. . . "ANBU"@en . . "4"^^ . . "ANBU"@de . . . . "ANBU are under direct control of their Kage. They protect the village from exceptional threats, conduct high-risk missions into enemy countries, and deal with extremely strong ninja. They are also responsible for carrying out assassinations and missions requiring specially trained ninja. Some ANBU serve as interrogators that probe the minds of enemy ninja to learn information valuable to the village. If an ANBU dies during a mission they are required to destroy their bodies. In Konohagakure there exists a special branch of the ANBU known as the Foundation (\"Ne.\" or \"root\" in the original manga). The Foundation was created and led by Danzo, who sends its members on missions that he believes will benefit Konoha. Foundation members are trained to abandon all forms of emotion to follow Danzo's orders unquestioningly. During Pain's invasion of Konoha, Danzo instructs the Foundation not to assist in the defense of the village. ANBU have a detailed knowledge of the human body and can use such jutsu as Temporary Paralysis Technique and Time Reversal Technique to take advantage of this."@en . . "The ANBU (\u6697\u90E8, ANBU; Viz \"Black Ops\", English TV \"ANBU Black Ops\"; Literally meaning \"Dark Side\") is actually short for ANsatsu Senjutsu Tokushu BUtai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A, Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai; Literally meaning \"Special Assassination and Tactical Squad\"). The name is a form of contraction, similar to English acronyms like SWAT, where the two kanji used to abbreviate the group's full name constitute an actual word on their own."@en . "2"^^ . "Introduction"@en . . . "Image Gallery"@en . "150px|left|thumb|ANBU-Tattoo right|thumb|Einige ANBU aus Konoha ANBU (\u6697\u90E8) ist die Kurzform f\u00FCr Ansatsu-Senjutsu-Tokushu-Butai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A) und bedeutet soviel wie \"Attentatstaktik-Spezialeinheit\". In der ANBU-Einheit existiert eine geheime Trainingsabteilung, die ANBU-Ne-Einheit, dessen Anf\u00FChrer Danzou Shimura gewesen ist. Sie soll zwar offiziell aufgel\u00F6st worden sein, existiert jedoch im Geheimen noch immer weiter. Um ihre Identit\u00E4t zu sch\u00FCtzen, tragen alle Mitglieder Tiermasken und besitzen Decknamen, welche sie von ihrem jeweiligen Kage bekommen (so wie Yamato, der auch als Tenzou bekannt ist). Alle Mitglieder der ANBU aus Konohagakure besitzen immer eine spezielle T\u00E4towierung auf dem Oberarm. Bekannt ist, dass die Truppen aus ausgew\u00E4hlten Spitzenshinobi eines Dorfes, also aus Jonin oder "@de . "8"^^ . . "Der Job eines ANBU wird im Normalfall von einem Chuunin \u00FCbernommen. Die Aufgabe eines ANBU ist der Schutz der Kage oder Mordauftr\u00E4ge. Ein ANBU tr\u00E4gt immer eine Maske und hat die Typische Uniform an, nebenbei wird ein ANBU auch im Kampf mit der Katana gelehrt, diese Waffe geh\u00F6rt zu Standart eines ANBU. Die Masken die eine Attentat-Einheit tr\u00E4gt, ist meistens in der Form eines Tieres z. B. Rabe oder Tiger."@de . . . "150px|left|thumb|ANBU-Tattoo right|thumb|Einige ANBU aus Konoha ANBU (\u6697\u90E8) ist die Kurzform f\u00FCr Ansatsu-Senjutsu-Tokushu-Butai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A) und bedeutet soviel wie \"Attentatstaktik-Spezialeinheit\". In der ANBU-Einheit existiert eine geheime Trainingsabteilung, die ANBU-Ne-Einheit, dessen Anf\u00FChrer Danzou Shimura gewesen ist. Sie soll zwar offiziell aufgel\u00F6st worden sein, existiert jedoch im Geheimen noch immer weiter. Um ihre Identit\u00E4t zu sch\u00FCtzen, tragen alle Mitglieder Tiermasken und besitzen Decknamen, welche sie von ihrem jeweiligen Kage bekommen (so wie Yamato, der auch als Tenzou bekannt ist). Alle Mitglieder der ANBU aus Konohagakure besitzen immer eine spezielle T\u00E4towierung auf dem Oberarm. Bekannt ist, dass die Truppen aus ausgew\u00E4hlten Spitzenshinobi