. "4000000000"^^ . . "Ord Mantell was a star wars planet. On Second Life, it was a star wars roleplay region since the first quarter 2008. During this time it featured several embassies for various factions, such as an embassy for the Underlords (the parent orginization of the Trayus Academy on Malachor V) and one for the New Order of the Jedi. At the end of the second quarter, it evolved into a multigenre science fiction sim. The Planet was ruled by the Sanguine Syndicate and was unique at the time in that it took a distinctly anti-imperial standing. During the time of Ord Mantell's life it became home to the Totality Institute, and was the base of their experiments."@en . . . . . . . . "Ord Mantell"@es . . . . . . . . "Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir Concept Art Gallery"@en . . "250"^^ . "Ord Mantell"@no . . . "Respirable"@es . "334"^^ . "Ord Mantell"@sv . "Ord Mantell"@no . . . "Ord Mantell"@fr . . "Mantell"@en . "Although not an official member-world of the Republic, Ord Mantell is the most distant world from the galactic Core to be considered a part of the Republic's territory. The Outer Rim world suffers a strange awkwardness. Too distant for the authority of the Republic to carry any real weight, but bound by colonization to remain subject to Republic law. Ord Mantell was initially established as a colony of Corellia after a series of Pirate Raids on Outer Rim transport routes. The colony was a military base from which to defend these routes, but for a time Corellia was without the naval power to staff it. During this period it was a colony in name alone, and it was subject to the same criminal influences that any other Outer Rim world would be. Recently, Ord Mantell has been conquered by Cerebra the Hutt and subjected to the most abject and senseless forms of wanton cruelty under the dominion of The Great Hutt Nation. However, after the Hutt's death and the destruction of the Brood, ownership of the planet returned to Viceroy Dash L'hnnar."@en . . . "news/swca-the-untold-clone-wars-panel-liveblog"@es . . "Ord Mantell was a relatively unimportant planet in the Mid Rim, used by the Galactic Republic as a regional depot, i.e. junkyard and slum. For some reason, every time Han Solo visited Ord Mantell, he was attacked by some bounty hunter or other, like when IG-88 attacked him while he was repairing damage to Renegade Squadron. Boba Fett attacked Jaden Korr there."@en . . . . . . "Ord Mantell"@sv . . "Ord Mantell"@it . . . . . . . . . . . "Terrestrial"@fi . "De fleste vanlige arter i Galaksen"@no . "Ord Mantell#kanon"@en . . . . "None"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "1.03"^^ . . . . "Ord Mantell was a planet in the outer-rim. It was mainly covered with giant scrap metal heaps."@en . . . . "Standar Varme"@no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "15"^^ . "[Source] Ord Mantell est une plan\u00E8te de la Bordure M\u00E9diane dans le secteur Bright Jewel."@fr . "Corellian CorridorKessel RunPirates LaneNebula Streak"@en . . . . "Ord Mantell City†"@en . "Standart"@no . . "temperate"@en . . . . . . . "Den bergiga sl\u00E4tter och vulkaniska \u00F6arna Ord Mantell \u00E4r fyllda med h\u00E4rjningar ett h\u00E4nsynsl\u00F6st inb\u00F6rdeskrig. Republiken krafter k\u00E4mpar sv\u00E5rf\u00E5ngade separatister som genomf\u00F6r strejker gerilla stil mot b\u00E5de milit\u00E4ra och civila m\u00E5l. L\u00E4gga till fr\u00E5gor till en redan tveksam situation \u00E4r planetens regering, men lojala mot republiken, bara en marionettregim f\u00F6r underjorden oro. Corellian kolonister bosatte Ord Mantell niotusen \u00E5r sedan, och planet blev en