"Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong (\u30AA\u30EA\u30F4\u30A3\u30A8\u30FB\u30DF\u30E9\u30FB\u30A2\u30FC\u30E0\u30B9\u30C8\u30ED\u30F3\u30B0, Orivie Mira \u0100musutorongu) is the primary heir to the illustrious Armstrong family, the older sister of Alex Louis Armstrong as well as the commanding officer charged with the protection of Amestris' northern border at Fort Briggs."@en . . . . . "Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong (\u30AA\u30EA\u30F4\u30A3\u30A8\u30FB\u30DF\u30E9\u30FB\u30A2\u30FC\u30E0\u30B9\u30C8\u30ED\u30F3\u30B0, Orivie Mira \u0100musutorongu) is the primary heir to the illustrious Armstrong family, the older sister of Alex Louis Armstrong as well as the commanding officer charged with the protection of Amestris' northern border at Fort Briggs."@en . . "Fullmetal Alchemist"@en . . . "Alex Louis Armstrong"@en . "Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong is Alex Louis Armstrong's older sister. She is in charge of Briggs, the northern military border. She scoffs at the concept of \"equivalent exchange\" and believes \"survival of the fittest\" is the only law in life. Her subordinates are loyal, but if it ensured the survival of Briggs (or for the sake of the greater good), they are instructed to leave her to die if ever the need arose, and she wouldn't hold it against them. One of her closest subordinates is Major Miles, a soldier whose grandfather was Ishvalan; he is of many bloods due to several inter-racial unions, beginning with his grandparents. It is possible that he is also part Xingese, but his Ishvalan blood is the most prominent. Being the General of Briggs, Olivier has full command of the Fortress. She is also very skilled with her family heirloom sword which she uses unhesitatingly. She also seems to have some proficiency with tanks and artillery."@en . . . "Espada"@es . "20"^^ . "Amue Armstrong"@es . "Olivier Mira Armstrong"@en . . . . . "300"^^ . "La Mayor General Olivier Milla Armstrong es la heredera principal de la ilustre Familia Armstrong, la hermana mayor de Alex Louis Armstrong y la comandante en jefe encargada de la protecci\u00F3n del norte de Amestris. Se encuentra a cargo de Briggs, la fortaleza militar m\u00E1s al norte. Cree que la \"supervivencia del m\u00E1s fuerte\" es la \u00FAnica ley en la vida. Sus subordinados son muy leales, pero tienen asignado dejarla si est\u00E1 en peligro. A ella no le importar\u00EDa, ya que eso significar\u00EDa que no era \"apta\". Odia al Coronel Roy Mustang y especialmente a su hermano. Cree que son d\u00E9biles y un insulto al ej\u00E9rcito. Sus subordinados m\u00E1s leales son Buccaneer y Miles. El abuelo de Miles era ishvaliano. Mientras los soldados de toda Amestris eran encarcelados y ejecutados, Olivier protegi\u00F3 a Miles y le dijo que a ella le daba igual su raza. Solo quer\u00EDa obediencia y disciplina."@es . "Northern Wall of Briggs"@en . . . . "Ice Queen"@en . . "Olivier Mira Armstrong"@en . . . . "Olivier Mira Armstrong"@en . . . "Pistola"@es . "Capacidad innata para dirigir"@es . . . "Alex Louis Armstrong"@es . "Commanding officer charged with the protection of Amestris' northern border at Fort Briggs"@en . . "Human"@en . . . . . . "Comandante en jefe encargada de la protecci\u00F3n de la frontera norte de Amestris en Fort Briggs"@es . . . . "Commanding officer charged with the protection of Amestris' northern border at Fort Briggs\nHead of the Armstrong family"@en . . "Catherine Elle Armstrong"@en . "A family heirloom sword"@en . . . "Episodio 33"@es . "Cap\u00EDtulo 63"@es . "Military Heroes, Lawful Good"@en . . . "Olivier Mira Armstrong"@es . . "Enhanced Swordsmen, Master Marksmen, High intelligence, Fast Reflexes and Speed"@en . "Domino de la espada"@es . . . "Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong is Alex Louis Armstrong's older sister. She is in charge of Briggs, the northern military border. She scoffs at the concept of \"equivalent exchange\" and believes \"survival of the fittest\" is the only law in life. Her subordinates are loyal, but if it ensured the survival of Briggs (or for the sake of the greater good), they are instructed to leave her to die if ever the need arose, and she wouldn't hold it against them."@en . "300"^^ . . . . . . . "Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong (\u30AA\u30EA\u30F4\u30A3\u30A8\u30FB\u30DF\u30E9\u30FB\u30A2\u30FC\u30E0\u30B9\u30C8\u30ED\u30F3\u30B0, Orivie Mira \u0100musutorongu) is the primary heir to the illustrious Armstrong family and the older sister of Alex Louis Armstrong as well as the commanding officer charged with the protection of Amestris' northern border at Fort Briggs."@en . . . "Yoko Soumi"@es . . . "Sis"@en . "La reina de hielo"@es . "Claudia Nieto"@es . "Strongine Armstrong"@es . "Familia Armstrong"@es . "Threatening anyone that makes her mad"@en . . . . . "Bazooka"@es . . . "Protect Amestris, Help destroy the homunculus"@en . "Catherine Elle Armstrong"@es . . "Major General"@en . . "Ice Queen"@en . . "Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong (\u30AA\u30EA\u30F4\u30A3\u30A8\u30FB\u30DF\u30E9\u30FB\u30A2\u30FC\u30E0\u30B9\u30C8\u30ED\u30F3\u30B0, Orivie Mira \u0100musutorongu) is the primary heir to the illustrious Armstrong family and the older sister of Alex Louis Armstrong as well as the commanding officer charged with the protection of Amestris' northern border at Fort Briggs."@en . . "Unnamed Mother"@en . . . . "Brillo caracter\u00EDstico de los Armstrong"@es . "Olivia Milla Armstrong"@es . "La Mayor General Olivier Milla Armstrong es la heredera principal de la ilustre Familia Armstrong, la hermana mayor de Alex Louis Armstrong y la comandante en jefe encargada de la protecci\u00F3n del norte de Amestris. Se encuentra a cargo de Briggs, la fortaleza militar m\u00E1s al norte. Cree que la \"supervivencia del m\u00E1s fuerte\" es la \u00FAnica ley en la vida. Sus subordinados son muy leales, pero tienen asignado dejarla si est\u00E1 en peligro. A ella no le importar\u00EDa, ya que eso significar\u00EDa que no era \"apta\". Odia al Coronel Roy Mustang y especialmente a su hermano. Cree que son d\u00E9biles y un insulto al ej\u00E9rcito."@es . .