"The 'Holy Tree Branch'"@en . . "Orin (\u30AA\u30EB\u30AB, Oruka) is the son of Blaire. He is very skilled with machines, and often comes to the player's rescue in the course of the game when something needs to be fixed. He is intelligent and a powerful Craftknight, and is generally humble. His personal summon creature is Rygel. He loves to tease his little sister Tatiana and the player. He is also a great cook."@en . "Alignment"@en . . . "Orin \"Blackfoot\" was a prisoner in the Iron Stocks who was freed by Grog. As an NPC, Orin was played by Matthew Mercer."@en . . "true"@en . "false"@en . "Man"@sv . "false"@en . "Ledare"@sv . . . "Cree \u2020"@en . . "unknown"@en . "Royaumes que se servent de l'orin : \n* T\u00E9m\u00E9rie \n* Sodden \n* Ellander \n* Mahakam"@fr . . . . "Orin"@pt . . . "Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal"@en . . . "Orin was a powerful Gypsy Hunter who hunted a clan of Gypsies with such aggressive ruthlessness that they cursed him with blindness, rendering him unable to hunt any Gypsies. Years later, along with his son, Cree, Orin plotted to restore his sight and get revenge."@en . . . "Orin"@es . . . "thumb W przesz\u0142o\u015Bci Orin by\u0142 demonem dla kt\u00F3rego zabijanie kap\u0142anek cyganek (tzw. Shuvanich> by\u0142o przyjemno\u015Bci\u0105. G\u0142\u00F3wnie jego moc\u0105 by\u0142 Talizman z\u0142ego oka. Niestety. Pewna kap\u0142anka rzuci\u0142a na niego moc wypalenia oczu. Orin o\u015Blep\u0142 na bardzo d\u0142ugo. Do czasu kiedy syn Orina zacz\u0105\u0142 zabija\u0107 kap\u0142anki i kra\u015B\u0107 im oczy. Czarodziejki unicestwi\u0142y jego syna, natomiast Orin teleportowa\u0142 si\u0119 do czarodziejek do domu. G\u0142\u00F3wnym jego celem by\u0142o zabicie ostatniej szuenich. Czarodziejki pomog\u0142y jej, a Orin zosta\u0142 zabity."@pl . . "Orin is a golden guardian Dragon of the realm of Edenia who was ordered by Edenia's protector-god Argus to awaken his sons Taven and Daegon in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Orin, however, stayed dutiful to Taven until the very end, when Quan Chi teleported to the cavern the brothers were entombed in and dealt Orin a mortal wound to prevent him from transporting Taven anywhere. However, Orin had just enough strength left after the attack to hold open Quan Chi's escape portal to Outworld for Taven, allowing him to chase after the sorcerer. His final fate is unknown, though the ending to Konquest mode suggests that he has died as well."@en . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20040930bespinmain"@en . . "Herbalism, Inscription"@en . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . . . "Terran Confederacy\n:Military Security Service"@en . "needed"@en . "Orin"@en . . "Orin"@es . "Orin is an artist for Sonic the Comic Online."@en . "2002"^^ . . . . "Orin"@en . "Roca volc\u00E1nica"@es . "Keeper of the Crystal"@en . . . "Orin \u00E4r en manlig m\u00E4nniska fr\u00E5n hans hemv\u00E4rld i Pegasus. Orin var en gammal v\u00E4n till Teyla Emmagan och hennes far. Under 2005, var han och hans familj, liksom andra av hans folk r\u00E4ddas av Teyla och Major John Sheppard efter att hans planet var under attack fr\u00E5n Wraith. De f\u00F6rdes tillbaka till Atlantis och blev omplacerade p\u00E5 en ny v\u00E4rld av Atlantis Expeditionen. (ATL: \"Letters from Pegasus\")"@sv . "Orin"@en . . . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20040930bespinmain"@es . . . . "false"@en . . . "Killed in an explosion"@en . "His people, Athosians"@en . "Mortal Kombat: Armageddon"@en . "Orin \"Blackfoot\""@en . "Orin"@sv . . . "Royaumes que se servent de l'orin : \n* T\u00E9m\u00E9rie \n* Sodden \n* Ellander \n* Mahakam"@fr . . "Orin es un Drag\u00F3n que tienen ordenado despertar a Taven en el Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Seg\u00FAn el modo de juego del Konquest, Orin, se qued\u00F3 obediente a Taven hasta el final, cuando Quan Chi se teletransporta a la caverna donde Taven fue sepultado, hizo en Orin una herida mortal para evitar que lo transporte a Taven en cualquier lugar. Sin embargo, Orin tiene bastante fuerza despu\u00E9s del ataque para mantener abierto el portal para cazar al hechicero. