"Jango, Orange Roundhead Wheel File:Jango.PNG"@en . "FIRST REAL CHALLENGE!"@en . "Digug, Grey Cyclops Drill File:Digug.png"@en . "Giving him a visor to control these waves."@en . "Needs to drink a soup made out of needles from a pine tree."@en . "Egg File:MoluskEgg.png"@en . "Salvage the body parts from Greed's stomach and install robotic parts and memories."@en . "HankGuideDude"@en . "Tulirio, Purple Hex Cart File:Tulirio.png"@en . "Radiation poisoning, heart failure."@en . "Providing a heart graft and DNA from Anger File:Anger.png to make Gamma immune to radiation."@en . "328"^^ . "DMSwordsmaster, Poisonshot, Ludicrine"@en . "Fix the petals."@en . "The hatch has too much defense, and thus cannot hatch."@en . "Jangala, Green Pentagon Walker File:Jangala.png"@en . . "Eclarious, Red Big Gel Merman File:Eclarious.png"@en . "Had a problem breathing fire. Due to alcohol sac that all fire-breathers use to breath fire rupturing."@en . "322"^^ . "Is emitting dangerous ionized rays from his eye."@en . "Pet Hospital/Archive"@en . "Strengthen the middle square."@en . "Unchanged. What do you know, THEY'RE JUST SCARS."@en . "Bombaroken, Red Bomb Flower File:Bombaroken.png"@en . "The explosion of the seed upon birth affected her petals."@en . "326"^^ . "327"^^ . "324"^^ . "Has some scars on his face that CLEARLY indicates a disease."@en . "Poisonshot's healing sicnec."@en . "Had a leg problem during birth. File:Klory2.png"@en . "An eye graft in place of her missing eye."@en . "912"^^ . "His left eye has lost the red and green channel of vision from birth."@en . "Morothy, Blue Hat Diver File:Morothy.png"@en . "Provide cooling units."@en . "Finished operations go here."@en . "916"^^ . "Success. File:VecBot.png File:LeeBot.png Lee is alive and well. His memory was transferred into program data and installed it into a robotic body. Vec has a new body as well. They both have mechanical brains with their memories installed."@en . "Success. Removed weak bones and replaced them with iron rods, can now move."@en . "Born single-armed."@en . "H2obox"@en . "Success. File:MindyCured.png"@en . "Double-success. File:Cured Kiran\u00E9.PNG File:Kiran\u00E9 Walker.png"@en . "Success. Told ya. Alcohol sac replaced and it can now shoot bolts."@en . "DMSwordsmaster"@en . "Replacing the old alcohol sac with a new one."@en . "He got better."@en . "Flux & Noom, Blue/Red Mutated Tree File:FluxNoom.png"@en . "Look-a-troopa"@en . "Chester File:Chester.png \"clocked\" Digug and suffered internal bleeding. File:Digug_Bleeding.png"@en . "David7015"@en . "It is going to be a nurse if we help it. It is also Poisonshot's assistant."@en . "902"^^ . "Patch her up with robotic parts."@en . "Adding a gill graft."@en . "Scooby, Brown Troll Dog File:Scooby.PNG"@en . "Remove and disarm the bomb."@en . "The Greed Tower destroyed her, irresponsibly by her owner; only her brain and her leg left intact."@en . "Teeth problem."@en . "Lazro"@en . "Masked, Orange Mask Mushroom File:Masked.png"@en . "==> Poisonshot: Make Digug back to normal."@en . "Success. PS fixed his teeth."@en . "Success. File:Coldifanso.png He has a cooling unit installed on his back to keep his head cool. It also made his eyes blue."@en . "Success? Ok. She's been stabilized. Phew... but lasted until 1028 night. R.I.P."@en . "Apparently a premature hatch, and is unable to move due to floppy structure."@en . "Kiran\u00E9, Tan Mutated Pentagon File:Kiran\u00E9.png"@en . "Success. File:MalorCured.png Successfully installed visor."@en . "Poisonshot"@en . "DMSwordsmaster"@en . "Disturbingly, the wounds with the most damage was around the...genitalia?! O_o"@en . "Fix the teeth."