mellanstation f\u00F6r republikens milit\u00E4ra operationer i den yttre kanten. Ord Mantell strategiska v\u00E4rde avtagit under \u00E5rhundradena, dock, och efter en korrupt amiralen avyttrade den lokala flottan, milit\u00E4ren alla utom \u00F6vergivna planeten. Ord Mantell blev snart en tillflyktsort f\u00F6r smugglare, pirater och prisj\u00E4gare, och den lokala regeringen f\u00F6ll under inflytande av brottssyndikat, en dynamik som kvar p\u00E5 plats till denna dag. \u00C4ven om i stort sett obestridd under kriget mellan republiken och Sith Empire, saker och ting f\u00F6r\u00E4ndrats efter freden i Coruscant. \u00C4ven om m\u00E5nga stj\u00E4rnsystem drog sig ur republiken, beslutat Ord Mantell korrumperade guvern\u00F6rer det var b\u00E4ttre f\u00F6retag att vara lojala. Inte alla av planetens befolkning \u00F6verens om, dock, och en separatistisk r\u00F6relse b\u00F6rjade och snabbt eskalerade till en v\u00E4pnad konflikt. Den Marauders b\u00F6rjade en hit-and-run krig f\u00F6r att driva det milit\u00E4ra utanf\u00F6r planeten och uppn\u00E5 sj\u00E4lvst\u00E4ndighet. Under de senaste tv\u00E5 \u00E5ren har separatistiska attackerna h\u00E4rjade landskapet och de-stabiliserade den skadade regeringen. Trots den sv\u00E5ra situationen, \u00E4r Ord Mantell f\u00F6rsvar \u00E4r st\u00E4rkt. Brottssyndikat bakom den lokala regeringen f\u00F6r in potenta svarta marknaden teknik fr\u00E5n Nar Shaddaa, och Republiken \u00E4r att distribuera sin mest elit styrkor. Kampen om Ord Mantell \u00E4r bara b\u00F6rjan. augusti 9, 2011 kl. 13.21 (UTC)Albin Hillberg \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@sv . "Tellurique"@fr . . "Ord Mantell was a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster. It is located near Anobis in the Mid Rim."@en . . . "Montagnes"@fr . . . "Humans, Trandoshan, etc."@en . "Jubilee Wheel"@nl . . "Ord Mantell"@nl . . "Ord_Mantell-planeta.jpg"@es . "\u041E\u0440\u0434 \u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B"@no . . . . "Suolavesi j\u00E4rvi\u00E4."@fi . . "Ord Mantell"@it . "Dense, Dry ForestsMountainsDeserts"@en . . "Ord Mantell fue un planeta que alberg\u00F3 una base de operaciones del sindicato criminal Sol Negro durante las Guerras Clon. Una batalla tuvo lugar en el planeta entre la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes y la Sombra Colectiva, de la cual formaba parte el Sol Negro. Durante la Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica, Han Solo y la Alianza Rebelde encontraron a un cazarrecompensas en Ord Mantell."@es . "Standard"@it . "Gematigd"@nl . . "14.05"^^ . . "*Humanos\n*Falleen"@es . "Ord Mantell"@fr . . . . "A Rogue Comet"@en . . . "Plateau\u2019s"@nl . . "Basic"@it . . . . . "Ord Mantell"@it . "\u041E\u0440\u0434-\u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B\u043B"@no . "Ord Mantell"@nl . . . . . "first quarter 2008"@en . . . . . . "Den bergiga sl\u00E4tter och vulkaniska \u00F6arna Ord Mantell \u00E4r fyllda med h\u00E4rjningar ett h\u00E4nsynsl\u00F6st inb\u00F6rdeskrig. Republiken krafter k\u00E4mpar sv\u00E5rf\u00E5ngade separatister som genomf\u00F6r strejker gerilla stil mot b\u00E5de milit\u00E4ra och civila m\u00E5l. L\u00E4gga till fr\u00E5gor till en redan tveksam situation \u00E4r planetens regering, men lojala mot republiken, bara en marionettregim f\u00F6r underjorden oro. Corellian kolonister bosatte Ord Mantell niotusen \u00E5r sedan, och planet blev en mellanstation f\u00F6r republikens milit\u00E4ra operationer i den yttre kanten. Ord Mantell strategiska v\u00E4rde avtagit under \u00E5rhundradena, dock, och efter en korrupt amiralen avyttrade den lokala flottan, milit\u00E4ren