the ember Emily looked to Jackson \"Jackson take Reui amd Sardin along with the engineering detail and get to the caves on board the ember have the fencing set up by the time we get there\" she ordered \"ok\" Emily now turned to the crowd of people infront of her all from the colony some were starfleet officers one of them stepped forward \"my name is commander Sam Shaw i'm the CO on this colony\" he said Bertus stepped forwards \"I'm senior commander Bertus Hansman these are my fellow officers, Lt Col Emily Sullivan, Lt cmmdr Rob Dragonmire, Lt She'Mott and Lt Jovak we're all from the USS Firebreather\" \"so whats your plan?\" \"well we plan to move the colonys population to caves which are a couple of days away and hold out there while the redemption transports people away from the area to the nearest starbase which is starbase 532 I think\" Emily said \"ok how long before the borg get here?\" \"now we have everything unloaded around 3 hours\" \"ok lets move out\" the people began to move out of the colony Emily and the marines along with She'Mott stayed at the back around 5 metres behind the last person but ready to dash to the front if it became nessercary the next 3 hours would be decisive As the teams began to disperse, the doctor began looking around. He took his medical teams, and kept the young girl at his side watching over her carefully. He grappled onto his phaser rifle which was strapped to his back they made their way thru the brush. As they arrived at the first location he looked around, he tapped on his combadge and ordered that the tools begin to be beamed here. \"Sarah come with me, you and i are going to setup a field hospital inside of the cavern. This is were you are going to be working with me.\" As they proceeded into the caverns, the colourations of the stigmats were gorgeous, they blended well together, the caverns were deep and very protective. \"According to the readings, the caves were not meant to go this deep.\" Rob noticed as he pulled his tricorder out. He got no readings... there was no way to know the mapping past this point. he tapped on his combadge, and he was unable to get a signal. \"It could possibly have somethng to do with the magnetic core of the planet, it could be affecting the tricorder and all technology.\" Sarah stated. \"This could be our answer...\" he said moving quickly up the way, sarah followed him up. \"Colonel Sullivan come to Medical Site alpha.\" he requested. \"We may be able to hide everyone in one cavern away from the borg sensors.\" Sarah said with a grin on her face. Emily reached the cavern quickly and had a quick look at it it was big enough to fit the ember in and all the people \"my only concern is that whatevers blocking our sensors may also interfere with our phasers but its the best we have\" then she hit her combadge \"all teams to medical site alpha we have found a suitabnle hiding place\" she ordered (1 hour later) the last team had arrived and the ember had glided in to the back of the cavern so everything was looking good Emily was giving out orders \"Rob set your hospital up about 100 yards further into the cavern prepare for nearly assimilated people. Lt Jovak form your security teams up into ranks at the cave entrance on no account are you to leave that post as it is crucial to the caverns defence. Bertus you'd better go with Rob. Lt She'Mott you come with me and the marines we'll be preparing for a battle against borg by setting up mines and traps to cover our flanks.\" Emily said the marines walked out of the cavern and straight away had a problem around 1000 borg were heading up the hill towards them. \"drat I was hoping for a bit longer how long before the remdemption gets here?\" Emily asked \"around 5 hours\" O'Reilly responded \"alright then\" Emily started \"men you have faced many enemys during the time we have served together and now I ask you to stand your ground again. Give them no quarter give them a battle and above all come out alive so now I call on you by everything you Love to stand and fight let them know this no matter how many borg are sent against us we shall not yield in our defence. If anyone has done ancient Greek history you are probably aware of the battle of thremopylae where 300 spartans held off a million persians and now I ask that you fight like spartans hold your honour until your death don't let them take that from you. and Remember Death before Assimilation!