"*\n*The Assembly\n*"@en . "2551"^^ . "*Medical services coordinator \n*Infrastructure and security director"@en . "Female"@en . . . "Malekh"@en . "Malekh"@en . . . . "Malekh was a \"smart\" AI commissioned by the Colonial Administration Authority for use as an advanced medical services coordinator. Entering service at the climax of the Human-Covenant War, Malekh helped maintain several hospitals on Reach. She acted as both a logistical coordinator and hospital assistant, often providing support to human doctors during medical procedures. During the Fall of Reach Malekh was extracted by retreating UNSC forces and reassigned to the military for the duration of the war. She was active during the Battle of Earth, where she witnessed firsthand the horrors of total war. Following the conflict's end Malekh was recruited into the Assembly, a shadowy collective of AI dedicated to protecting humanity and subtly influencing galactic affairs. When the Created revealed themselves to the galaxy and moved to forcefully assume the Mantle of Responsibility Malekh joined the majority of the Assembly in joining their cause. Malekh is motivated by a deep and abiding compassion for humanity and firmly believes that the work the Created do will ultimately eradicate the scourge of war and with it organic suffering."@en . "Malekh was a \"smart\" AI commissioned by the Colonial Administration Authority for use as an advanced medical services coordinator. Entering service at the climax of the Human-Covenant War, Malekh helped maintain several hospitals on Reach. She acted as both a logistical coordinator and hospital assistant, often providing support to human doctors during medical procedures. During the Fall of Reach Malekh was extracted by retreating UNSC forces and reassigned to the military for the duration of the war. She was active during the Battle of Earth, where she witnessed firsthand the horrors of total war. Following the conflict's end Malekh was recruited into the Assembly, a shadowy collective of AI dedicated to protecting humanity and subtly influencing galactic affairs. When the Created reveale"@en . . . "*\n*"@en . . .