alla utom \u00F6vergivna planeten. Ord Mantell blev snart en tillflyktsort f\u00F6r smugglare, pirater och prisj\u00E4gare, och den lokala regeringen f\u00F6ll unde"@sv . . "OrdMantell.png"@no . "april 2009"@en . . "*Savrip Mantelliano\n*Flutterplume Mantelliano\n*Pterosauro Mantelliano\n*Farfalla Mantelliana"@it . . "Talloze species"@nl . "Ord Mantell"@no . . . "\u041E\u0440\u0434-\u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B\u043B"@sv . . "Ord Mantell"@no . . . "2"^^ . "tv-shows/darth-maul-son-of-dathomir-concept-art-gallery"@en . "Hutt Dome Pleasure DiscPoint Defense Station AlphaPoint Defense Station Bravo"@en . "Steden"@nl . . . "Ord Mantell"@it . . . . "Ord Mantell oli planeetta Bright Jewel Clusterissa."@fi . . . . "Ord Mantell fue un planeta del Borde Medio, de mares salados, salpicado de islas volc\u00E1nicas y llanuras. Las monta\u00F1osas planicies y las islas volc\u00E1nicas de Ord Mantell quedaron marcadas por los estragos de una guerra civil despiadada. Las fuerzas de la Rep\u00FAblica lucharon contra los elusivos separatistas que estaban llevando a cabo ataques de guerrilla contra objetivos tanto militares como civiles. Para a\u00F1adir m\u00E1s problemas a una situaci\u00F3n ya de por si incierta, el gobierno del planeta, aunque fiel a la Rep\u00FAblica, no era m\u00E1s que un r\u00E9gimen t\u00EDtere que obedec\u00EDa a otros oscuros asuntos. Los colonos corellianos se establecieron en Ord Mantell hace nueve mil a\u00F1os y el planeta se convirti\u00F3 en un punto de parada para las operaciones militares del Borde Exterior de la Rep\u00FAblica. Sin embargo, el valor estrat\u00E9gico de Ord Mantell mengu\u00F3 durante los siglos, y despu\u00E9s de que un almirante corrupto vendiese la flota local, todos los militares abandonaron el planeta. Muy pronto Ord Mantell se convirti\u00F3 en un para\u00EDso para los contrabandistas, piratas y cazarrecompensas, y el gobierno local cay\u00F3 bajo la influencia de los sindicatos del crimen, una din\u00E1mica que se mantuvo tiempo despu\u00E9s. Aunque sin oposici\u00F3n durante mucho tiempo en la guerra entre la Rep\u00FAblica y el Imperio Sith, las cosas cambiaron tras el Tratado de Coruscant. Aunque muchos sistemas estelares se retiraron de la Rep\u00FAblica, los corruptos gobernadores de Ord Mantell decidieron que ser\u00EDa mejor negocio mantenerse leales. Sin embargo no toda la poblaci\u00F3n accedi\u00F3, y el movimiento separatista comenz\u00F3 y r\u00E1pidamente se convirti\u00F3 en un conflicto armado. Los merodeadores comenzaron una lucha del tipo ataque-huida para expulsar a los militares del planeta y conseguir la independencia. Los ataques separatistas causaron estragos en el paisaje y desestabilizaron al gobierno corrupto. A pesar de lo dif\u00EDcil de la situaci\u00F3n, las defensas de Ord Mantell se reforzaron. Los sindicatos del crimen dieron respaldo al gobierno local y trajeron una potente tecnolog\u00EDa del mercado negro de Nar Shaddaa, mientras la Rep\u00FAblica desplegaba sus fuerzas armadas m\u00E1s elitistas. La batalla por Ord Mantell apenas hab\u00EDa dado comienzo."@es . "Viceroy Dash L'hnnar"@en . . . "Laghi salati"@it . "Ord Mantell"@es . "Oceanen"@nl . . "Mantellian Savripser\n\nMantellian Flutterplumer"@no . "Velden"@nl . . "Ord Mantell"@it . . . "14050"^^ . "Ord Mantell"@sv . "Ord Mantell"@en . . "Ord Mantell was known as the Heart of the Bright Jewel since it orbited the blue star Bright Jewel[1] at the center of the Bright Jewel system. The planet was famous for its thick, outer cometary cloud, which glowed with a pinkish cast when viewed from space, ensuring its place as the site of the Blockade Runners' Derby for nearly 100 years."