\" Emily said then she turned to face the enemy \"for the federation,Starfleet and the Firebreather\" she said as she charged down the hill at the borg sword out followed swiftly by the marines She'Mott quickly took her bat'leth from off her back and charged down the hill with Emily. She was honored to be fighting with a woman of her caliber. She'Mott quickly made her bat'leth go into action. She didn't even waste her time with the phase cannon she had been given. She knew and always knew she would have to be ready for battle. Star Fleet had looked down upon her practice when she was in the academy. That is how she had met Jovak to begin with. Practicing one day on a holodeck. Now she fought with all her heart for the the Federation, her people and the man she loved protecting the others. It almost seemed wicked to enjoy what she was doing, but it gave her a renewed strength she had not felt in a long time. She kept an eye on Emily too, and covered her back. The two women were cutting up bodies and stumbling over them as they proceeded through the mass of Borg. The marines had taken a hard hit but many kept on fighting. No one wanted to be assimilated. NO ONE. The Borg had suffered a great loss, but Emily and She'mott knew they would be back and faster than they could recover. She'mott helped to gather the wounded and lead them to Dr. Dragomire and Bertus. She was covered in blood and looked as if she had been injured. She stood there and rested a moment before returning to the battlefield. Emily was helping a marine to the exam table. She looked at She'mott and nodded. The two women smiled at each other and left to help with more wounded. Andre stepped into engineering and wandered over to his wife who was checking systems on the ship. \"Well Karina, it's just you and me.\" he said. \"Yes...When the cats away\" Andre leaned forward to kiss his wife when a clatter was heard. Andre jolted. \"H..Hello?\" Karina said. Another clatter and a thud. An engineer was seen falling to the floor with his hand clutched to his neck. \"Karina, contact Bertus on the planet, tell him we're being boarded....NOW!\" Andre ordered, Karina turned and ran to a conn, Andre ran for the nearest turbolift and pushed the button, it arrived quickly and he stepped inside. \"Bridge\" On the bridge a skeleton crew was managing, he went into his ready room. He sat down and started typing on his laptop instantly. Down in engineering Karina had spoken to Bertus and turned to run from engineering, when she saw it infront of her. Andre could feel something, strange, like a part of him was missing. \n* Karina*, he stood and tapped his commbadge, it didn't beep. He ran out of his room but was too late. \"We are borg, you will be assimilated...resistence is futile\" Emily stood outside the cavern with a few men she was coordinating the positioning of traps and obstacles to cover the flanks these were mainly mines but they would do the job She'Mott appeared beside her \"where did you learn to fight like that?\" Emily asked \"I practised with my Bat'leth at starfleet academy during my spare time\" \"I had to master melee weapons while I was on board the Firebreather. well the medical report shows no fatalitys amoung the marines for the moment not a bad battle considering we only had 17 people fighting\" \"17 well trained people Emily you've taught them well\" Emily smiled \"you know its not every day I get complemented for doing my job\" she said (the next morning very early) Emily was sleeping against the cavern wall when O'Reilly walked over and woke her \"you won't believe this the borg have sent what appears to be a negoiating party\" he said \"how many drones?\" \"10\" \"wake the platoon and She'Mott silently have them take up position at the cavern entrance I'll see what they want\" Emily walked out of the cavern and stood 10 paces away from the drones \"what do you want?\" Emily asked \"Federation officer you have won a victory but it is only one and your resources are limited and your numbers few we have unlimited resources surrender while you still can\" the drone replied \"what makes you think we can't hold out?\" \"the ship in orbit prometheus class is under attack from 4 cubes probability dictates that your ship has a 1% survival chance\" \"You're probably right but Captain Rantonia doesn't give up without a fight and neither do I especially against borg so I'm going to reply now\" \"reply then and remember assimilation is inevitable. Even for your ship\" \"what do you mean?\" \"its been boarded your captain will soon be assimilated and brought down to the planet to be your undoing\" Emily took a deep breath \"heres my answer I was once a borg drone you claim perfection but you are a plague upon the galaxy you are bent on domination so now I tell you go back to the delta quadrant or die here\" Emily said as as she wnet back to the cavern and woke Jovak \"take all security teams back to the Firebreather immediatley the ships been boarded\" Emily said \"how do you know?