"A citizen of Al Kharid"@en . "ima is a member of saltgang who also has a very strange crush on frank ocean. As you see in the photos below, ima does no take kindly to the talking of frank ocean unless you call every song and every album a \"10/10 perfect album\". Early reports suggest to me that ima has been found making sweet love to a cutoff of frank ocean in the bedroom. Ima is now followed by Cromzz on soundcloud making him the 2nd biggest threat to become a washed up rapper in the future behind Seven. Ima has a rivalry against PKDJ, and as a consequence is not part of the breeder gang boys motto like tails and sg. Ima however is very skilled a pokemon and climbed to the top of Pokemon showdown's ladder multiple times, as a result, Zamrock still left him off his world cup team......oops? A ima is the king of the bitches and has no mic. he was born in pokeonwifi and got owner and got slowly demoted cause chuck tenton is AA BITCH!! FUCK YOU CHUCK TENTON FUCK YOU NIGGA FUCK YOU anyways skythot Hitler came and fucked up the chat so we moved to 3dswifi. it was chill and i was moderator until CHUCK TENTON!! FUCK YOU CHUN TENOTN! came and fucked me up. i left xat and it died when i blew it up so i went to skype and i didnt even know abotu the eva fight. idk what eva was. anyways he moved up the be king of the mega bitches and is living happy after in the salt wounds of all his enemies enemies: OWHGOIHRG allies: all frenemies: weazy quote: \"are you a speed bump cuz im gonna cum and not slow down\""@en . "Ima"@en . "No"@en . . "150"^^ . . . . . . "Pablo Betarte Diaz"@en . "2006"^^ . . . . . "San Andres de Giles"@en . "IMA"@en . "Ima"@de . . . . "Ima Adj egy utols\u00F3 dalt nekem, Adj j\u00F3 Uram id\u0151t Te ismered az \u00E9letem, most \u00FAjra adj er\u0151t. El\u0151tted let\u00E9rdelek, hallgasd \u00FAj zen\u00E9m Az ezerarc\u00FA publikum, v\u00E1rja \u00FAj mis\u00E9m. Monroe \u00E9s Joplin a szentjeim, Bocs\u00E1tsd meg Istenem! Hozz\u00E1d n\u00E9ha k\u00F6zel ker\u00FCltem, seg\u00EDtett\u00E9l nekem. Vak\u00EDtott a s\u00F6t\u00E9ts\u00E9g, nem ismertem szab\u00E1lyt Utols\u00F3 k\u00F6nnyem temette, az \u00F6r\u00F6k Sz\u00EDn\u00E9sz-kir\u00E1lyt. Valahol egy dal sz\u00FCletett egy sz\u00EDvben. Valahol egy \u00F6lel\u00E9s indult el egy k\u00E9zben. Valahol egy ajt\u00F3 ny\u00EDlik meg el\u0151ttem. Valahol egy sz\u00EDnpad \u00E1ll, ahov\u00E1 visszat\u00E9rtem."@hu . "2004-03-25"^^ . "No"@en . . . "From imi, \"loved one\", from ame, \"friendly love\"; based upon m as a stem"@en . "IMa was the second monster battle organization to be created, and its domain covers Bubalook Island and Kawrea. IMa stands for the International Monster Association and is known for their great pomp. IMa sponsors many famous breeders around the world and is definitely the most competitive of the Monster Associations."@en . . . . "Ima was born sometime during the Fifth Age presumably in Al Kharid. Ima has had a son, so it can be presumed that he has a wife or a girlfriend. This son recently won his first fight at the Duel Arena and \"ripped his opponent in two pieces\". Ima's son is fifteen, which the players say is young for a person to fight. He tells players a humorous limerick of one of his duels with a man from Entrana: \"I once duelled a man from Entrana, Who wielded a mighty katana, It caused me fright, But it lost him the fight, It was made not from steel but banana!\""@en . "Ima"@en . . . . . "No"@en . . "Industrias Metal\u00FArgicas Australes is a tractor and equipment importer based in San Andres de Giles, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Founded in 2006 by Pablo Betarte Diaz, they import under the IMA Genesis brand."