@en . "250"^^ . "Ord Mantell"@nl . "Ord Mantell"@nl . "Lyse Juvel"@no . . . . "Happiseuos"@fi . . . . . . "2.88576E7"^^ . . . "Coded; Canon"@en . . "Diverse"@en . . . "Ord Mantell"@nl . . "Ord Mantell"@sv . . . . "Ord Mantell"@no . . "Ord Mantell#kanon"@pt . "Ord Mantell was a planet in the outer-rim. It was mainly covered with giant scrap metal heaps."@en . "*Falleens\n*Humains"@fr . "news/swca-the-untold-clone-wars-panel-liveblog"@en . . "Ord Mantell was known as the Heart of the Bright Jewel since it orbited the blue star Bright Jewel[1] at the center of the Bright Jewel system. The planet was famous for its thick, outer cometary cloud, which glowed with a pinkish cast when viewed from space, ensuring its place as the site of the Blockade Runners' Derby for nearly 100 years. Two large moons and thirteen other satellites orbited the planet (to which was added the Jubilee Wheel), and the cloud cover was tinged with pink when viewed from the planet's surface. This collection of natural wonders made Ord Mantell something of a tourist attraction, despite its seedier side. It was also the homeworld of the Mantellian Savrips and Mantellian flutterplumes, whose sentience was largely unnoticed or ignored. Mountains and islands were the distinct features of Ord Mantell's terrain. Almost every land mass on the planet was dotted with mountain chains. Ord Mantell's continent of Worlport boasted a sprawl of cities along its southern shore and it is this part of Ord Mantell that many spacers regarded as a safeport, famous for casinos and for tourists, of which it attracted almost one billion annually. Other metropolitan areas lacked address markings and were considered not intended for outsiders. The thinking behind this was that if you don't know where you're going, then you don't belong here.[2] Outside of the urban sprawl, the narrow equatorial band of starports and the volcanic islands, Ord Mantell remained largely rural and low tech. Its extreme reliance on fossil fuels kept the planet quite barren, huge robotic coal yards remained to fuel the planet's cities and an immense junkyard littered a large portion of the planetscape."@en . "Ord Mantell"@no . . . . "Ord Mantell was een wetteloze planeet in de Bright Jewel Sector in de Mid Rim waar de Fringe sector hoogtij vierde."@nl . "3.40416E7"^^ . "Ord Mantell"@no . . . . . . . . "Respirable"@fr . . . . "1"^^ . "4000000000"^^ . . "Plains, jungles, mesas, saltwater seas, urban"@en . . . "Lyse Juvel-System"@no . "SWCA: The Untold Clone Wars Panel Liveblog"@en . . . . . . "Ord Mantell#kanon"@fr . "4000000000"^^ . "Mountain chains"@en . . "Governo Repubblicano"@it . . . . . . . . . "Ord Mantell was a planet located in the Bright Jewel system of the galaxy's Mid Rim that was the homeworld of the Mantellian Savrip species. In the waning days of the Galactic Republic, Ord Mantell City housed a base of operations for the Black Sun crime syndicate. It later came under control of the Galactic Empire and became home to an Imperial deepdock."@en . "Ord Mantell"@it . "Temperert"@no . "93600.0"^^ . . "Oksygen"@no . . . . . "4000000000"^^ . . . . . "*Sol Negro\n*Sombra Colectiva\n*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico"@es . "Ord Mantell"@nl . . . . "Basic"@en . . . "Ord Mantell er en planet i Det Lyse Juvel-Systemet. Ord Mantell er kjent som en himmel for smuglere, tyver og dus\u00F8rjegere."@no . "Pelo menos 3\n*Quantxi"@pt . . "Ord Mantell"@nl . "2"^^ . "Leuto"@fi . "1"^^ . . "[Source] Ord Mantell est une plan\u00E8te de la Bordure M\u00E9diane dans le secteur Bright Jewel."