eines Dorfes, also aus Jonin oder begabten Chunin, bestehen, um dieses aus dem Hintergrund zu besch\u00FCtzen. Die ANBU untersteht einzig und allein den Befehlen ihres Kage, den sie, allen Umst\u00E4nden zum Trotz, immer versuchen zu besch\u00FCtzen und dessen Geheimauftr\u00E4ge sie erf\u00FCllen. Zu den Aufgaben der ANBU geh\u00F6ren: ihre Opfer zu verschleppen, diese zu analysieren und zu verh\u00F6ren. Die ANBU sind auch auf Geschwindigkeit sehr gut trainiert, um so fl\u00FCchtige Gegner schnell einzufangen. Die Taten der ANBU kommen nie an die \u00D6ffentlichkeit, um die Geheimhaltung zu gew\u00E4hrleisten. S\u00E4mtliche Akten \u00FCber die einzelnen Mitglieder der Konoha ANBU Einheit stehen nur dem Hokage und den \u00C4ltesten zu Verf\u00FCgung und gelten deshalb als streng geheim. Allgemein verf\u00FCgt jedes gr\u00F6\u00DFere Shinobi-Dorf, welches einen Kage als Oberhaupt besitzt, \u00FCber ANBU Streitkr\u00E4fte. Jedoch waren nur wenige zu beobachten, womit auch nur wenige Namen einiger derzeitigen und ehemaligen Shinobi der ANBU Einheiten bekannt sind. In Sunagakure tragen die ANBU-Mitglieder vermutlich keine Tiermasken, sondern einfache Stoffmasken, die das Gesicht verdecken. In einigen anderen D\u00F6rfern hei\u00DFen diese Einheiten nicht ANBU, sondern z.B. Oi-Nin in Kirigakure oder Kinkaku Butai in Kumogakure. Diese haben jedoch \u00E4hnliche Aufgaben wie die ANBU-Einheiten aus Konohagakure."@de . . . . . "ANBU are under direct control of their Kage. They protect the village from exceptional threats, conduct high-risk missions into enemy countries, and deal with extremely strong ninja. They are also responsible for carrying out assassinations and missions requiring specially trained ninja. Some ANBU serve as interrogators that probe the minds of enemy ninja to learn information valuable to the village. If an ANBU dies during a mission they are required to destroy their bodies."@en . "y"@en . . . . . . "green"@en . . "Anbu (\u6697\u90E8; Literally meaning \"Dark Side\"), short for Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A, Special Assassination and Tactical Squad), take orders directly from the Kage, performing special high-level missions, such as assassinations and torture. Kakashi and Yamato was once a member of this group."@en . . . . . . "[[Archivo:Algunos ANBU de Konoha.png|thumb|Miembros ANBU de Konohagakure.]] ANBU (\u6697\u90E8, Lado oscuro), contracci\u00F3n de Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A, Escuadr\u00F3n Especial de Asesinato y T\u00E1cticas), en el doblaje espa\u00F1ol latino se les llama Fuerzas Especiales ANBU, son un grupo de shinobis de \u00E9lite de cada aldea mejor conocido como El Escuadr\u00F3n del Infierno. Ellos reciben sus \u00F3rdenes directamente del Kage, para misiones de alto rango, tales como asesinatos, torturas y rastreos de ninjas desertores o traicioneros. Los ANBU en general trabajan en equipos formados dependiendo de los requisitos de la misi\u00F3n, lo que garantiza el mayor \u00E9xito posible. Los miembros del ANBU reciben dicho rango del Kage de su aldea, \u00E9stos son elegidos por las capacidades \u00FAnicas de cada uno. La edad, sexo, origen y rangos anteriores no implica en la decisi\u00F3n. Tambi\u00E9n los miembros pueden abandonar la organizaci\u00F3n como Kakashi Hatake lo hizo, s\u00F3lo para volver a ser J\u014Dnin, aunque \u00E9l conserv\u00F3 fuertes lazos con los ANBU. Su identidad s\u00F3lo la conocen los ancianos y el Kage de la aldea, una excepci\u00F3n de esto es Konoha en la organizaci\u00F3n \"Ra\u00EDz\" la cual todos sus miembros s\u00F3lo serv\u00EDan a Danz\u014D Shimura."@en . . "\u6697\u90E8"@en . . . . . . "ANBU"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Anbu (\u6697\u90E8; Literally meaning \"Dark Side\"), short for Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A, Special Assassination and Tactical Squad), take orders directly from the Kage, performing special high-level missions, such as assassinations and torture. Kakashi and Yamato was once a member of this group."