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes menores Categor\u00EDa:Dragones Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de MKA Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Masculinos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Edenia"@es . "*Fading\n*Energy Beam\n*Levitation\n*Optical Energy Blasts"@en . "Orin"@en . "Bespin: Action Tidings"@es . . . "Orin the Wise"@en . "Race/Class"@en . . . "Cliff Village"@en . "Allegiances"@en . "Tom Taylor"@en . "0"^^ . "Professions"@en . . . . . "Humanoid"@en . . . . . . "Orin"@en . . . . "Un mundo volc\u00E1nico, Orin era el segundo planeta del sistema Bespin en los Territorios del Borde Exterior. Orin ten\u00EDa una \u00F3rbita el\u00EDptica, pasando a trav\u00E9s de los asteroides del Anillo de Velser dos veces por a\u00F1o. La negra superficie del planeta sufr\u00EDa frecuentes terremotos y estaba cubierta de r\u00EDos de lava y volcanes en erupci\u00F3n. La temperatura de la superficie de Orin era sumamente alta y su atm\u00F3sfera estaba llena de cenizas y holl\u00EDn que ca\u00EDan del cielo."@es . . "Evil"@en . "4"^^ . . "Orin was a powerful Gypsy Hunter who hunted a clan of Gypsies with such aggressive ruthlessness that they cursed him with blindness, rendering him unable to hunt any Gypsies. Years later, along with his son, Cree, Orin plotted to restore his sight and get revenge."@en . "A volcanic world, Orin occupied the second-planet position within the Bespin system in the Outer Rim Territories. The planet had an elliptical orbit, passing through the asteroids of the nearby Velser's Ring twice during its year. The planet's black surface was rocked by frequent groundquakes and covered with rivers of lava and erupting volcanoes. Orin's surface temperature was unbearably high and its atmosphere was choked with thick soot and ash that rained down from the sky."@en . . . "Orin is an artist for Sonic the Comic Online."@en . . "thumb W przesz\u0142o\u015Bci Orin by\u0142 demonem dla kt\u00F3rego zabijanie kap\u0142anek cyganek (tzw. Shuvanich> by\u0142o przyjemno\u015Bci\u0105. G\u0142\u00F3wnie jego moc\u0105 by\u0142 Talizman z\u0142ego oka. Niestety. Pewna kap\u0142anka rzuci\u0142a na niego moc wypalenia oczu. Orin o\u015Blep\u0142 na bardzo d\u0142ugo. Do czasu kiedy syn Orina zacz\u0105\u0142 zabija\u0107 kap\u0142anki i kra\u015B\u0107 im oczy. Czarodziejki unicestwi\u0142y jego syna, natomiast Orin teleportowa\u0142 si\u0119 do czarodziejek do domu. G\u0142\u00F3wnym jego celem by\u0142o zabicie ostatniej szuenich. Czarodziejki pomog\u0142y jej, a Orin zosta\u0142 zabity."@pl . . . . . . . "2011-06-01"^^ . . "Approaching Middle-Age"@en . . . "false"@en . . "Blood Elf Priest"@en . "Orin"@sv . . . . . "Orin \u00E9 um drag\u00E3o a servi\u00E7o de Argus e Delia em Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.\u00C9 o protetor de Taven."@pt . "Orin \u00E9 um drag\u00E3o a servi\u00E7o de Argus e Delia em Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.\u00C9 o protetor de Taven."@pt . "Orin (\u30AA\u30EB\u30AB, Oruka) is the son of Blaire. He is very skilled with machines, and often comes to the player's rescue in the course of the game when something needs to be fixed. He is intelligent and a powerful Craftknight, and is generally humble. His personal summon creature is Rygel. He loves to tease his little sister Tatiana and the player. He is also a great cook."@en . . . . . . "Ash-filled"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . . "Segunda"@es . . "Orin was a large sergeant in the Military Security Service. He had brown skin, piercing blue eyes, and spoke with a deep resonant voice."@en . . "false"@en . "Orin is a golden guardian Dragon of the realm of Edenia who was ordered by Edenia's protector-god Argus to awaken his sons Taven and Daegon in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Orin, however, stayed dutiful to Taven until the very end, when Quan Chi teleported to the cavern the brothers were entombed in and dealt Orin a mortal wound to prevent him from transporting Taven anywhere. However, Orin had just enough strength left after the attack to hold open Quan Chi's escape portal to Outworld for Taven, allowing him to chase after the sorcerer. His final fate is unknown, though the ending to Konquest mode suggests that he has died as well."