\" \"the borg just said\" \"ok I'll take my teams back but we still won't be enough\" \"use your emergency beam outs they can get through sheilds\" \"ok Emily\" Emily now turned her attention back to the cavern entrance looking at now what seemed to be the impossible She'mott had overheard what Emily told Jovak. Her heart sank. She looked for him and found him. He was going to be one of the last to beam out. She went to him and kissed him hard. Hard enough to make his lip bleed. He held her tightly. Then turned to the pad. \"Fight well, Die well.\" she said to him as the he stepped towards the transporter area. \"It will be an honor.\" he said to her as he disappeared. She turned away and went back to her post. \"Today is a good day to die. But not for I and not for Jovak.\" she said to herself. \"may the Gods be with you my love.\" as she sank to the ground. Emily watched as She'Mott prayed, and then stood at attention. Ready for the next round. Jovak beamed back onboard \"rough transport?\" Ensign McMicheal asked when seeing his lip. Jovak wiped the blood away \"yeah you might say that\" thinking of what She'mott just told him, she still had feelings for him. She had always been an odd Kligion girl but that is probably what hit him the first time. \"Lets move it out\" Jovak said \"watch out you may only get 2-3 shots before they adapt to it\" They went to the Bridge where the captain and his wife was. 4 drones went to them to hold them back in their slow Frankenstein walk. One of the oficers shot one \"What part of make them count don't you understand?\" Jovak yelled at him \"I paniked\" the young man explained the Other 3 continued to move towards them Jovak stepped up and was able to knok a card out from one of them that made it go heiwire and quickly got out of their reach. That seemed to be their only advnage was hand to hand and it was only by their speed Emily stood with She'Mott,Rob and Bertus they were talking about what to do next \"Where is the remdemption?\" Bertus asked \"about 1 day away\" Rob replied \" great and the borg are really going to wait one day without attacking us aren't they\" Emily said \"they know that if they capture and assimilate the firebreather that we only have the ember to use as a get away ship\" She'Mott said \"Ok\" Bertus said \"Emily and She'Mott keep those borg held up don't allow them inside the cavern Rob get back to your medical duties and I'll keep an eye out for the redemption\" Emily and She'Mott moved to the cavern entrance where the marines were now digging in a couple of holes where they could fight from if they were caught off guard. Emily looked around at the cavern and then put her hands on her head \"we'll have to fight them in the caverns entrance now theres only 17 of us\" Emily said \"yep which means moving people further back into the cavern to give us fighting space\" \"It also means we'll only have our sniper rifles open to us as a ranged weapon as if we get further back into the cavern our phasers won't work due to intereference from the cavern itself\" \"and if they get in close we'll have to fight together rather than individually\" \"exactly which is why I want to have an alternate route out of this cavern just in case the borg look like they'll beat us\" \"right\" Emily looked out of the cavern and gasped \"Oh no\" she said what she had seen was a huge amount of borg drones marching over a hill no more than around 12 hours from them \"get the marines here, tell Bertus to look for another way out and get Rob to move his med station back a bit.\" Emily ordered Jovak and other officers were going after the borg shooting phasers only so offten untill they had adaped to any kind of fire from their phasers This wasn't good even though Jovak was a kligion it only gave him a strength advantage over his crew men. Jovak saw a borg grab McMichael and beamed off the ship. no surprise what is going to happen to him. he saw a few of his officer get off easy and gotten killed either by a crew member to prevent them becoming a borg or the borg did it themselves The marines stood in the caverns entrance watching as the borg horde closed in slowly a sound from over head caught Emilys attention the Redemption had arrived not a moment to soon Emily thought now she returned her focus back to the coming battle which could determine how mant people got off the surface. \"Marines listen carefully by now the borg will have adapted to each of our fighting styles so we have to try something different. form 2 ranks\" Emily said the marines formed 2 ranks Emily and She'Mott in the front rank \"Front rank make ready with melee weapons. second rank ready phasers put them on modulating frequency\" Emily ordered the borg marched forward Emily spoke to the marines as she always did before a battle \"We fight here in an attempt to give our friends time to get off the surface. we will fight until our strength leaves us. Remember that if you lose your strength then I would like you to retreat back to the ember. Finally fight with honour and die with your honour if you must\" this was greeted by cheers from the marines Emily turned back to the borg they were close \"second rank Fire!