"70"^^ . . . "I once had a god as a master,"@en . "Long Shoot"@en . "Activa"@es . "The magic spear of the god Odin, Gungnir (Old Norse \"swaying one\") always hits its mark and never misses its target. In the V\u00F6lusp\u00E1, the war between the Vanir and Aesir is officially started when Odin hurls a spear over the heads of the Vanir; whether this was specifically Gungnir or not is not stated. In Sigrdr\u00EDfum\u00E1l, Sigrdr\u00EDfa, a valkyrie, teaches the legendary hero Sigurd the magical application of runes. She tells Sigurd that, as well as on numerous other things, runes were carved on the tip of Gungnir."@en . . "Gungnir(Odin's Spear); Gungnir 002.jpg"@en . "80"^^ . . "Gungnir (Old Norse \"swaying one\") is Odin's Spear. It is based on the weapon of the same name from Norse mythology which played a prominent part in many of the Norse myths and, in turn, the Marvel Comics continuity. It exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is Asgardian in origin."@en . "In der nordischen Mythologie ist Gungnir (auch Gungni, Gungner oder Gungrir) der Name des Speeres von Odin, dem h\u00F6chsten Gott der germanischen und nordischen Mythologie. Mit diesem Speer brachte er den ersten Krieg in die Welten (Asgard, Midgard und Utgard), als er ihn ins Heer der Wanen warf. Gungnir wurde von den S\u00F6hnen Ivaldis hergestellt und war ein Geschenk dieser Zwerge an Odin, dessen \u00DCberbringer Loki war. Es hei\u00DFt, der Speer verfehlt sein Ziel nie und kehrt immer zu seinem Besitzer zur\u00FCck (dies erkl\u00E4rt auch wieso diese Waffe +20 Pr\u00E4zision besitzt). Lanzen Kategorie:Waffen"@de . "100"^^ . . . . . "The weapon's info window."@en . . "Leave my master alone!"@en . "Inazuma Eleven 2/3"@vi . "Spear"@en . "Galaxy"@vi . "Gungnir"@en . . "In Norse mythology, Gungnir (also Gungni, Gungner, or Gungrir) was the name of Odin's javelin. The javelin's name means \"Unwavering One\" for it always hit its mark. It has the practical characteristic of always hitting the target it was hurled against (which explains why it has +20 accuracy.) According to Snorri Sturluson's Sk\u00E1ldskaparm\u00E1l, the javelin was fashioned by the dwarves known as the Sons of Ivaldi under the mastery of the blacksmith dwarf Dvalin. It was obtained from the dwarves by Loki as a partial reparation for his theft of Sif's hair. Loki was the person who gave the spear to Odin in a contest where Odin was the judge. The war between the Aesir and the Vanir officially started when Odin threw a javelin over the heads of an assembly of Vanir gods. This was not the Gungnir though. This magical weapon symbolizes the importance of the javelin in the world view of the Norsemen."@en . "30"^^ . "Wood"@en . "Gungnir (\u4E3B\u795E\u306E\u69CD (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB) Shushin no Yari (Gunguniru)?, lit.\"Lance of the All-Father\") is the legendary weapon of Odin in Norse mythology. In the world of Toaru Majutsu no Index it is the spiritual item desired by Magic God Othinus in order for her to remake the world. Many magic side events surrounding the first half of Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index is related in some way in acquiring a requirement in its construction. Othinus later indeed acquires the spear, and uses it to destroy the world before the eyes of Kamijou Touma."@en . "According to the Poetic Edda, the spear was fashioned by the Dwarves; Loki discovers the Spear whilst visiting the Dwarves (on an errand to commission golden hair for Sif). Loki flatters the Dwarves and asks the Spear of them, which they give him. In the Poetic Edda poem V\u00F6lusp\u00E1, the \u00C6sir-Vanir War is described as officially starting when Odin throws a spear over the heads of an assembly of Vanir gods. Whether or not this was specifically Gungnir is, however, unstated. In Sigrdr\u00EDfum\u00E1l, the valkyrie Sigrdr\u00EDfa advises Sigurd on the magical application of runes. She gives Sigurd advice and shares with him lore, including that runes were carved on the tip of Gungnir."