@en . . . . . "Orin B. Weatherburn"@en . . . "black"@en . . . . "Dead"@en . . . . "Fremennik Sagas"@en . . "Muere por una herida mortal hecha por Quan Chi"@es . "Volcanoes"@en . . . . "Extremely hot"@en . "Gypsy Hunter"@en . "350"^^ . . "\"Letters from Pegasus\""@en . . "Orin Chen is the creepy and intense friend of April Ludgate. He seldom speaks and often stares at people and makes them feel uncomfortable."@en . . "189"^^ . . "NPC"@en . . . . "Bespin: Action Tidings"@en . "Orin"@en . "Orin"@fr . "1"^^ . "Volcanic rock"@en . . . . . . . . . "Fallecido"@es . "Orin Chen is the creepy and intense friend of April Ludgate. He seldom speaks and often stares at people and makes them feel uncomfortable."@en . . "Masakazu Morita"@en . . "Orin"@es . . . "Orin \"Blackfoot\""@en . . . . . . . . "Un mundo volc\u00E1nico, Orin era el segundo planeta del sistema Bespin en los Territorios del Borde Exterior. Orin ten\u00EDa una \u00F3rbita el\u00EDptica, pasando a trav\u00E9s de los asteroides del Anillo de Velser dos veces por a\u00F1o. La negra superficie del planeta sufr\u00EDa frecuentes terremotos y estaba cubierta de r\u00EDos de lava y volcanes en erupci\u00F3n. La temperatura de la superficie de Orin era sumamente alta y su atm\u00F3sfera estaba llena de cenizas y holl\u00EDn que ca\u00EDan del cielo."@es . "Orin"@en . . "Orin"@es . . . "Blue"@en . . "Terran"@en . . "Age"@en . . "Matthew Mercer"@en . "White"@en . . "None"@en . . "2"^^ . "Bespin: Action Tidings"@es . "A volcanic world, Orin occupied the second-planet position within the Bespin system in the Outer Rim Territories. The planet had an elliptical orbit, passing through the asteroids of the nearby Velser's Ring twice during its year. The planet's black surface was rocked by frequent groundquakes and covered with rivers of lava and erupting volcanoes. Orin's surface temperature was unbearably high and its atmosphere was choked with thick soot and ash that rained down from the sky."@en . . "Human"@en . . . "He knew more dirty jokes than anyone."@en . . "1"^^ . "Deceased"@en . . . . . . . . "No"@en . "K-18"@en . . "Parents, an uncle, alive and elsewhere. Also, cousin by marriage Hollistor Shar'Thera"@en . "Orin was a large sergeant in the Military Security Service. He had brown skin, piercing blue eyes, and spoke with a deep resonant voice."@en . . . . . "false"@en . "Hunting Gypsies"@en . "Orin"@pl . "Male"@en . . "Good"@en . "Family"@en . . . "Gray"@en . . "Orin \"Blackfoot\" was a prisoner in the Iron Stocks who was freed by Grog. As an NPC, Orin was played by Matthew Mercer."@en . . . "Orin"@es . . "No"@en . . . "* High Resistance\n* Power Absorption\n*Clairvoyance\n* Immunity"@en . . "Yes"@en . "Hans folk, Athosianer"@sv . . . . . . "Orin es un Drag\u00F3n que tienen ordenado despertar a Taven en el Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Seg\u00FAn el modo de juego del Konquest, Orin, se qued\u00F3 obediente a Taven hasta el final, cuando Quan Chi se teletransporta a la caverna donde Taven fue sepultado, hizo en Orin una herida mortal para evitar que lo transporte a Taven en cualquier lugar. Sin embargo, Orin tiene bastante fuerza despu\u00E9s del ataque para mantener abierto el portal para cazar al hechicero. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes menores Categor\u00EDa:Dragones Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de MKA Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Masculinos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Edenia"@es . . . "2"^^ . . "Bespin: Action Tidings"@en . . "Orin"@es . . "Sergeant"@en . . . . "Orin \u00E4r en manlig m\u00E4nniska fr\u00E5n hans hemv\u00E4rld i Pegasus. Orin var en gammal v\u00E4n till Teyla Emmagan och hennes far. Under 2005, var han och hans familj, liksom andra av hans folk r\u00E4ddas av Teyla och Major John Sheppard efter att hans planet var under attack fr\u00E5n Wraith. De f\u00F6rdes tillbaka till Atlantis och blev omplacerade p\u00E5 en ny v\u00E4rld av Atlantis Expeditionen. (ATL: \"Letters from Pegasus\")"@sv .