\" she said the volley took out around 5 borg \"fire\" Emily said again 5 borg fell \"second rank switch to melee weapons and make ready to attack\" hands tightened around grips of weapons and each person took their weapon into its back swing and held it there all waiting for Emilys word. The borg were closer and closer they were 10 yards... 5 yards... 3 yards... they were right infront of them \"Now\" Emily shouted the front rank of marines swung their weapons and took the heads off the first line of borg. Emily and the marines were fighting as hard as they could but the numbers were against them and gradually they were having to fall back still killing many drones but they just kept coming they were backing towards the cavern when Emily looked round, Rob you stupid idiot, she thought what she could see was Rob, Sarah and a medical team standing at the cavern entrance. Emily tried to hold the borg back but it was inevitable that they would be forced back eventually they were rigt infront of the medical station Emily found herself infront of the medical post fighting this was the one place she didn't want to be. She sliced one borg then turned and saw a sight that made her heart stop beating she could See Sarah cornered and 2 borg on her Emily acted quickly she jumped infront of the borg and destroyed one and was about to turn to deal with the other when... \"ah\" she groaned the second borg had stabbed her upper arm with its nanite injectors she was at its mercy when Sarah shot it with her phaser Emily now knew what was coming she had expected this since the battle started she looked at She'Mott \"lieutenant you have the marines hold these machines of as long as you can\" Emily said then a transporter locked on to Emily and beamed her out to a cube. She'mott saw Emily get attacked then disappear from site. She saw the look of fear in Sarah eyes. She grabbed the child and pushed her away from the oncoming drones. She'mott was making her bat'leth fly as fast as the drones pushed her. She called to the marines with her. Move into the cave we are gong to have to fight on our own ground. She turned for a moment to see the doctor and Sarah run towards the ship still inside the cave. Most everyone was gone and just a few remained. She hit her comm. \"Someone fire up the ship we are getting out we have to find Emily before it is too late. Marines retreat to the ship and cover your backs. Move it people.\" she was entering the ship when she felt a stab in her arm. She looked and she had been injected with the nanites. She turned to the others and took her bat'leth and aimed it towards he self. \"Today was a good day to die,\" Emily appeared on the command deck of the cube it seemed to be deserted she took her chance and hit her combadge \"Emily to O'Reilly\"she said \"O'Reilly here\" \"report\" \"forced to leave the surface in the ember with all remaining personel on board Lt She'Mott is in the sickbay Private Moore is treating her were're about to exit the atmosphere your orders?\" \"Listen Tim this is a direct Order get the heck out of the prendel system and tell captain Rantonia to do the same. Sullivan out\" Emily stood there feeling her right upper arm where the nanites had gone in it was a deep wound she ripped off both sleeves of the civilian shirt she was using and tied them around the wound to keep the blood in then she heard a sound behind her and found herself in the presence of the cubes commanding Drone. \"well look who it is\" the drone said \"what do you mean?\" \"hello 3 of 14\" Emily froze that had been her borg designation \"How do you know that? I'm not supposed to be assimilated for another...\" \"104 years. Starfleet isn't the only civilisation to travel back in time 3 of 14\" \"stop calling me that I'm Lt Col Emily Sullivan of the USS Firebreather which represents the Pathfinder Alliance fleet\" \"really\" \"why follow me?\" \"your node holds secrets valuble to the collective secrets which have to be stopped from falling into federation hands\" \n* Which explains why my files are locked* Emily thought then she spoke \"what do you intend to do with me?