"According to legend, Morath dishonored himself and his family by telling a lie and/or breaking his word. Kahless challenged him to battle but Morath was a coward and fled. Kahless pursued him across valleys and over mountains, to the edge of the sea. There, Kahless fought Morath for twelve days and twelve nights. (TNG: \"New Ground\" , \"Firstborn\" ) However, Kahless later descended into Gre'thor to redeem Morath and bring him to Sto-vo-kor. (VOY: \"Barge of the Dead\")"@en . "Morath"@en . "Location"@en . . . "Morath \u00E9tait un personnage mythique Klingon et le fr\u00E8re de Kahless l'Inoubliable. D'apr\u00E8s la l\u00E9gende, Morath a d\u00E9shonor\u00E9 son nom t sa famille en mentant et/ou trahissant sa parole. Kahless \u00E9tait d\u00E9termin\u00E9 \u00E0 enseigner une le\u00E7on \u00E0 son fr\u00E8re pour avoir menti, mais Morath refusa de combattre son fr\u00E8re, et pr\u00E9f\u00E9ra s'enfuir. Kahless le poursuivit \u00E0 travers les vall\u00E9es et les montagnes, jusqu'\u00E0 la mer. (TNG: \"New Ground\", \"Firstborn\") Plus tard, Kahless descendit \u00E0 Gre'thor pour retrouver son fr\u00E8re et l'emmener au Sto-vo-kor. (VOY: \"Barge of the Dead\")"@fr . "Morath ist der Bruder des Kahless des Unvergesslichen. Den heiligen Schriftrollen Quellen ist zu entnehmen, dass Morath nicht dem klingonischen Ehrenkodex entspricht, den sein Bruder begr\u00FCndet. Er hat m\u00F6glicherweise ihren gemeinsamen Vater get\u00F6tet und wirft dessen Schwert ins Meer, Kahless muss es ihm gleichtun. Au\u00DFerdem bringt Morath Schande \u00FCber seine Familie, denn er ist ein L\u00FCgner. Kahless will ihm eine Lektion erteilen und jagt ihn durch das ganze Land. Sie k\u00E4mpfen zw\u00F6lf Tage und zw\u00F6lf N\u00E4chte. (TNG: )"@de . "Morath"@de . . . . . "Slightly damaged due to explosion. Parts of Morath are missing or collapsed."@en . . "The Morath were a sentient species found near the Koornacht Cluster: their name was probably connected to that of the Morath Nebula. Under the New Order, they established two mining colonies a little way inside the Koornacht Cluster, on the planets of Elcorth and Kojash. Both colonies were wiped out during the Great Purge by the Yevetha. A few survivors were apparently taken as hostages, such as Jara ba Nylra and Liekas Tendo. However, Enara, who claimed to have been a pholikite miner on Elcorth, was actually a Fallanassi."@en . . . . . . . "City"@en . "Morath"@fr . . . "Heir of Fire"@en . "Appears in"@en . . . . . . "Morath was an ancient Klingon warrior who lived during the Heroic Age, said to have been the brother of Kahless the Unforgettable."@en . "300"^^ . "Type"@en . . "Ruler"@en . . . . . . . . "Morath, by unknown artist"@en . . . . . "Status"@en . . . . . "According to legend, Morath dishonored himself and his family by telling a lie and/or breaking his word. Kahless challenged him to battle but Morath was a coward and fled. Kahless pursued him across valleys and over mountains, to the edge of the sea. There, Kahless fought Morath for twelve days and twelve nights. (TNG: \"New Ground\" , \"Firstborn\" ) Again, according to legend, Morath murdered his father over a sword. As Kahless held their dead father, Morath threw the sword into the sea, saying, \"If he could not possess it, neither would Kahless.\" This was the last time the two brothers spoke to each other. (TNG: \"Birthright, Part II\" ) However, Kahless later descended into Gre'thor to redeem Morath and bring him to Sto-vo-kor. (VOY: \"Barge of the Dead\") Michael Jan Friedman wrote in his novel Kahless that Morath was the driving force of the revolt against Molor. He also stated that the honorable one was Morath and not Kahless, who had been a petty bandit before meeting Morath. The book also states that Morath and Kahless only fought on and off for twelve days, and the fight was finished when Kahless admitted that he had lied and accepted the role of the leader of the revolt. It goes on to state that the clone of Kahless is in truth the clone of Morath."@en . . "Morath \u00E9tait un personnage mythique Klingon et le fr\u00E8re de Kahless l'Inoubliable. D'apr\u00E8s la l\u00E9gende, Morath a d\u00E9shonor\u00E9 son nom t sa famille en mentant et/ou trahissant sa parole. Kahless \u00E9tait d\u00E9termin\u00E9 \u00E0 enseigner une le\u00E7on \u00E0 son fr\u00E8re pour avoir menti, mais Morath refusa de combattre son fr\u00E8re, et pr\u00E9f\u00E9ra s'enfuir. Kahless le poursuivit \u00E0 travers les vall\u00E9es et les montagnes, jusqu'\u00E0 la mer. (TNG: \"New Ground\", \"Firstborn\") Plus tard, Kahless descendit \u00E0 Gre'thor pour retrouver son fr\u00E8re et l'emmener au Sto-vo-kor. (VOY: \"Barge of the Dead\") ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'h\u00E9sitez pas \u00E0 [ \u00E9diter] cette page pour le terminer. Des pr\u00E9cisions sur les informations n\u00E9cessaires \u00E0 compl\u00E9ter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou cr\u00E9er un texte original."@fr . . "Morath is a merchant city in Adarlan, ruled by Duke Perrington, a noble closely related to the Havilliards."@en . "Queen of Shadows"@en . "The Morath were a sentient species found near the Koornacht Cluster: their name was probably connected to that of the Morath Nebula. Under the New Order, they established two mining colonies a little way inside the Koornacht Cluster, on the planets of Elcorth and Kojash. Both colonies were wiped out during the Great Purge by the Yevetha. A few survivors were apparently taken as hostages, such as Jara ba Nylra and Liekas Tendo. However, Enara, who claimed to have been a pholikite miner on Elcorth, was actually a Fallanassi."@en . "Morath ist der Bruder des Kahless des Unvergesslichen. Den heiligen Schriftrollen Quellen ist zu entnehmen, dass Morath nicht dem klingonischen Ehrenkodex entspricht, den sein Bruder begr\u00FCndet. Er hat m\u00F6glicherweise ihren gemeinsamen Vater get\u00F6tet und wirft dessen Schwert ins Meer, Kahless muss es ihm gleichtun. Au\u00DFerdem bringt Morath Schande \u00FCber seine Familie, denn er ist ein L\u00FCgner. Kahless will ihm eine Lektion erteilen und jagt ihn durch das ganze Land. Sie k\u00E4mpfen zw\u00F6lf Tage und zw\u00F6lf N\u00E4chte. (TNG: ) Sp\u00E4ter geht er aufgrund seiner Ehrlosigkeit auf die Barke der Toten um nach Gre'thor gebracht zu werden. Kahless \u00FCberlebt ihn, verzeiht ihm seine Taten und rettet ihn von der Barke. (VOY: )"@de . "Morath is a merchant city in Adarlan, ruled by Duke Perrington, a noble closely related to the Havilliards."@en . "Morath was an ancient Klingon warrior who lived during the Heroic Age, said to have been the brother of Kahless the Unforgettable."@en . . . . . . . "Morath"@en . . "Empire of Storms"@en . . . .