@en . . "thumb|60px|Tatouage de l'Anbu. est un mot-valise compos\u00E9 des mots japonais . Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une unit\u00E9 sp\u00E9ciale cr\u00E9\u00E9e pour servir de garde personnelle aux Kage. Le mot Anbu sert \u00E0 la fois \u00E0 d\u00E9signer l\u2019unit\u00E9 et ses membres. Les Anbu sont recrut\u00E9s parmi l\u2019\u00E9lite des ninjas. Ils sont \u00E9galement charg\u00E9s des missions les plus p\u00E9rilleuses (assassinats, escortes, espionnages) se d\u00E9pla\u00E7ant le plus souvent par escouades de trois \u00E0 quatre personnes dirig\u00E9es par un chef d\u2019\u00E9quipe (quand ils ne sont pas en mission individuelle). Ils sont sous l\u2019autorit\u00E9 directe du kage et ne doivent des comptes qu\u2019\u00E0 lui (sauf cas particulier de la Racine). \u00C0 cause de leurs responsabilit\u00E9s et du caract\u00E8re secret de leurs missions, les Anbu portent un pseudonyme et arborent un masque \u00E0 l\u2019effigie d\u2019un animal pour masquer leurs identit\u00E9s. Les Anbu ont pour signe de reconnaissance un tatouage sur le biceps gauche pour les hommes, et sur le biceps droit pour les femmes et leur tenue r\u00E9glementaire est unique. Ils sont \u00E9quip\u00E9s de plaques de m\u00E9tal prot\u00E9geant les avant-bras, d\u2019une armure l\u00E9g\u00E8re prot\u00E9geant le torse et le dos, de gants avec plaque de m\u00E9tal, de sandales \u00E0 semelles renforc\u00E9es, d\u2019un katana port\u00E9 dans le dos et d\u2019un masque."@fr . "Sacira"@en . . . . . . . "Hey, Anbu is a new guild created from some people from 'Sharigan'. We are fun, active and always helping others. Cyphus(90+) is leader with Lord-rolo (100+) and Twisted-logic (100+) as second in command. To join our guild, Pm Lord-Rolo. Sore losers in pvp or scammers will not be allowed in."@en . "[[Archivo:Algunos ANBU de Konoha.png|thumb|Miembros ANBU de Konohagakure.]] ANBU (\u6697\u90E8, Lado oscuro), contracci\u00F3n de Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A, Escuadr\u00F3n Especial de Asesinato y T\u00E1cticas), en el doblaje espa\u00F1ol latino se les llama Fuerzas Especiales ANBU, son un grupo de shinobis de \u00E9lite de cada aldea mejor conocido como El Escuadr\u00F3n del Infierno. Ellos reciben sus \u00F3rdenes directamente del Kage, para misiones de alto rango, tales como asesinatos, torturas y rastreos de ninjas desertores o traicioneros. Los ANBU en general trabajan en equipos formados dependiendo de los requisitos de la misi\u00F3n, lo que garantiza el mayor \u00E9xito posible. Los miembros del ANBU reciben dicho rango del Kage de su aldea, \u00E9stos son elegidos por las capacidades \u00FAnicas de cada uno. La edad, sexo, origen"@es . "Wiederspricht den Richtlinien f\u00FCr Inhalte."@de . . "15"^^ . . "ANBU"@es . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "white"@en . "5"^^ . . . "Hey, Anbu is a new guild created from some people from 'Sharigan'. We are fun, active and always helping others. Cyphus(90+) is leader with Lord-rolo (100+) and Twisted-logic (100+) as second in command. To join our guild, Pm Lord-Rolo. Sore losers in pvp or scammers will not be allowed in."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Anbu are recruited from their village's standard shinobi forces, hand-picked by their Kage for their individual capabilities and special skills. Age, background, gender, or previous rank bear no significance in this decision; however, in tradition, Konoha shinobi are not selected as Anbu unless they are at least 13 years old, with an 11-year-old Itachi Uchiha being a rare exception due to his tremendous talent and vital role in a political struggle. While on the job, Anbu wear masks and use code names to conceal their identity, leaving only their Kage informed. They typically work in