\" \"re assimilate you\" \"Not a chance\" Emily said as she pulled out her sword \"resistance is futile\" \"I choose to resist\" \" drones attack assimilate her\" Emily ducked the first drone then began to slice her way through the other drones as quick as lightning she knew what she had to do which was use this cube to blow up the other 3 cubes and this one. she really hoped the Firebreather still had its sheilds. She'Mott sat straight up in the bio bed screaming \"no\" she looked around and noticed it was not a Borg ship. She was in a star fleet sick bay. A nurse came running over to her. She'mott looked and was confused. The nurse gave her a hypospray to the neck to calm her down. \"What happened?\" she asked. \"I will get someone for you, he has been waiting for you to wake up.\" she said leaving the room. She'mott watched as Jovak entered the room. \"How are you feeling?\" he asked \"Sore and anxious.\" she said. \"What do you remember?\" he asked. \"We were battling the Borg and trying to leave the cave and I got injected with the nanites, I didn't want to be assimilated, it is not a honorable death. So I turned my bat'lith on myself, after that I don't remember a thing.\" she said searching his eyes for answers. \"Well you fell to your side and the bat'lith sliced you open across there.\" he said pointing to stomach under her ribs. It was not a fatal wound, but it served it purpose. The nanites did not spread due to the threat of imminent death on you part, so they were retrieved and taken out of your system. You will be whole again soon. For now rest, I will check on you later.\" he said touching her hand. \"Thank you Jovak, I take it we haven't found Emily yet?\" she asked. \"No, but we are pursuing the vessel she is on.\" he said to her. \"Find her Jovak, she is a great warrior and deserves a more honorable way to die.\" she said. \"We will, now rest.\" he said leaving her. jovak left the fowl woman to herself and doctor dragomire to get back to his station. Almost everyone knew a borg cube was faster than a starship. Emily sullivan seemed more harder to recaptur for the uss firebreather it seemed hopeless for them to do something unless emily could turn the borg ship around or make it stop or slow it down. The Borg were off the firebreather with only ensign McMicheal taken capture and more than likely become assimilated Emily sliced the nearest drones legs off as she made her way towards the cubes reactor she was tiring now and the drones were constantly coming at her in fresh waves but she had a plan she reached the station and suddenly her memory began to recall moments when she as a drone had served on this cube she could remember the access code to the console she punched it in and full access granted now it was time to finish this she looked for the nearest planet which turned out to be Itari 5 only 10 minutes away great set course and reconfigure the consoles access codes so the course couldn't be altered then she made her way to the reactors hatch where she stopped something was there but she couldn't see it or them she could only hear and that was the drones downfall as it found itself with a sword in the neck then she took out a caesium charge and configured the fuse for 5 minutes which by her watch would be how long it would take to get to Itari 5 then she placed some charges on top of the reactor and made for a way off the cube she found an airlock when she reached it however standing infront of it was the cubes commander \"Now what do you do 3 of 14 die foolishly or live perfectly?\" the drone said \"I think we both know the answer to that question except you haven't said it yet\" Emily said as the drone came towards her \"your ship will be assimilated if you try anything funny\" \"you'd try to assimilate it anyway thats how a machine thinks however I'm not a machine I'm a human and I have decided that this cube is about to go sky high.\" \"your point?\" \"the differences between men and machines\" the cube shook they had entered Itari 5s atmosphere Emily was thrown against the wall and the drone tried to jump on her and they fought Emily managed to throw the drone off and back away to the airlock door as she raised her phaser pistol which she intended to fire right at the charges she had planted. \"I offered the borg a chance on Prendel I said go back to the delta quadrant borg or die by my hand. you chose to stay. so heres my judgement\" Emily said then she fired and watched as the explosion raced towards her then she leapt out of the airlock and onto the planets surface and there her wounds finally hit her and she collasped. (Firebreather bridge) cheers erupted around the bridge the cube was destroyed \"yes... yes\" Munitiz said as he hit his console in celebration \"I don't believe it\" Jovak said \"we survived the borg\" \"yes Lt we did but at what cost?