@fr . . "Standardi"@fi . "\u30AA\u30FC\u30C9\u30FB\u30DE\u30F3\u30C6\u30EB"@en . "Ord Mantell"@sv . . . . "15"^^ . "Ord Mantell fue un planeta del Borde Medio, de mares salados, salpicado de islas volc\u00E1nicas y llanuras. Las monta\u00F1osas planicies y las islas volc\u00E1nicas de Ord Mantell quedaron marcadas por los estragos de una guerra civil despiadada. Las fuerzas de la Rep\u00FAblica lucharon contra los elusivos separatistas que estaban llevando a cabo ataques de guerrilla contra objetivos tanto militares como civiles. Para a\u00F1adir m\u00E1s problemas a una situaci\u00F3n ya de por si incierta, el gobierno del planeta, aunque fiel a la Rep\u00FAblica, no era m\u00E1s que un r\u00E9gimen t\u00EDtere que obedec\u00EDa a otros oscuros asuntos."@es . "SWCA: The Untold Clone Wars Panel Liveblog"@es . "Ord Mantell"@it . . . "15"^^ . . . . . "Ten Mile Plateau"@nl . "Ord Mantell was a planet located in the Bright Jewel system of the galaxy's Mid Rim that was the homeworld of the Mantellian Savrip species. In the waning days of the Galactic Republic, Ord Mantell City housed a base of operations for the Black Sun crime syndicate. It later came under control of the Galactic Empire and became home to an Imperial deepdock."@en . . "*Black Sun\n*Shadow Collective†\n*Galactic Empire"@en . . . . "SWCA: The Untold Clone Wars Panel Liveblog"@pt . . "*Sol Negro\n*Sombra Coletiva\n*Imp\u00E9rio Gal\u00E1ctico"@pt . . . "Terrestre"@it . "Saltwater seas and islands"@en . "Ord Mantell"@pt . . "Ord Mantell"@fi . "\u041E\u0440\u0434-\u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B\u043B"@nl . . . "L-7"@it . . . "*Worlport \n*Great Rock"@it . . "Lyse Juvel Klynge"@no . . "Prosperous"@en . . "Ord Mantell is a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster in the Mid Rim, filled with mountainous plains and volcanic islands. The planet is being fought over by the corrupt government, aligned with the Galactic Republic, and elusive separatist forces using guerilla tactics. It is the starting planet of the Smugglers and Republic Troopers. The civil war has nearly reached a high level of danger; if not sending help it is advised to steer clear of the conflict."@en . "Ord Mantell was a relatively unimportant planet in the Mid Rim, used by the Galactic Republic as a regional depot, i.e. junkyard and slum. For some reason, every time Han Solo visited Ord Mantell, he was attacked by some bounty hunter or other, like when IG-88 attacked him while he was repairing damage to Renegade Squadron. Boba Fett attacked Jaden Korr there. Basically, Ord Mantell was a planet to avoid at all costs. Smugglers and bounty hunters would inevitably start shooting at one another. The Yuuzhan Vong temporarily conquered the planet, but it was eventually liberated by, who else, Boba Fett and a bunch of Mandalorians."@en . . "\u041E\u0440\u0434-\u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B\u043B/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@pt . . "Ord Mantell"@it . . . "Ord Mantell"@pt . . . "Mid Rim"@en . . "Ord Mantell"@sv . . "Ord Mantell"@nl . . . . . "Ord Mantell"@cs . . "Ord Mantell"@no . . . . "Saltvannsj\u00F8er"@no . . . "Ord Mantell oli planeetta Bright Jewel Clusterissa."@fi . "1"^^ . . "Woestijnen"@nl . "Mantellian"@en . . "Ord Mantell was a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster. It is located near Anobis in the Mid Rim."