"Episode No. in Series"@en . "1"^^ . "The synopsis, plot, characters and trivia could be found in this link: Horrid Henry's Horrid Revenge. Henry: [into the microphone that alters his voice] Peter! [Peter looks up and Henry jumped out from behind the television.] We are going to kidnap you and take you to our planet. Peter: AAAHH!! [jumps up] Space aliens! [slams onto the sofa before running out] HELP! Henry: [takes off his mask and chuckles. He then threw the mask on the floor, then continued using the microphone] It is useless to resist! [chuckles again, before taking up the paint brush which Peter had been using before.] Hmm... [dips the brush into blue paint before \"destroying\" the painting] ... One more finishing touch. Peter: [pokes his head into the room and whispers] Henry? Is it safe to come out? Henry: Yeah. I've chased them away. Peter: [saw what Henry was painting] Hey! Mum hasn't got a Moustache! I'm going to tell. Henry: [looks up] You don't have to. Peter: Yes, I do. MUM! MUM!! Henry's ruining my picture! Henry: [stands up and looks at Peter with a menacing look] Silence, worm. Peter: MUM!! MUM!!! Henry: If you call Mum again, I'll... I'll paint you blue! Peter: Give me back my brush! [jumps and try to get his brush] Get off, Henry! [trips over the box of paint, which splashes over the floor. Suddenly, Mum comes along and gasps] Look what Henry did! Mum: Don't be horrid, Henry! Just look at Peter's face! [scene cuts to Peter's face, which is blue, and sneering at Henry] And, my floor! [waggles her finger] This time, you have gone too far, Henry. [grabs Henry's hand and walks to his room. When they got there, Mum pushed him inside] You stay in there until I say you can come out! [closes the door] Henry: But I'm going to miss Mutant Max! This is all the worm's fault! IT'S NOT FAIR!!! Henry: \u266ARevenge, revenge, revenge!\u266A [continues repeating this, before scene cuts to the bathroom downstairs where Peter was having his face washed] Mum: [scrubbing Peter's face with a sponge. As she did so, she spotted the cup of toothbrushes vibrating on the table.] HENRY!! [throws the sponge into the sink and marches upstairs. She barged into Henry's room and turned off his radio] The more noise you make, the longer you'll stay in your room! Henry: But what if I need to go to the toilet? Mum: That's the only reason you can leave. Do you understand? [closes the door] Henry: But it's not fair! [bangs on the door, before dropping onto the floor] I get sent to my room a lot. I get sent to my room so often that I must as well live here full time. [takes his rubber spider and shakes it] Good thing that there's lot to do! Henry: [Scene cuts to see Henry still sleeping and snoring. He rubbed his eyes, then turned around before yawning. He rubbed his eyes again, then sat up to scratch his side.] WHAT?! [the camera zooms out to show that there was only Henry's bed, the rug, his breakfast and radio in his room; all his other things were gone. He checked all parts of his room for any things, but to no avail] Where's all my stuff? [saw his portable radio and used his right foot to switch it on] Mum: [from the recording device] Henry, we've taken all your things away because we want you to think why you're being punished. [Henry gasps] And we'll have a talk about it later. Henry: What? They've even taken away my CD player! And my Killer Boy Rats CDs? I can't live without my music! [remembers something] Hold on a minute... [bends down to switch on his radio] Yay! Destruction FM! \u266AI'm trapped in my room\u266A \u266AI'm gonna get it, I'm gonna get it...\u266A Peter: [looks at the ceiling] Dad? How long will Henry have to stay in his room? Dad: Ask your mother. \u266ALock him in a cage for a hundred years\u266A [draws a picture where Peter was in a cage] \u266AHang him upside down And Stretch His Ears\u266A [draws a picture of Peter upside down] \u266AThrow him in the river with the crocodiles\u266A [draws a picture of a croc eating Peter] \u266AShoot him into space for a million miles\u266A [draws a picture of Peter being shot into space] Henry: Now, I'm ready to reek my revenge! Well, as soon as they let me out of my room. [looks at his drawings] Uh-oh... If they see this, I'll be stuck in here forever! Luckily, no one comes in here unless the music's too... [dives across the floor and turns off the radio] loud! [Just then, Dad was outside, about to open the door. When the music stopped, he stopped and went back downstairs] [writing on a piece of paper] \"I need help. And fast. [folds the paper into an airplane] Susan: Oh, I'm fed up with hide-and-seek, Margaret. Let's do something else. Margaret: My garden; my rules. Start counting. [went off to hide] Susan: Oh... [Margaret hid behind a table] Ten, nine, eight, seven... [Henry threw the airplane to Margaret's house] ...six, five, four-- [the airplane landed on Susan] Ow, Margaret, that hurt! Margaret: Oh, what hurt? Susan: The thing that you hit me with. [bends down to pick up the paper airplane which Henry threw] Oh! What's this? [unfolds it] Margaret: Here! [snatches the paper] Let me see. \"Get Ralph. Urgent. Signed, Henry.