\" Hansman said then suddenly all the people on the bridge realised who had been on that cube. Rantonia looked across to science \"no life signs sir\" the ensign said \"but I'm reading caesium\" \"she destroyed it herself then knowing full well what the cost would be alright then Munitiz drop a shuttle onto the planet just incase she has cheated death again and then get us out of here\" Rantonia said \"aye sir\" Munitiz responded (2 minutes later) \"shuttle has reached the planet sir\" munitiz said \"set course for tetran 9 which is where we were going before we had this call\" \"course laid in\" \"engage\" (Itari 5) Emily gingerley got to her feet her wounds were still bad but she couldn't wait around on Itari 5 any longer she had to get back to the Firebreather she looked around and saw that there was a starfleet shuttle around 100 metres from her she made for it entered and programmed the navicomputer to rendevous with the Firebreather she put it on auto pilot and then fell unconscious again as the shuttle took off. (Hansmans quarters) Bertus sat down at his desk what a few days it had been borg, borg and more borg he smiled as Andre walked in and was about to speak when a message came up on his laptops screen. it read \"Senior Commander Hansman you are hereby ordered to take a shuttle and rendevous with the USS Peacerunner this will transport you to Earth you are to bring all infomation concerning the AT56 with you. signed Admiral George Parel\" Bertus read then to Andre \"request permission to go sir\" he said \"granted I'll help you pack\" andre replied with a smile on his face (2 days later Firebreather shuttlebay) Andre,Bertus and Sarah walked into the shuttlebay it was an odd scene the ember was there being repaired by the marines but no sign of Emily they knew O'Reilly would do a good job but he would never be able to replace Emily. Bertus placed his suitcase on the shuttle and was about to say goodbye when another shuttle landed in the bay. \"expecting visitors?\" O'Reilly said \"no\" Rantonia replied \"alright marines set for stun\" Bertus moved to the shuttles door and pulled the manual release then in went the marines and from outside Andre,Bertus and Sarah all heard O'Reillys voice \"Oh Heck\" he said. 2 minutes later they saw what it was Emily was lying unconscious on a makeshift strecher which was actually a strip of metal from the shuttles interior she was being connected to several machines which Private Moore had brought across from the ember. \"Oh no\" Rantonia said \"is she dead?\" Sarah asked \"No shes not\" Moore said \"but she will be like this for a few hours at least. However I don't want to move her to main sickbay I would like to use the marine facilities as they are more accustommed to dealing with an ex-borg\" \"shes your Superior Officer O'Reilly what do you think?\" Rantonia asked \"Moore take her to the marine area immediately\" O'Reilly ordered then he turned to Sarah \"you're the one who would like to be a CMO aren't you?\" O'Reilly asked \"yes sir\" \"look I'm like Emily I prefer first names Sarah mines Tim. listen go with private Moore his names Mark he'll show you a few medical things and you might be able to help bring Emily around\" Sarah smiled and went with Moore O'Reilly turned to Bertus \"I'll let you know if her condition changes Sir\" O'Reilly said \"thanks Tim I appreciate that\" She'Mott was returning to her regular duties since the accident. She was still stiff and all but she knew she was needed and could not show any weakness. She was glad that Emily was doing better and sad for the crew to loose Hansman. She had come to like the human man. He will be missed. She looked for Jovak as she entered the bridge. He was at his station. He turned and nodded his head to her as she walked to her station. She stood there gathering intel on what had transpired and was waiting for orders. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Jovak next to her. \"Are you ready to work again?\" he asked \"I will be fine, I am Klingon. Duty is first.\" she said looking at the Klingon male she loved. \"I was just,\" he stopped. \"I am OK, thanks for the concern.\" she said turning back to her console. Emily was still unconscious in the marine med bay she was connected to a drip and had a breathing tube in her mouth Private Moore and Sarah were doing their best but for the last 3 hours there had been no change in her condition. O'Reilly walked in \"any change?\" he asked \"none yet Tim\" Moore replied \"what if we talked to her? would that help?