@en . "Buenos Aires"@en . . "ima is a member of saltgang who also has a very strange crush on frank ocean. As you see in the photos below, ima does no take kindly to the talking of frank ocean unless you call every song and every album a \"10/10 perfect album\". Early reports suggest to me that ima has been found making sweet love to a cutoff of frank ocean in the bedroom. Ima is now followed by Cromzz on soundcloud making him the 2nd biggest threat to become a washed up rapper in the future behind Seven. Ima has a rivalry against PKDJ, and as a consequence is not part of the breeder gang boys motto like tails and sg. Ima however is very skilled a pokemon and climbed to the top of Pokemon showdown's ladder multiple times, as a result, Zamrock still left him off his world cup team......oops? A"@en . . "Ein Jahresname der Tasham in Tarn-A-tuuk am Rand der Welt auf Kiombael. Ima steht f\u00FCr das Jahr 355"@de . "RS2 - Duelling and Extras"@en . . . "Ima Adj egy utols\u00F3 dalt nekem, Adj j\u00F3 Uram id\u0151t Te ismered az \u00E9letem, most \u00FAjra adj er\u0151t. El\u0151tted let\u00E9rdelek, hallgasd \u00FAj zen\u00E9m Az ezerarc\u00FA publikum, v\u00E1rja \u00FAj mis\u00E9m. Monroe \u00E9s Joplin a szentjeim, Bocs\u00E1tsd meg Istenem! Hozz\u00E1d n\u00E9ha k\u00F6zel ker\u00FCltem, seg\u00EDtett\u00E9l nekem. Vak\u00EDtott a s\u00F6t\u00E9ts\u00E9g, nem ismertem szab\u00E1lyt Utols\u00F3 k\u00F6nnyem temette, az \u00F6r\u00F6k Sz\u00EDn\u00E9sz-kir\u00E1lyt. Valahol egy dal sz\u00FCletett egy sz\u00EDvben. Valahol egy \u00F6lel\u00E9s indult el egy k\u00E9zben. Valahol egy ajt\u00F3 ny\u00EDlik meg el\u0151ttem. Valahol egy sz\u00EDnpad \u00E1ll, ahov\u00E1 visszat\u00E9rtem."@hu . "From imi, \"loved one\", from ame, \"friendly love\"; based upon m as a stem"@en . "Industrias Metal\u00FArgicas Australes is a tractor and equipment importer based in San Andres de Giles, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Founded in 2006 by Pablo Betarte Diaz, they import under the IMA Genesis brand."@en . . . . . . "Ima was born sometime during the Fifth Age presumably in Al Kharid. Ima has had a son, so it can be presumed that he has a wife or a girlfriend. This son recently won his first fight at the Duel Arena and \"ripped his opponent in two pieces\". Ima's son is fifteen, which the players say is young for a person to fight. He tells players a humorous limerick of one of his duels with a man from Entrana: \"I once duelled a man from Entrana, Who wielded a mighty katana, It caused me fright, But it lost him the fight, It was made not from steel but banana!\" His favourite fighter appears to be Mubariz."@en . "Ein Jahresname der Tasham in Tarn-A-tuuk am Rand der Welt auf Kiombael. Ima steht f\u00FCr das Jahr 355"@de . . "Ima was born sometime during the Fifth Age presumably in Al-Kharid. Ima has had a son, so it can be presumed that he has a wife or a girlfriend. This son recently won his first fight at the Duel Arena and \"ripped his opponent in two pieces\". Ima's son is fifteen, which the players say is young for a person to fight. He tells players a humorous limerick of one of his duels with a man from Entrana: \"I once duelled a man from Entrana, Who wielded a mighty katana, It caused me fright, But it lost him the fight, It was made not from steel but banana!\" His favourite fighter appears to be Mubariz."@en . . . "IMa was the second monster battle organization to be created, and its domain covers Bubalook Island and Kawrea. IMa stands for the International Monster Association and is known for their great pomp. IMa sponsors many famous breeders around the world and is definitely the most competitive of the Monster Associations."@en . . "Industrias Metal\u00FArgicas Australes"@en . "Ima was born sometime during the Fifth Age presumably in Al-Kharid. Ima has had a son, so it can be presumed that he has a wife or a girlfriend. This son recently won his first fight at the Duel Arena and \"ripped his opponent in two pieces\". Ima's son is fifteen, which the players say is young for a person to fight. He tells players a humorous limerick of one of his duels with a man from Entrana: \"I once duelled a man from Entrana, Who wielded a mighty katana, It caused me fright, But it lost him the fight, It was made not from steel but banana!\""@en . . . . "Male"@en . "Ima"@hu . "IMa"@en .