@en . . "Odin's spear Gungnir is an artifact made of a metal unique to the dimension of Asgard, uru. The three-pronged spear is of unknown origin, pre-dating the current incarnation of Odin himself. At Odin's \"birth\" at the dawn of the current age of Asgardians, he found Gungnir on the Plains of Ida and used it to focus his power to fashion Asgard as it is known today. Gungnir possesses no known powers of its own; it seems to be a simple conduit for the channeling of personal energies. Like anything made of uru, the spear holds enchantments well. Odin has enchanted the spear to return to his hand when thrown, just as he enchanted his son Thor's uru hammer to do so."@en . . "-"@en . . . . "Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB, Gunguniru) is a shoot hissatsu technique."@en . . "You're my new master? Fine."@en . . "3750"^^ . "Own ATK 300% up / 10% chance"@en . . "Female"@en . . . . . . "Normal \u2192 V2 \u2192 V3 \u2192 V4 \u2192 S \u2192 \u221E"@en . "-"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Average"@en . "Gungnir Species: Type: Length: What it looks like: Location (EO) Location (EO2) Time Forms Gungnir is a legendary creature that appears in Endless Ocean: Blue World."@en . . . "SR"@en . . . . "Giftable"@en . "97"^^ . "\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB"@en . . "Gungnir is part of the set of weaponry and is the fourth highest-tier spear in the game, next to the Mushroom Spear, North Pole and (on the console version) Tonbogiri. It provides light in very similar way to the Dark Lance and the Mushroom Spear`s glowing mushrooms. The highest prefix for this weapon is Godly, as it cannot get size modifying prefixes."@en . "Weapons"@en . "2"^^ . . "Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB Gunguniru?) is a Light-elemental thrusting arte in the Tales series. Its name is derived from the legendary spear of the same name, which also appears as a recurring weapon. The recurring weapon is almost always written as Gungnir (\u30B0\u30FC\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB Guunguniru?) however, with Tales of Vesperia and Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 as the only outliers."@en . . "According to the Poetic Edda, the spear was fashioned by the Dwarves; Loki discovers the Spear whilst visiting the Dwarves (on an errand to commission golden hair for Sif). Loki flatters the Dwarves and asks the Spear of them, which they give him. In the Poetic Edda poem V\u00F6lusp\u00E1, the \u00C6sir-Vanir War is described as officially starting when Odin throws a spear over the heads of an assembly of Vanir gods. Whether or not this was specifically Gungnir is, however, unstated. In Sigrdr\u00EDfum\u00E1l, the valkyrie Sigrdr\u00EDfa advises Sigurd on the magical application of runes. She gives Sigurd advice and shares with him lore, including that runes were carved on the tip of Gungnir."@en . . "66"^^ . . "Accuracy +20"@en . . . . . "Tempest of the Gods"@en . . . "Chrono Stone"@vi . "Invincible Spear"@en . . "118"^^ . . . "50"^^ . "Pierce Foe in F. Row"@en . . . "V\u0129nh H\u1EB1ng Chi Th\u01B0\u01A1ng"@vi . . "''Thor: The Dark World"@en . . "Other Fauna"@en . "Gungnir"@es . . "25"^^ . . "Fast +3"@en . "S\u00FAt xa"@vi . "4125"^^ . . "Shoot"@en . . "+30 HIT"@en . "Excellent"@en . . . "-1"^^ . "File:Long shoot icon.png Long Shoot"@en . "So far, the Gungnir units have been mentioned only in the story mode of Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl."@en . . "\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB"@vi . "82"^^ . "2"^^ . "345600.0"^^ . "1698"^^ . . . "smt4"@en . "Gungnir (\u4E3B\u795E\u306E\u69CD (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB) Shushin no Yari (Gunguniru)?, lit.\"Lance of the All-Father\") is the legendary weapon of Odin in Norse mythology. In the world of Toaru Majutsu no Index it is the spiritual item desired by Magic God Othinus in order for her to remake the world. Many magic side events surrounding the first half of Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index is related in some way in acquiring a requirement in its construction. Othinus later indeed acquires the spear, and uses it to destroy the world before the eyes of Kamijou Touma."