. . "Maggie starts to get more impatient with Betty. The residents sign up for a 7-a-side mixed team football match against The Flying Horse but Annie doesn\u2019t understand the joke when Alan Ball, Bobby Charlton and Eus\u00E9bio are on the list. Audrey gets annoyed as Dickie doesn't pull his weight at No.3. Maggie and Elsie stage a slanging match over Len and give Betty something to think about. Emily tells Elsie that Douglas has promised to see her again when he finishes overseas, but she thinks he'll forget her. Ray moves out of No. 5 and into one of the Albert Park flats for convenience for work, leaving Audrey in charge of his yard. Ken's advice leads Dickie to think Audrey is pregnant. Len and Cyril bicker over who will be team captain in the match. Elsie asks Len to go easy with Maggie. Audrey lets Dickie busy around her. Ena discovers the Council are planning to build a shopping precinct on North Cross Cemetery, on top of her Grandad, who was killed in the Weatherfield Main pit disaster of 1906. Maggie gets dressed up for a night with Len but he lets her down in favour of work. Cyril, Annie and Tommy Deakin work out the conditions and prizes for the football match. Maggie discovers Betty has held a card from Gordon from her for several days by accident and goes mad at her."@en . "1969-09-15"^^ . . . . . "Maggie starts to get more impatient with Betty. The residents sign up for a 7-a-side mixed team football match against The Flying Horse but Annie doesn\u2019t understand the joke when Alan Ball, Bobby Charlton and Eus\u00E9bio are on the list. Audrey gets annoyed as Dickie doesn't pull his weight at No.3. Maggie and Elsie stage a slanging match over Len and give Betty something to think about. Emily tells Elsie that Douglas has promised to see her again when he finishes overseas, but she thinks he'll forget her. Ray moves out of No. 5 and into one of the Albert Park flats for convenience for work, leaving Audrey in charge of his yard. Ken's advice leads Dickie to think Audrey is pregnant. Len and Cyril bicker over who will be team captain in the match. Elsie asks Len to go easy with Maggie. Audrey l"@en . . . . . "1969"^^ . . . "1969-09-22"^^ . . "Episode 911 (17th September 1969)"@en . "911"^^ . "1969-09-17"^^ .