"Massoud Barzani"@en . . . . . . "* 1st Armoured Division\n* 16 Air Assault Brigade\n* 3 Commando Brigade\n* U.K. Special Forces\n: 2,000"@en . . . . . . "Iraq\n* Iraqi Army and security and irregular forces \n*"@en . . . . "Jalal Talabani"@en . "In order to go to war in Iraq, the Bush administration needed Congress to pass a war resolution. In order to get Congress to vote for an attack Iraq, a nation that had not attacked the United States, a case had to be made that that country posed a threat to the United States. The groundwork for this case had been under construction for the previous 10 years and intensified after 9-11-2001. The Bush administration created a politically-motivated and controlled intelligence and foreign policy system that went around career intelligence analysts, blocked international weapons agreements and inspections in Iraq, and selectively presented to Congress a false depiction of the danger that Iraq represented."@en . . . "Tommy Franks"@en . . "Iraqi National Accord"@en . "the Iraq War"@en . "Barzan Ibrahim"@en . "24"^^ . . "2003 invasion of Iraq"@en . . "*"@en . "The 2003 Invasion of Iraq was when Iraq was ivaded by the U.S. and other countries from March20,2003-May1,2003."@en . "Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri"@en . . . "Tony Blair"@en . . . . ""@en . . "Henrik Flach'''"@en . . . "----\nWith military support from:"@en . "Coalition forces:\nUnited States"@en . . "Ra'ad al-Hamdani"@en . . "265000"^^ . "Peshmerga:"@en . . "Islamic Dawa Party"@en . . . ""@en . . "The 2003 Invasion of Iraq was when Iraq was ivaded by the U.S. and other countries from March20,2003-May1,2003."@en . . "3200"^^ . . "Uday Hussein"@en . "196"^^ . "Kosrat Rasul Ali"@en . "The 2003 Invasion of Iraq, also known as the Domino Theory, was a wise, justified American invasion of Iraq. The American president, George Bush initially refused to go to war with Iraq, but was forced to declare war when Saddam Hussein refused to allow the inspectors into the country. As Bush never claimed there were any weapons of mass destruction in the country, none were found, because they were all shipped to North Korea. The invasion was a stunning success, and Iraq became a beacon of hope and democracy. Soon, tyrannical regimes across the Middle East began to fall and respect for Israel bloomed, just as the president predicted. Some Democrats, to attack Bush, falsely claimed that the war was actually fought not to free Iraq, but instead to discover weapons of mass destruction in Ira"@en . . "Babakir Zebari"@en . . "50000"^^ . "George W. Bush"@en . "U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams tanks and their crews pose for a photo in front of the \"Hands of Victory\" monument at Baghdad's Ceremony Square in November 2003."@en . . . "* Ba'athist Iraqi government overthrown\n* Occupation of Iraq until June 2004\n* New Iraqi government established\n* Iraqi insurgency and sectarian conflicts"@en . ": 194"@en . "Peshmerga: 70,000"@en . . "Iraqi National Congress: 620"@en . "Ahmad Chalabi"@en . "Mujahideen"@en . "551"^^ . . . . "Estimated Iraqi combatant fatalities: 30,000 \n7,600\u201311,000 \n13,500\u201345,000"@en . "John Howard"@en . . . "2007"^^ . "7269"^^ . "Mizban Khuthair al-Hadi"@en . "Total:"@en . . "Brian Burridge '''"@en . . . . . . . . . . "172"^^ . . "2003 Invasion of Iraq"@en . . "Peshmerga\n*"@en . . "Qusay Hussein"@en . . . . "Iraq war"@en . . . "Coalition:"@en . . . . "The 2003 Invasion of Iraq, also known as the Domino Theory, was a wise, justified American invasion of Iraq. The American president, George Bush initially refused to go to war with Iraq, but was forced to declare war when Saddam Hussein refused to allow the inspectors into the country. As Bush never claimed there were any weapons of mass destruction in the country, none were found, because they were all shipped to North Korea. The invasion was a stunning success, and Iraq became a beacon of hope and democracy. Soon, tyrannical regimes across the Middle East began to fall and respect for Israel bloomed, just as the president predicted. Some Democrats, to attack Bush, falsely claimed that the war was actually fought not to free Iraq, but instead to discover weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. These people have been exposed as traitors by the genius Ann Coulter. Everything after the humorous delusions that led to this situation isn't funny at all."@en . "375000"^^ . "44000"^^ . . . "In order to go to war in Iraq, the Bush administration needed Congress to pass a war resolution. In order to get Congress to vote for an attack Iraq, a nation that had not attacked the United States, a case had to be made that that country posed a threat to the United States. The groundwork for this case had been under construction for the previous 10 years and intensified after 9-11-2001. The Bush administration created a politically-motivated and controlled intelligence and foreign policy system that went around career intelligence analysts, blocked international weapons agreements and inspections in Iraq, and selectively presented to Congress a false depiction of the danger that Iraq represented. The Bush administration's system for falsely claiming that Iraq had WMD then confronted the problem of how to explain the fact that after the invasion, no WMD could be found in Iraq. As part of \"dealing\" with this problem, Joe Wilson was attacked for expressing doubts about how pre-war intelligence was handled. The White House needed to limit the perception that lies had been used to take the United States to war. In an effort to depict his mission to Africa as unimportant, it was decided that members of the press should be told that Wilson's wife was involved in selecting Wilson to go to Africa. This quickly led to the realization by reporter Robert Novak that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, a fact that he published. This led to a federal investigation of how the secret CIA identity of Valerie Wilson was leaked. The investigation revealed that Lewis Libby leaked Valerie Wilson's CIA identity to reporters. During the leak investigation, Libby made statements to investigators that contradicted statements by other witnesses and other evidence. Libby was charged with obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury to a grand jury, and two counts of making false statements. Statements made to the grand jury by both Libby and Karl Rove indicate that they both claimed to have been told of Valerie Wilson's CIA identity by reporters. In Rove's case, he apparently claimed not to know that Valerie Wilson's CIA identity was a secret and this claim was apparently not contradicted by other witnesses and so far he has not been charged. Remaining questions: 1) Will there be an investigation of pre-war handling of intelligence? In particular, who was responsible for placing mention of uranium in the 2003 State of the Union speech and in general the roles of Libby, John Bolton and Donald Rumsfeld in presenting a false image of Iraq to Colin Powel and Congress. 2) Will the investigation of the forged Niger uranium documents reveal who created them? Will it reveal who controlled the timing of them reaching US intelligence and the United Nations? 3) Will the investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks reveal who was behind the attacks and attempts to link them to Iraq? 4) Will Novak reveal how he first learned of the involvement of Wilson's wife in the mission to Niger? 5) Will DCIA Tenet ever explain his role in placing the views of political appointees above those of career intelligence analysists? 6) What led to Bush's desire to go to war against Iraq? What other political forces combined with Bush's political ambitions to make war a reality. 7) Is there a way to get the genie back in the bottle or is this truly the dawn of a century of Neocon Imperialism? Will Bush's dream of converting war \"capital\" into political victories come true? 8) Will Americans react with revulsion to having been manipulated into war or will they just go along for the ride?"@en . . ""@en . "The officially-stated sole trigger for the invasion was the U.S. government's assertion that Iraq had failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction and posed a threat to the world."@en . "Aleksander Kwa\u015Bniewski"@en . . . . "Estimated Iraqi civilian fatalities:"@en . "Ali Hassan al-Majid"@en . . "----\nWith political and military support from:"@en . "650000"^^ . "Iraq"@en . . . "Ansar al-Islam"@en . "--03-20"^^ . .