. "Honno Sentai Zyukaiger (\u672C\u80FD\u6226\u968A\u30B8\u30E5\u30A6\u30AB\u30A4\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC Honn\u014D Sentai J\u016Bkaij\u0101 ?, translated as Wild Instinct Squadron Zyukaiger) is a American-Japanese manga series written and illustrated by CureKurogane.It will be published by Kodansha Comics and the first volume was serialized in Shonen Jump Magazine. The series follows a anthropomorphic named Leo, who travels from a destroyed planet to Earth, where he finds five young humans who hold four crystals that contain four animal spirits and have them fight along with him as the Zyukaiger."@en . "Honno Sentai Zyukaiger (\u672C\u80FD\u6226\u968A\u30B8\u30E5\u30A6\u30AB\u30A4\u30B8\u30E3\u30FC Honn\u014D Sentai J\u016Bkaij\u0101 ?, translated as Wild Instinct Squadron Zyukaiger) is a American-Japanese manga series written and illustrated by CureKurogane.It will be published by Kodansha Comics and the first volume was serialized in Shonen Jump Magazine. The series follows a anthropomorphic named Leo, who travels from a destroyed planet to Earth, where he finds five young humans who hold four crystals that contain four animal spirits and have them fight along with him as the Zyukaiger."@en . . . . . . . . "Honno Sentai Zyukaiger"@en . . . . .