@en . "Success. File:Cured_Morothy2.png Poisonshot added a Gill Graft for her so she could."@en . "Poisonshot, Look-a-troopa"@en . "Success. File:FluxNoomFix.png There."@en . "Malor, Blue Vampire Cordyceps File:Malor.png"@en . "Ludicrine"@en . "Success. Managed to safely remove and deactivate the bomb."@en . "514"^^ . . "512"^^ . "Klory, Yellow Fairy Stickman File:Klory.png"@en . "Success. File:JangalaCured.png Gave her a robot body, and kept her left leg. W00t."@en . "Finished operations go here."@en . "It has a broken Alcohol sac, and cannot shoot bolts because of it."@en . "519"^^ . "Need to give another arm."@en . "Suffers from overheat from birth."@en . "Jigaster, Purple Diamond Diver File:Jigaster.png"@en . "Success. File:SprumpCured.png Got a robotic replacement for her bleeding eye."@en . "Amputating her broken legs in exchange for leg grafts."@en . "Add an eye graft, less ugly if possible."@en . "Colifanso, \"Pink\" Club Giantdiver File:Colifanso.png"@en . . . "File:Overclam.png Success! The egg hatched, resulting in the pet named Overclam!"@en . "Success! File:GammaCured2.png She has a new heart graft to replace the old one, and Ludicrine has provided DNA from Anger to make her immune to it! Complete success! The first major trial- a victory!"@en . "506"^^ . "Lord Trollus II, White Big Troll Alien File:Lord_Trollus_II.png"@en . "504"^^ . "Surgery will begin this afternoon, at either 12:30 or if a delay occurs 4:00. Although situation is not fatal, she really needs to move, y'know?"@en . "Suffering from a fever"@en . "511"^^ . "Success. File:LordTrollusIICured.png"@en . "The diamond portion of Vec&Lee could not be salvaged, and thus they have to be separated and independent."@en . "Robotic make over."@en . "Veyron, Rainbow Gel Eel File:Veyron.PNG"@en . "Gamelover101"@en . "Success. File:Maestra_Cured2.png Well, she's ok now. We also got her a new....err....Yea. A new yea. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, DAMNIT. THE GREY PART ON HER BODY. WE GOT HER THAT. AND WHATS INSIDE."@en . "Success. Replaced alcohol sac, can now breath fire."@en . "Patch her up."@en . "623"^^ . "Was not breathing upon birth, required an artificial body."@en . "Removing DF."@en . "Vec&Lee, Pink/Blue Flower/Diamond Mutated Tree File:Lee.png"@en . "Poisonshot"@en . "Could not breathe underwater during birth."@en . "Caagr98"@en . "Alho, White Bubble Walker File:Alho.png"@en . "Success. File:Bombarfix.png"@en . "Sprump is apparently missing an eye, so she needs a transplant."@en . "??06"@en . "Sprump, Purple Spade Mermaid File:Sprump.PNG"@en . "The middle square is their main weakness."@en . "File:Dead.png Was murdered by River during the first breeding with him."@en . "Also, it seems that she was born with a larger eye hole then other pets, so a robotic replacement is needed."@en . "Had a heart attack."@en . "Surgery is required to replace parts of the structure with suitable parts."@en . "Gamma, Yellow Trapezoid Eel File:Gamma.png"@en . "Mindy, Yellow Heart Mushroom File:Mindy.png"@en . "713"^^ . "Success. File:Digug.png"@en . "A bomb was planted in his lung during The Kuipter Files."@en . "717"^^ . "ZoshiX"@en . "Born with cuts."@en . "During the Pet Arena, they were almost entirely devoured by Greed ."@en . "Salpurea, Blue Onigiri Bush File:Salpurea.png"@en . . "Success. File:Klory(Cared).png Poisonshot himself cured it . Nice going, Poisonshot!"@en . "Maestra, Yellow Note Mermaid File:Maestra.png"@en . "Success. File:JigaFixed.gif DO NOTE THAT THIS IS A GIF."@en . "Stabilize the heart rate."@en . "827"^^ .