\" [threw the paper back up] Henry: [tried to catch the paper but fell off his bed instead] \"What's in it for us?\" [sighs in despair, then wrote his agreement] Dad: [saw the piece of paper and unfolded it] \"You can be leader of the Purple Hand Gang for a whole day.\" Hm! [stashes the paper in his pocket] Dad: [looks at his hat, then up. He saw birds flying around.] Wretched birds... Mum: Here's your lunch, Henry. [sniffs] What's that painty smell? Margaret: Err, that's Lady High Excellent Majesty To You, Susan. [Henry scrambles to the window] Henry: Oh, Margaret's painting her playhouse. Mum: Oh, I see. [walks towards Henry and sat on his bed] Henry, have you been thinking about why we took all your things away? Henry: [with his eyes closed] Yes, Mum. Mum: And you won't do it again? Henry: [eyes closed] No, Mum. Mum: Well, in that case, I suppose you've been punished enough. You can come out of your room now. [pats Henry's head before standing up] Henry: Yes! Mum: [sniffs] Oh for heaven's sake, close your bedroom window! [closes the door] Henry: YES! FREEDOM!! Margaret: [Looks at Ralph, who is wearing an alien mask and speaking gibberish] Ooh, look! A horrible monster. Susan: Eh! It's so ugly! Margaret: You know what? [points to Ralph] He's pretty ugly too! [She and Susan laughs] Henry: [from above the \"tent\"] Yeah, very funny. What are you two doing here anyway? Margaret: [as Susan brings her a pail for her to sit on] In case you've forgotten,... [points to herself] ... I'm the leader of the Purple Hand Gang today. Susan: And tomorrow. Margaret: And we want to know how you're gonna get your revenge over Peter! Ralph: It's going to be something mega, mega spectacular! Henry: [scratches his head] Yeah, but everyone will know it's me, and I'll be in even more trouble! Ralph: [takes off his mask and looks at it] Hmph! Can't believe Peter thought this was a real alien! Henry: [chuckles] Peter believes... [an idea forms in his head] ...anything. Henry: [as soon as Peter and company have realized that there was no more music] [onto the microphone that alters his voice] We have been dropped a newsflash. The earth has been invaded by aliens. Peter: Oh, no! Ted: Oh, no! Henry: There is only one way to prevent yourself from being invaded. You must paint your face, and outside of your house, blue. [The four boys stood up...] Dad: \u266ADum de dum de dum... De dum de dum d--\u266A WHAT?? [sees the lower part of the house in blue. He parks and got out of his car and went to investigate. Little to him that four children were watching his every move...] Peter: DAD! Dad: PETER! ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!!!!!!??????????? Peter: YES! WE SAVED THE HOUSE Ted: [as the rest of his friends ran to Dad] And don't worry, we'll paint you too! [they start painting Dad blue all over as he tried to dodge] Dad: Ouch.. er, STOP IT!! Oof... Margaret: Faceless... monster! [she and company laugh louder] Ralph: And the best bit was... when they splo-sploshed blue paint all over your dad! Henry: [as he and his friends laugh again] No... [points at Ralph] the best thing was when my dad ordered Peter to go to his room and stay there! For the very first time ever! Which means, I had my REVENGE!"@en . "2008-03-02"^^ . "Series No."@en . "Previous episode"@en . "Episode No. overall"@en . "\"Horrid Henry Gets Rich Quick\""@en . . "Airdate"@en . "The synopsis, plot, characters and trivia could be found in this link: Horrid Henry's Horrid Revenge. Henry: [into the microphone that alters his voice] Peter! [Peter looks up and Henry jumped out from behind the television.] We are going to kidnap you and take you to our planet. Peter: AAAHH!! [jumps up] Space aliens! [slams onto the sofa before running out] HELP! Peter: [pokes his head into the room and whispers] Henry? Is it safe to come out? Henry: Yeah. I've chased them away. Peter: [saw what Henry was painting] Hey! Mum hasn't got a Moustache! I'm going to tell. Peter: MUM!! MUM!!! Henry: Yes!"@en . "Transcript information"@en . . "20"^^ . . "Transcript: Horrid Henry's Horrid Revenge"@en . "Next episode"@en . "20"^^ . . "\"Horrid Henry's Sick Day:"@en . .