teams, formed on the mission's requirements. There are apparently no true ranks within the Anbu; team leadership and hierarchy seem to be based on merit and experience. The leaders of the teams are called , a position held in high regard. Since members mainly are tasked with assassinations or disturbances in foreign countries, Anbu dislike letting anyone know their identities, and as such, most of Konoha's citizens aren't aware of who is and isn't an Anbu. Stemming from the secrecy surrounding the group's membership, people speculate that villagers who come and go from the village without eating are Anbu. Anbu protect the village from exceptional threats, conduct high-risk missions into enemy territory, and deal with extremely strong ninja. They are also responsible for carrying out assassinations, tracking, surveillance, and missions requiring specially trained ninja. Some Anbu serve as interrogators that probe the minds of enemy ninja to learn information valuable to the village. Because Anbu are so vital to the village's operations, they cannot be arrested by regular police forces without a warrant. While many choose to serve in the Anbu for their entire careers, they can return to the standard forces if they choose to, as in the case of Kakashi Hatake. Because of the darkness involved in an Anbu's career, one's personality may determine their eligibility into the forces. For example, it was noted that Might Guy's peppy personality made him unsuitable for the Anbu, despite his talents; Guy in turn noted that the Anbu's clandestine actions corrupted Kakashi's kindness. Anbu training involves detailed studying of the human body. As such most Anbu can use the Temporary Paralysis Technique and, in the anime, the Time Reversal Technique. In Kirigakure, there is a special branch of Anbu known as hunter-nin: hunter-nin track down and kill missing-nin from Kiri, retrieving the head as proof and disposing of the rest of the body so as to not leave behind any information for their enemies. Due to the often sensitive nature of their missions and the, at times, unique abilities they possess, Anbu are expected to destroy their bodies if they are too badly injured on a mission so that they can't be captured. In Konoha, there exists a special branch of the Anbu known as Root. It was created and led by Danz\u014D Shimura, who sends its members on more underhanded missions that he believes will benefit Konoha. Root members are trained to abandon all forms of emotion in order to follow Danz\u014D's orders unquestioningly, even at the consequence of the rest of the village. Root members have a seal located on the back of their tongues that prevents them from speaking about Danz\u014D or Root. While Anbu are usually in squads and take orders from their captains, some elite Anbu have been handpicked by their Kage to serve directly under them. As such, any and all orders they receive come from their Kage and no one else."@en . . . "Anbu are recruited from their village's standard shinobi forces, hand-picked by their Kage for their individual capabilities and special skills. Age, background, gender, or previous rank bear no significance in this decision; however, in tradition, Konoha shinobi are not selected as Anbu unless they are at least 13 years old, with an 11-year-old Itachi Uchiha being a rare exception due to his tremendous talent and vital role in a political struggle. While on the job, Anbu wear masks and use code names to conceal their identity, leaving only their Kage informed. They typically work in teams, formed on the mission's requirements. There are apparently no true ranks within the Anbu; team leadership and hierarchy seem to be based on merit and experience. The leaders of the teams are called , a "@en . . . . . . . . . "white"@en . "TRon69-SAO"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chapter 13"@en . . . . "[[Archivo:Algunos ANBU de Konoha.png|thumb|Miembros ANBU