"Operation Revenant, also known the Third Selukarian War, was a six-year conflict within the greater Galactic War launched by the Holy Xaronese Empire against Sarumaxes tal Morregon's New Selukarian Empire. Although the military threat of the New Selukarian Empire was ended at the Battle of Idessa, Operation Revenant would last another year until Sarumaxes tal Morregon was killed in the Battle of Typhon when his flagship fell into the Typhon Maelstrom."@en . "Operation Revenant"@en . "Operation Revenant, also known the Third Selukarian War, was a six-year conflict within the greater Galactic War launched by the Holy Xaronese Empire against Sarumaxes tal Morregon's New Selukarian Empire. Although the military threat of the New Selukarian Empire was ended at the Battle of Idessa, Operation Revenant would last another year until Sarumaxes tal Morregon was killed in the Battle of Typhon when his flagship fell into the Typhon Maelstrom."@en . . .