"*Hutt Empire (SWRP)\n*Bogan Empire\n*\n*\n*\n*Various independents"@en . "Great Hutt Wars is the fourth role-playing timeline on TheStarWarsRP.Com. The timeline began on July 15, 2009 and ended on July 18, 2011. The fourth timeline took place twenty years after the Alsakan Crisis, this time the enemy being the Hutt Empire led by Tusa the Hutt. As canonically the Sith had yet to be discovered, the Dark Side sect was the Bogan Empire, the successor of the Ospion Guardians. During the website\u2019s fourth timeline, the pre-Knights of the Old Republic setting and the course of the storyline were generating discontent amongst the website\u2019s members, leading the administrators to propose three potential new timelines: the Knights of the Old Republic era, the New Sith Wars era, and the concept that became Star Wars Legacies. The Legacies idea was approved by the site membership, and a think tank of administrators, fourth timeline faction leaders, and other members was put together to develop the timeline prior to its launch in the summer of 2011."@en . . . . "*Adas \n*Adrian Bac\n*Ahdam Bac\n*Aiden Bac\n*Alcor Bac\n*Analia Bac\n*Alexandros Corvellian\n*Dewbecca\n*Elias\n*Gorrbag\n*Tusa Ujalli Hai\n*Hisako Hoshiko\n*Arathilion Icquilu\n*Qailan Idani\n*Talzea Keldroma\n*Banik Kelrada\n*Colm Lorian\n*Malgarr\n*Jamall Mohatu\n*Elijha Oderyn\n*Homer Anthony Salandra\n*Violet Tempest\n*Rev Ultor\n*Xendor"@en . "*Core Worlds\n**Alderaan\n**Corellia\n**Coruscant\n*Colonies\n*Deep Core\n*Expansion Region\n*Inner Rim\n*Mid Rim\n*Outer Rim Territories\n**Esstran sector\n***Conscio\n***Korriban \n***Thule\n***Ziost\n*Unknown Regions \n*Wild Space"@en . . "Alsakan Crisis"@en . . "*SWRP administrators\n*Timeline think tank"@en . "Star Wars Legacies"@en . "*Alsakan Restoration Movement\n*Alsakan Union \n*Bogan Empire\n*Dark Jedi of the Bogan\n*Galactic Republic\n**Galactic Senate\n***Galactic Senator\n***Supreme Chancellor\n**Sector 13\n*Hutt Empire\n**Taung\n*Jade Armada\n*Jade Galactic\n*Jedi Order\n**Jedi Shadow\n*Ophuchi Clan\n*Ospion Guardians \n*Shade Order"@en . "2009-07-15"^^ . "Great Hutt Wars (timeline)"@en . . "Great Hutt Wars is the fourth role-playing timeline on TheStarWarsRP.Com. The timeline began on July 15, 2009 and ended on July 18, 2011. The fourth timeline took place twenty years after the Alsakan Crisis, this time the enemy being the Hutt Empire led by Tusa the Hutt. As canonically the Sith had yet to be discovered, the Dark Side sect was the Bogan Empire, the successor of the Ospion Guardians."@en . "TheStarWarsRP.Com community"@en . "*Alsakan Crisis \n**Battle of Coruscant \n**Conclave on Ossus \n*First Jedi Schism \n*Great Hutt Wars\n**Cold War \n**First Hutt War\n***Assault on the Jedi Temple\n***Attack on the Galactic Senate\n***Battle of Ando Prime\n***Battle of Bothwai\n***Battle of Corellia\n***Battle of Denon\n***Battle of Iridonia \n***Coup on Nal Hutta\n***Showdown in the Hutt Palace\n**Hutt Civil War \n***Attempted Hutt Coup of 12,977 BBY \n***Battle of Gos Nutta \n***Battle of Holast VII \n***Battle of Irith \n***Battle of Jilrau \n***Battle of Kafane \n***Battle of Nar Shaddaa \n***First Battle of Kor Nijiladii \n***First Battle of Nar Bo Sholla \n***First Battle of Nimban \n***First Battle of Tatooine \n***Second Battle of Kor Nijiladii \n***Second Battle of Nar Bo Sholla \n***Second Battle of Nimban \n***Second Battle of Tatooine \n**Second Hutt War\n***Assault on Alderaan\n***Battle of Coruscant\n***Battle of Dorin\n***Battle of Konstallen\n***Battle of Noob Hill\n***Battle on the Rimma Route\n***Battle of Tanaab\n**War of the Gods \n***Subjugation of Conscio \n***Subjugation of Thule \n***Subjugation of Ziost"@en . . "*Human\n*Hutt\n*Pantoran\n*Sith"@en . "12979"^^ . . "Great Hutt Wars"@en . "*Lightsaber"@en .