"1967-05-23"^^ . . . . . . "[[Plik:DSC01838.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Autosan Solina na linii 245 na p\u0119tli Osiedle Dudziarska (2011)]] 245 \u2013 linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a (rozk\u0142ad jazdy), kt\u00F3ra kursuje na trasie z kra\u0144ca PKP Olszynka Grochowska na Osiedle Dudziarska. Lini\u0119 obs\u0142uguje ajent Mobilis."@pl . . . . . "245"@es . . ""@en . . "El dos cientos cuarentaicinco (245) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 244 y precede al 246. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "241"^^ . "245"^^ . "Barnabas has ordered Willie to consent to an examination by Dr. Woodard. Willie is terrified at the prospect, fearing exposure for both himself and Barnabas. At the Collinsport hospital, Burke isn't confident Dr. Woodard will be able to get a blood sample from Willie. Woodard assures him that even if Willie refuses to cooperate he can be charged with a court order for harboring a potentially dangerous disease. However, Maggie Evans' disappearance goes beyond a blood abnormality. Burke wonders if the strange condition could have been caused by a rabid dog or wolf. But no animal could have broken into Woodard's office, trashed it and stolen the slides containing Maggie's blood sample. Burke believes the \"madman\" responsible is Willie. Woodard disagrees. Burke is anxious for answers as he fears the same thing that happened to Maggie might also happen to Victoria. Later, at the Old House, Woodard waits to examine Willie. Barnabas has to offer the reluctant and frightened Willie more encouragement. He keeps a watchful eye on Willie as Woodard takes a blood sample. Afterward, Barnabas insists the doctor stay and share a drink. Willie returns to his room as Barnabas requests a look at the blood sample. Woodard confesses that if Willie's blood contains the same impurities as Maggie's did, it might answer a lot of questions. At the Blue Whale, Burke and Victoria are on a date; Victoria is too stressed to relax and too concerned about Maggie to enjoy herself. She tenses up as a dog howls outside. Meanwhile, Dr. Woodard is in his office examining Willie's blood sample beneath a microscope. He finds something puzzling. Back at the Old House, Willie pleads with Barnabas to let him flee town but Barnabas seems completely unconcerned about what Woodard might discover. It turns out Barnabas switched the blood sample slides; Woodard won't find anything. Having joined Victoria and Burke at the Blue Whale, Woodard reports his failure to find anything unusual in Willie's blood. Victoria presses him on the details of his terrible discovery in Maggie's blood, which Woodard describes as an \"unholy union\". It was almost as if Maggie was accepting something inhuman into her veins."@en . . . . "Diana will Julian nicht nur Zugang zum Zentrum verschaffen, sondern ihm auch bei der Suche nach Beweisen f\u00FCr seine Unschuld helfen. Dabei werden sie allerdings von Dieter entdeckt, der seine Beobachtung ausgerechnet Oliver mitteilt. Oliver will Diana zwar vertrauen, doch seine Skepsis ist geweckt. Als Dieter feststellt, dass seine neue Arbeitsstelle in Eisenh\u00FCttenstadt liegt, beschlie\u00DFt er kurzerhand, mit Nina dort hin zu ziehen. Doch Nina weigert sich, Essen zu verlassen. Kaum ist Dieter weg, beschlie\u00DFt Nina, ihre neu gewonnene Freiheit erst einmal geb\u00FChrend zu feiern... Simone lehnt Friederikes Vorschlag ab, sich der Polizei zu stellen. Friederike verl\u00E4sst daraufhin unverrichteter Dinge Essen. Simone muss andere Mittel und Wege finden, um Axel Machenschaften einen Riegel vorzuschieben."@de . . . . "Diana will Julian nicht nur Zugang zum Zentrum verschaffen, sondern ihm auch bei der Suche nach Beweisen f\u00FCr seine Unschuld helfen. Dabei werden sie allerdings von Dieter entdeckt, der seine Beobachtung ausgerechnet Oliver mitteilt. Oliver will Diana zwar vertrauen, doch seine Skepsis ist geweckt. Als Dieter feststellt, dass seine neue Arbeitsstelle in Eisenh\u00FCttenstadt liegt, beschlie\u00DFt er kurzerhand, mit Nina dort hin zu ziehen. Doch Nina weigert sich, Essen zu verlassen. Kaum ist Dieter weg, beschlie\u00DFt Nina, ihre neu gewonnene Freiheit erst einmal geb\u00FChrend zu feiern... Simone lehnt Friederikes Vorschlag ab, sich der Polizei zu stellen. Friederike verl\u00E4sst daraufhin unverrichteter Dinge Essen. Simone muss andere Mittel und Wege finden, um Axel Machenschaften einen Riegel vorzuschieben."@de . . "1967-06-02"^^ . "1967"^^ . "245"^^ . "245"@de . . "El dos cientos cuarentaicinco (245) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 244 y precede al 246. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "[[Plik:DSC01838.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Autosan Solina na linii 245 na p\u0119tli Osiedle Dudziarska (2011)]] 245 \u2013 linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a (rozk\u0142ad jazdy), kt\u00F3ra kursuje na trasie z kra\u0144ca PKP Olszynka Grochowska na Osiedle Dudziarska. Lini\u0119 obs\u0142uguje ajent Mobilis."@pl . . . "245"@en . "245"@pl . . ""@en . . . . "Barnabas has ordered Willie to consent to an examination by Dr. Woodard. Willie is terrified at the prospect, fearing exposure for both himself and Barnabas. At the Collinsport hospital, Burke isn't confident Dr. Woodard will be able to get a blood sample from Willie. Woodard assures him that even if Willie refuses to cooperate he can be charged with a court order for harboring a potentially dangerous disease. However, Maggie Evans' disappearance goes beyond a blood abnormality. Burke wonders if the strange condition could have been caused by a rabid dog or wolf. But no animal could have broken into Woodard's office, trashed it and stolen the slides containing Maggie's blood sample. Burke believes the \"madman\" responsible is Willie. Woodard disagrees. Burke is anxious for answers as he fea"@en . . . . .