. "Family"@en . "Yellow"@en . . "Pets"@en . "Colours"@en . . . . "Yon (\u30E8\u30FC\u30F3 Y\u014Dn) is a former Pirate and member of Umm Madaura's Crew. When the crew was captured, he, along with the rest of his companions, were sent to Sindria, where they currently reside."@en . "Killed in Action"@en . "Strategic Naval Research Institute"@en . "Enemies"@en . "Deathsaurus, now."@en . "Human"@en . "Serves"@en . . . "No-one"@en . "Yon is a rogue Terugan criminal who is on the run from the Terugan authorities. He drove a ship. After encountering Deathsaurus, Yon accidentally drove into the Shattered Mirror Universe. He was being held captive by the Ta'har, but Vorahk-Kah broke him and many of his crewmates out. After escaping and flying about some more, he was catapulted into the BZPower universe, where he learned that his life was a lie. This drove him mad, but his mind was healed by the Architect, forgetting his ordeal. He later escaped and tried to steal the Keruvim from Trantoshen, but instead fell through a plothole. He later escaped through that too. Afterwards, Yon went to his Shattered Mirror counterpart's lair, and revived him. After travelling to Atuar Sadiares, Yon was abducted by energy spheres controlled by the Wiki Metru Admins. He was then kept prisoner on the Wiki Metru Planet until he was rescued by Muta. After somehow ending up on an icy planet and fighting Serecio's robots, he was captured by The Visitor at Blackout's orders and thrown in The Dungeon, where he was confronted by Shockwave. Shockwave reminded Yon that his life was indeed a lie. Filled with rage at learning this again, he decided to ally with the ZFT. During his time with the ZFT he unlocked his hidden power given to him by The Architect, which was eyebeams. While testing his newfound ability, he discovered the secret of the Dark Knights."@en . "Y\u014Dn"@en . "165"^^ . . "172.0"^^ . "Power Rating"@en . . "Yon"@en . . . . . "Nov"@en . "Yon (\u30E8\u30FC\u30F3 Y\u014Dn) is a former Pirate and member of Umm Madaura's Crew. When the crew was captured, he, along with the rest of his companions, were sent to Sindria, where they currently reside."@en . "4"^^ . . "Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Steel 7,"@en . "No"@en . "Yon San'ni (\u30E8\u30F3\u30FB\u30B5\u30F3\u30CB\u30FC) is a character from the Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Steel 7 manga."@en . "Yon"@en . . "Allies"@en . . . "Yon is a rogue Terugan criminal who is on the run from the Terugan authorities. He drove a ship. After encountering Deathsaurus, Yon accidentally drove into the Shattered Mirror Universe. He was being held captive by the Ta'har, but Vorahk-Kah broke him and many of his crewmates out. Afterwards, Yon went to his Shattered Mirror counterpart's lair, and revived him."@en . . . "Yon"@en . "Unknown"@en . "MS Test Pilot"@en . . . "136"^^ . . . . . "Umm Madaura's Crew"@en . . "Vrai Mark II Laser Rifle"@en . ""@en . . . . "Pirate"@en . "Male"@en . . "Age"@en . "17"^^ . . . . . "\u30E8\u30FC\u30F3"@en . . . "Himself"@en . "Yon was a male on Bakura, a member of a cleaning crew reporting to Jakaitis. In 28 ABY, Arrizza impersonated him when sneaking into the Bakuran Senate Complex."@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Yon was a male on Bakura, a member of a cleaning crew reporting to Jakaitis. In 28 ABY, Arrizza impersonated him when sneaking into the Bakuran Senate Complex."@en . . . . . "Weaknesses"@en . . "Universal Century"@en . "Weapons"@en . . "Yon San'ni (\u30E8\u30F3\u30FB\u30B5\u30F3\u30CB\u30FC) is a character from the Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Steel 7 manga."@en . .