. "820"^^ . . . "W\u00E4hrend Annette Ingo dabei unterst\u00FCtzt, sein Leben wieder in den Griff zu bekommen, ringt Lena mit ihren Gef\u00FChlen f\u00FCr Maximilian. Der zieht alle Register, um Lena an sich zu binden. Als Ingo sich mit Lena vers\u00F6hnt, hegt Annette leise Zuversicht, dass sie alle drei wieder n\u00E4her zusammen r\u00FCcken k\u00F6nnten. Doch eine Entscheidung Lenas macht die Hoffnungen zunichte. Jenny kann nicht glauben, dass Simone hinter der Intrige gegen Richard steckt. Doch Friederike macht ihr klar, wie sehr Simone wirklich unter Richards Seitensprung mit Celine leidet und dass Jenny an Simones Stelle genauso handeln w\u00FCrde. Noch bleibt Jenny auf Richards Seite, doch dann sieht sie ihn zusammen mit Celine. Die Erkenntnis \u00FCber Celines Gef\u00FChle f\u00FCr Richard trifft Ben tiefer als gedacht. Auch wenn er versucht, damit klar zu kommen, kann er seinen Frust nicht verbergen. Er l\u00E4sst diesen an Richard aus und treibt ihn damit ungewollt in Celines Arme."@de . ""@en . . . . "820"@en . "820"@es . "820"@de . . . . . . "W\u00E4hrend Annette Ingo dabei unterst\u00FCtzt, sein Leben wieder in den Griff zu bekommen, ringt Lena mit ihren Gef\u00FChlen f\u00FCr Maximilian. Der zieht alle Register, um Lena an sich zu binden. Als Ingo sich mit Lena vers\u00F6hnt, hegt Annette leise Zuversicht, dass sie alle drei wieder n\u00E4her zusammen r\u00FCcken k\u00F6nnten. Doch eine Entscheidung Lenas macht die Hoffnungen zunichte. Jenny kann nicht glauben, dass Simone hinter der Intrige gegen Richard steckt. Doch Friederike macht ihr klar, wie sehr Simone wirklich unter Richards Seitensprung mit Celine leidet und dass Jenny an Simones Stelle genauso handeln w\u00FCrde. Noch bleibt Jenny auf Richards Seite, doch dann sieht sie ihn zusammen mit Celine. Die Erkenntnis \u00FCber Celines Gef\u00FChle f\u00FCr Richard trifft Ben tiefer als gedacht. Auch wenn er versucht, damit klar zu "@de . "Petofi enters the studio and sighs when he discovers Tate is again drawing his \"ideal woman.\" Tate reacts coldly to Petofi, and insists that what he paints is his own right. Petofi has a request for Tate to do, and Tate tries to refuse, but realizes he can not. Petofi leaves a bag with the painter and leaves. Magda goes home to find King Johnny Romano waiting for her. He tells her that she will go on trial for Julianka's murder, and that if she doesn't produce the hand he will kill her on the spot."@en . . "1969-08-08"^^ . . ""@en . "El n\u00FAmero (820) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 819 y precede al 821. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "Petofi enters the studio and sighs when he discovers Tate is again drawing his \"ideal woman.\" Tate reacts coldly to Petofi, and insists that what he paints is his own right. Petofi has a request for Tate to do, and Tate tries to refuse, but realizes he can not. Petofi leaves a bag with the painter and leaves. Back at the Collinsport Inn, Amanda Harris is angrily packing a bag. Tim enters the room and tells her she can't leave, as they are so close to having Trask right where he wants him. Amanda asks him to share his plans with her, but he again refuses. She tells him she won't stay any longer, as Tim is clearly more interested in this plot than he is with her. He kisses her and talks her into staying just one more day, to meet Count Petofi. Magda goes to Petofi with the note. He tells her that he already knew that the gypsies are coming, and he has no intention of stopping them, as they are looking for Magda, not him. She asks him for protection and he refuses, as they would find out he is in town. He places a spell on her, rendering her unable to speak or write his name. Shortly afterwards Amanda Harris arrives, and Count Petofi instantly recognizes her as the woman from Tate's pictures. He asks where she's from and when she met Charles Delaware Tate. Amanda tells him that she's from New York, but doesn't recognize the name Tate. Petofi concludes that Tate must have seen her somewhere before. Dismissing his strange behavior, Amanda pleads with Petofi to help her get Tim out of Collinsport. Magda goes home to find King Johnny Romano waiting for her. He tells her that she will go on trial for Julianka's murder, and that if she doesn't produce the hand he will kill her on the spot. Back at the Inn, Amanda tells Tim what happened with the Count. She asks why Trask is so important to him, and he tells her that Trask was responsible for killing someone he loved very much - his best friend since childhood, Rachel. Amanda decides to stay, but asks Tim to stay away from Petofi. She reveals that before the last two years, she has no memory of her past. At the Old House, King Johnny has again searched and been unable to locate the hand. He demands Magda tell him who has it, but she is unable to speak Petofi's name. Instead, she notices the box under an overturned chair. King Johnny opens it, and to Magda's disbelief, finds the hand inside."@en . . "El n\u00FAmero (820) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 819 y precede al 821. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "1897"^^ . . "820"^^ . . . "1969-08-18"^^ . . . "810"^^ . .