de Konohagakure.]] ANBU (\u6697\u90E8, Lado oscuro), contracci\u00F3n de Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A, Escuadr\u00F3n Especial de Asesinato y T\u00E1cticas), en el doblaje espa\u00F1ol latino se les llama Fuerzas Especiales ANBU, son un grupo de shinobis de \u00E9lite de cada aldea mejor conocido como El Escuadr\u00F3n del Infierno. Ellos reciben sus \u00F3rdenes directamente del Kage, para misiones de alto rango, tales como asesinatos, torturas y rastreos de ninjas desertores o traicioneros. Los ANBU en general trabajan en equipos formados dependiendo de los requisitos de la misi\u00F3n, lo que garantiza el mayor \u00E9xito posible. Los miembros del ANBU reciben dicho rango del Kage de su aldea, \u00E9stos son elegidos por las capacidades \u00FAnicas de cada uno. La edad, sexo, origen y rangos anteriores no implica en la decisi\u00F3n. Tambi\u00E9n los miembros pueden abandonar la organizaci\u00F3n como Kakashi Hatake lo hizo, s\u00F3lo para volver a ser J\u014Dnin, aunque \u00E9l conserv\u00F3 fuertes lazos con los ANBU. Su identidad s\u00F3lo la conocen los ancianos y el Kage de la aldea, una excepci\u00F3n de esto es Konoha en la organizaci\u00F3n \"Ra\u00EDz\" la cual todos sus miembros s\u00F3lo serv\u00EDan a Danz\u014D Shimura."@es . "Der Job eines ANBU wird im Normalfall von einem Chuunin \u00FCbernommen. Die Aufgabe eines ANBU ist der Schutz der Kage oder Mordauftr\u00E4ge. Ein ANBU tr\u00E4gt immer eine Maske und hat die Typische Uniform an, nebenbei wird ein ANBU auch im Kampf mit der Katana gelehrt, diese Waffe geh\u00F6rt zu Standart eines ANBU. Die Masken die eine Attentat-Einheit tr\u00E4gt, ist meistens in der Form eines Tieres z. B. Rabe oder Tiger."@de . . "y"@en . . . . "Anbu"@fr . . . . "shika"@en . . "[[Archivo:Algunos ANBU de Konoha.png|thumb|Miembros ANBU de Konohagakure.]] ANBU (\u6697\u90E8, Lado oscuro), contracci\u00F3n de Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A, Escuadr\u00F3n Especial de Asesinato y T\u00E1cticas), en el doblaje espa\u00F1ol latino se les llama Fuerzas Especiales ANBU, son un grupo de shinobis de \u00E9lite de cada aldea mejor conocido como El Escuadr\u00F3n del Infierno. Ellos reciben sus \u00F3rdenes directamente del Kage, para misiones de alto rango, tales como asesinatos, torturas y rastreos de ninjas desertores o traicioneros. Los ANBU en general trabajan en equipos formados dependiendo de los requisitos de la misi\u00F3n, lo que garantiza el mayor \u00E9xito posible. Los miembros del ANBU reciben dicho rango del Kage de su aldea, \u00E9stos son elegidos por las capacidades \u00FAnicas de cada uno. La edad, sexo, origen"@en . "Anbu"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The ANBU (\u6697\u90E8, ANBU; Viz \"Black Ops\", English TV \"ANBU Black Ops\"; Literally meaning \"Dark Side\") is actually short for ANsatsu Senjutsu Tokushu BUtai (\u6697\u6BBA\u6226\u8853\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A, Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai; Literally meaning \"Special Assassination and Tactical Squad\"). The name is a form of contraction, similar to English acronyms like SWAT, where the two kanji used to abbreviate the group's full name constitute an actual word on their own."@en . "thumb|60px|Tatouage de l'Anbu. est un mot-valise compos\u00E9 des mots japonais . Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une unit\u00E9 sp\u00E9ciale cr\u00E9\u00E9e pour servir de garde personnelle aux Kage. Le mot Anbu sert \u00E0 la fois \u00E0 d\u00E9signer l\u2019unit\u00E9 et ses membres. Les Anbu sont recrut\u00E9s parmi l\u2019\u00E9lite des ninjas. Ils sont \u00E9galement charg\u00E9s des missions les plus p\u00E9rilleuses (assassinats, escortes, espionnages) se d\u00E9pla\u00E7ant le plus souvent par escouades de trois \u00E0 quatre personnes dirig\u00E9es par un chef d\u2019\u00E9quipe (quand ils ne sont pas en mission individuelle)."@fr .