@en . . "Ord Mantell was a star wars planet. On Second Life, it was a star wars roleplay region since the first quarter 2008. During this time it featured several embassies for various factions, such as an embassy for the Underlords (the parent orginization of the Trayus Academy on Malachor V) and one for the New Order of the Jedi. At the end of the second quarter, it evolved into a multigenre science fiction sim. The Planet was ruled by the Sanguine Syndicate and was unique at the time in that it took a distinctly anti-imperial standing. During the time of Ord Mantell's life it became home to the Totality Institute, and was the base of their experiments. The sim was closed in april 2009. The in universe reason was that the strip mining of the planet for energy had finally caused a planetary event in which the planet lost all tectonic cohesivness and shattered. The Sangine syndicate took retreated on its GroundHog station."@en . "93600.0"^^ . "Handelsmannkvartalet\n\nJubilee Hjulet\n\nHotel Grand\n\nLady Fate Kasino"@no . "Ord Mantell"@it . "Temperate to Arid"@en . . "Sletter \n\nSj\u00F8er \n\nUrbant"@no . . . "\u041E\u0440\u0434-\u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B\u043B"@it . . . "[[:starwars:Mantellian_Savrip"@en . . . . . . . "Ord Mantell"@it . "Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir Concept Art Gallery"@pt . "Ord Mantell"@no . . "Ord Mantell"@sv . . . . . "\u041E\u0440\u0434 \u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B"@nl . . "At least 3\n*Quantxi"@en . . "Cadeias montanhosas"@pt . "Si trovava vicino ad alcune delle maggiori rotte commerciali iperspaziali, cosa che lo rendeva un florido porto. La combinazione di questi due fattori fece di Ord Mantell un paradiso per i contrabbandieri. Il pianeta ospitava inoltre una redditizia attivit\u00E0 di commercio d\u2019armi, che venivano contrabbandate dal vicino pianeta Anobis , peraltro dilaniato dalla guerra."@it . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . "New Alderaan, [[:starwars:Worlport"@en . . . . . "26"^^ . . . . "*Trader's Quarter\n*Sepratist Stronghold\n*Sunken Mesa\n*Jubilee Wheel\n*Government House\n*Ten Mile Plateau\n*Hotel Grand\n*Lady Fate Casino\n*Imperial Palace Casino Hotel"@fi . . . . . "Cadenas monta\u00F1osas"@es . "*Au moins 2\n**Quantxi"@fr . "Ord Mantell"@en . "Ord Mantell"@sv . . "WorlportThe Hutt Dome"@en . . . . . . . . . "Ord Mantell was een wetteloze planeet in de Bright Jewel Sector in de Mid Rim waar de Fringe sector hoogtij vierde."@nl . . . . "Ord Mantell"@it . . . . "Ord Mantell fue un planeta que alberg\u00F3 una base de operaciones del sindicato criminal Sol Negro durante las Guerras Clon. Una batalla tuvo lugar en el planeta entre la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes y la Sombra Colectiva, de la cual formaba parte el Sol Negro. Durante la Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica, Han Solo y la Alianza Rebelde encontraron a un cazarrecompensas en Ord Mantell."@es . . . . "*Arcona\n*Aqualish\n*Bith\n*Bothan\n*Devaroniano\n*Gran\n*Umani\n*Ithoriano\n*Rodiano\n*Rybet\n*Sayorni\n*Sullustan\n*Talz\n*Trandoshiano\n*Wookiee\n*Zabrak"@it . . "one sim"@en . . . "[[:starwars:Ten_Mile_Plateau"@en . "news/swca-the-untold-clone-wars-panel-liveblog"@pt . "none"@en . . "*Arcona\n*Akvalishit\n*Bithit"@fi . . "* Sanguine Syndicate\n* The Underlords\n* New Order of the Jedi"@en . . . "Temperato"@it . . "Although not an official member-world of the Republic, Ord Mantell is the most distant world from the galactic Core to be considered a part of the Republic's territory. The Outer Rim world suffers a strange awkwardness. Too distant for the authority of the Republic to carry any real weight, but bound by colonization to remain subject to Republic law."