\" \"no harm in trying Tim\" O'Reilly sat down on a chair next to Emilys bed \"Emily can you hear me? Its Tim listen you remember the time that we had those poisonous spiders on board? and that 1 of them managed to bite me? well remember what you did? you went and got the antidote for me. It was the bravest thing anyone could have done and you did it.\" O'Reilly stopped as Rantonia walked in \"mind if I try?\" Rantonia said \"go ahead\" O'Reilly said as he swapped places with Rantonia who now spoke \"Emily I remember the times that you went against my authority most notably during the mission concerning the AT56. then I remember the time that you made the toughest decision ever and decided to leave me on starbase 464 hmm I remember you and Karina had a fight over that decision. And now I come to the moment when I was relieved of command you decided to lead a strike team onto the UFPs ship to break me out nearly resulting in your starfleet career being the price. so listen the ship needs you please come back\" Moore looked at the monitor \"minimal change but her life signs are still low\" he said Sarah began to speak \"I've not known you long Emily but you'd be surprised about what I know. For example I know that you're an ex- borg whos just contributed to the saving of a planet. I know that you are a skilled warrior who is unequalled with a sword. More importantly I know that you love my uncle Bertus and I know that Bertus knows that as well. Emily you are as hard as nails as flexible as elastic as skilled as a Samurai and as honourable as a Spartan and if those things alone don't pull you through then I don't know what will\" Moore checked the monitor \"shes coming round\" he said then to Sarah \"you should try that with every patient\" She'mott had heard of Emily regaining consciousness. She finished her shift and went to the marine sickbay to see her. She was surrounded by several others and she waited her turn to see her. Finally she got to speak to the woman. \"Emily, it was a great honor to fight with you, I look forward to doing it again in the future.\" she said straining to smile. \"How are your injuries? I had heard of your dilemma. You are well I hope?\" she asked She'mott \"I am doing better, I will need a while to work up to the same strength I was, but it will happen.\" she said. \"Then we will work and train together, so we can fight side by side again some day.\" Emily said to She'mott knowing it was a great honor to her. \"Yes, we can do that, I will enjoy it.\" said She'mott. \"I will let you rest now, It was good to see you. Get better so we can work later.\" she smiled. She'mott left Emily to her friends and returned to her quarters. As she was entering Jovak was coming out of his quarters. She turned to him and started to speak to him. He came over to her and pressed her against the wall. She didn't have the strength to resist. \"What?\" she asked quietly. \"Do you still love me?\" he asked looking deep into her eyes. \"You know I do, and always will. You and I are one. I never stopped loving you.\" she said a tears rolling down her cheek. \"That is not very Klingon of you to cry like that.\" he said. \"I am still in pain from the injury. I haven't been around my kind as of late. My strength is waining. I need to be stronger. I know. I...\" he kissed her to shut her up and she returned the kiss not biting his lip this time but sucking on it. The two of them kissed in the corridor for a few moments and Jovak pulled back. \"I just needed to know. I will see you later. Go and rest now. I have work to do.\" he leaned into her again and gave her a quick kiss and left. She turned into her quarters and collapsed on her bed. Emily walked to her quarters it felt good to get back to something she could do it hadn't been easy and O'Reilly had told her everything that had transpired on the ship during her absence she reached her quarters and entered them. She walked to her wardrobe and pulled out her uniform put it on and then was about to walk out of the door when she remembered her medal she walked back to the table and picked up the star shaped medal and pinned it to her collar then she headed for the bridge Emily arrived 2 minutes later and looked around her shift by the look of it not that it mattered she sat in the command chair and looked at the shift personel not bad she thought. \"Emily incoming message from Tetran 9\" Munitiz said \"on screen\" a federation officer appeared on the screen \"USS Firebreather you are cleared to dock in bay 5\" the officer said \"acknowledged firebreather out\" Emily said then she hit the communication button to all decks \"All personell we are now approaching tetran 9 when we dock everyone will be allowed shoreleave both to the station and planet\" she said then after closing the channel she looked at Munitiz \"take us in ensign\" she ordered"@en .