. . "Steph packs her bags. Nicky starts cubs. Des spends the night at Congleton Police Station for setting fire to the boat. Angie agrees to design the Bettabuy float but tells Curly that she'll want professional payment. Vicky refuses to believe the Johnsons don't want her. Percy takes Alf's place on the WARTS carnival float. Martin urges Des to fight for his marriage. Vicky disappears from the Rovers and turns up at the Johnsons house. They phone Alec. He makes the Johnsons say, in front of Vicky, that they don't want to take her on. Vicky agrees to return to the Rovers. Bet has to hold herself back from rowing with Vicky as her bitterness upsets Alec. Des slashes Steph's suitcases up and tells her that she's staying with him. She tells him that she doesn't love him anymore and begs him not to hit her. She walks out. Angie decides to have the Horn of Plenty as the float theme. Reg agrees to be Bacchus, with Curly as Mercury. Steph moves in with Simon Beatty."@en . "Steph packs her bags. Nicky starts cubs. Des spends the night at Congleton Police Station for setting fire to the boat. Angie agrees to design the Bettabuy float but tells Curly that she'll want professional payment. Vicky refuses to believe the Johnsons don't want her. Percy takes Alf's place on the WARTS carnival float. Martin urges Des to fight for his marriage. Vicky disappears from the Rovers and turns up at the Johnsons house. They phone Alec. He makes the Johnsons say, in front of Vicky, that they don't want to take her on. Vicky agrees to return to the Rovers. Bet has to hold herself back from rowing with Vicky as her bitterness upsets Alec. Des slashes Steph's suitcases up and tells her that she's staying with him. She tells him that she doesn't love him anymore and begs him not t"@en . . . "1991"^^ . . . "Episode 3269 (23rd August 1991)"@en . "1991-08-21"^^ . . . . . . "1991-08-23"^^ . "1991-08-26"^^ . . . . . . "3269"^^ . . .