@en . "Ord Mantell"@no . . "L-7"@fi . . "Ord Mantell is a scrap heap planet on the Outer Rim. It is home to mercenaries, exiles, murderers, smugglers and all other sorts of illegal dealers. Ord Mantell was founded in the year 12,000 BBY as an Old Republic base. The prefix \"Ord\" refers to \"Ordinance Regional Depot\". \"Ords\" are storage and disposal facilities for outdated weapons and military equipment. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page."@en . . "*Mantellian Savripit\n*Mantellian flutterplumet\n*Mantellian pterodactylit"@fi . "*Pianure\n*Mari\n*Altopiani\n*Isole Vulcaniche\n*Urbano"@it . "Mantellian Flutterplume"@nl . "\u041E\u0440\u0434-\u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B\u043B/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . . . "Ord Mantell"@no . "\u30AA\u30FC\u30C9\u30FB\u30DE\u30F3\u30C6\u30EB"@pt . . "15"^^ . . . "*Bothanilaiset\n*Devaronianit\n*Granit\n*Ihmiset\n*Ithorianit\n*Rodianit\n*Rybetit\n*Sayormi\n*Sullustalaiset\n*Talz\n*Trandoshanot\n*Wookieet\n*Zabrakit"@fi . "Por lo menos 2"@es . . "Ord Mantell"@no . . . "Ord Mantell is a scrap heap planet on the Outer Rim. It is home to mercenaries, exiles, murderers, smugglers and all other sorts of illegal dealers. Ord Mantell was founded in the year 12,000 BBY as an Old Republic base. The prefix \"Ord\" refers to \"Ordinance Regional Depot\". \"Ords\" are storage and disposal facilities for outdated weapons and military equipment. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page."@en . . "Ord Mantell er en planet i Det Lyse Juvel-Systemet. Ord Mantell er kjent som en himmel for smuglere, tyver og dus\u00F8rjegere."@no . "\u041E\u0440\u0434 \u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B"@sv . . . "Ord Mantell is a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster in the Mid Rim, filled with mountainous plains and volcanic islands. The planet is being fought over by the corrupt government, aligned with the Galactic Republic, and elusive separatist forces using guerilla tactics. It is the starting planet of the Smugglers and Republic Troopers. The civil war has nearly reached a high level of danger; if not sending help it is advised to steer clear of the conflict."@en . . . . "Ord Mantell"@nl . . . . . "Ord Mantell"@sv . "Si trovava vicino ad alcune delle maggiori rotte commerciali iperspaziali, cosa che lo rendeva un florido porto. La combinazione di questi due fattori fece di Ord Mantell un paradiso per i contrabbandieri. Il pianeta ospitava inoltre una redditizia attivit\u00E0 di commercio d\u2019armi, che venivano contrabbandate dal vicino pianeta Anobis , peraltro dilaniato dalla guerra. Ord Mantell era regolato da leggi bancarie considerate fra le pi\u00F9 clementi di tutta la Galassia : quasi chiunque, per qualsiasi scopo, poteva aprire un conto in una banca senza che gli venissero fatte domande. Fino a quando i clienti pagavano le giuste tariffe, le parcelle per i servizi e tasse, e non causavano problemi, le autorit\u00E0 di Ord Mantell erano piuttosto accomodanti."@it . . . "N, O2, CO2"@en . "14050.0"^^ . . . "Ord Mantell"@es . "Ord Mantell"@sv . "WorlportGreat Rock Settlement"@en . "15"^^ . . . . . "\u041E\u0440\u0434-\u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B\u043B/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . . . "Ord Mantell"@pt . . . . "Ord Mantell"@nl . . "Ord Mantell"@nl . . . "Ord Mantell"@sv . . . . "Ossigeno misto"@it . "Ord Mantell"@en . . . "250"^^ . "\u041E\u0440\u0434 \u041C\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043B"@it . "Mares salados e islas"@es . . "Ord Mantell"@pt . "tv-shows/darth-maul-son-of-dathomir-concept-art-gallery"@pt . . . "Ord Mantell"@fi . . . . "*Tasankoa\n*Meri\n*Yl\u00E4tasanko\n*Volkaanisia saaria\n*Kaupunkia"@fi . . "Ord Mantell"@en .