@en . . "Sword fusion"@en . "Gungnir (\u00AB Fr\u00E9missante \u00BB) est une lance magique appartenant \u00E0 Odin, dont elle est l'un des attributs. Forg\u00E9e par les Nains Brokk et Eitri, elle a la particularit\u00E9 de toujours atteindre son but. Une coutume scandinave, rapport\u00E9e par les sagas (notamment l'Eyrbyggja saga), consistait \u00E0 jeter une lance sur le champ de bataille, en direction ou au dessus de l'ennemi, avant d'engager le combat, afin de s'assurer la victoire ; l'Ynglinga saga qu'Odin lui m\u00EAme le faisait \u00E9galement, ce qui lui valait son surnom de Geirl\u00F6\u00F0nir (\u00AB invitant au combat \u00E0 la lance \u00BB). Cat\u00E9gorie:Mythologie Germanique"@fr . "but you're my master now!"@en . "Normal \u2192 V2 \u2192 V3 \u2192 V4 \u2192 S"@en . "28"^^ . . "-"@en . . "Thor Adaptation"@en . "Thor"@en . "Battle 137. \"The Invisible Spear\""@en . "Gungnir (\u00AB Fr\u00E9missante \u00BB) est une lance magique appartenant \u00E0 Odin, dont elle est l'un des attributs. Forg\u00E9e par les Nains Brokk et Eitri, elle a la particularit\u00E9 de toujours atteindre son but. Une coutume scandinave, rapport\u00E9e par les sagas (notamment l'Eyrbyggja saga), consistait \u00E0 jeter une lance sur le champ de bataille, en direction ou au dessus de l'ennemi, avant d'engager le combat, afin de s'assurer la victoire ; l'Ynglinga saga qu'Odin lui m\u00EAme le faisait \u00E9galement, ce qui lui valait son surnom de Geirl\u00F6\u00F0nir (\u00AB invitant au combat \u00E0 la lance \u00BB). Cat\u00E9gorie:Mythologie Germanique"@fr . "Stage 6-3 Turn 15"@en . . "Gungnir Species: Type: Length: What it looks like: Location (EO) Location (EO2) Time Forms Gungnir is a legendary creature that appears in Endless Ocean: Blue World."@en . . "Gungnir (lit. Swaying One) is an ancient Void Century spear, discovered in an equally ancient, faraway ruin by Peabody Rune, a former pirate member of The Four Legged Pirates and current Archaeologist for The Jolly Pirates. Due to its age and origins, as implied by Rune's research into the weapon's history, not only is it an invaluable piece of history, but perhaps a highly threatening weapon in the eyes of the World Government as well, due to its supposed date of creation. Interestingly, it's implied that Rune was destined to find and wield Gungnir, as many other people have tried using it, only to be weighed down by the spear's immense weight; whereas Rune apparently can pick it up as easily as if it were any other spear."@en . . . . "Gungnir"@en . "50"^^ . . "-"@en . "124"^^ . "Gungnir"@en . . "sh"@en . . "1"^^ . "Thor"@es . . "Mistress , unknown"@en . "\"Geirskogul\""@en . . . "159"^^ . "285"^^ . . "Th\u1EC3 lo\u1EA1i:K\u1EF9 n\u0103ng Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB) l\u00E0 k\u1EF9 n\u0103ng s\u00FAt trong th\u1EBF gi\u1EDBi Inazuma Eleven v\u00E0 Inazuma Eleven GO."@vi . "-"@en . "thumb|left|50px Gungnir ist die Lanze von Gallantmon Crimson Mode. Sie ist recht gro\u00DF und besitzt an beiden Enden eine Spitze und einen Griff in der Mitte. Die Gallantmon Crimson Mode k\u00F6nnen mit diesem Mechanismus perfekt umgehen und schwingen so ihre Lanze schnell und elegant. Die wei\u00DFe F\u00E4rbung von Gungnir kommt von der heiligen Energie, die sich in der Lanze befindet, wodurch sie zu einer m\u00E4chtigen Waffe wird. Gallantmon Crimson Mode setzen Gungnir bei ihrer Attacke \"Crimson-Licht\" ein, wobei sie ihren Gegner mit der Lanze attackieren. Anmerkung:Gungnir ist der Name von Odin\u00B4s Speer aus der nordischen Mythologie. Gungnir ist dabei altnordisch und bedeutet Der Schwankende."@de . . . . . . . . . . "-"@en . "I may be protecting you, but"@en . . "Piercing and Slashing"@en . . . . . "Gungnir(Helicarrier/Robot); Gungnir from Captain America Vol 7 20 001.png"@en . . . "One-Handed Spear"@en . "A legendary spear that is known for its ability to never miss its target."@en . "Gungnir is part of the set of weaponry and is the fourth highest-tier spear in the game, next to the Mushroom Spear, North Pole and (on the console version) Tonbogiri. It provides light in very similar way to the Dark Lance and the Mushroom Spear`s glowing mushrooms. The highest prefix for this weapon is Godly, as it cannot get size modifying prefixes."@en . "9"^^ . "A mythical Spear that is said to be used by Odin, leader of the Norse gods."@en . . "3950"^^ . . . "S\u00FAt"@vi . "40"^^ . . . . "B\u00ECnh th\u01B0\u1EDDng \u2192 V2 \u2192 V3 \u2192 V4 \u2192 S"@vi . . . "Active"@en . . "Odin's spear Gungnir is an artifact made of a metal unique to the dimension of Asgard, uru. The three-pronged spear is of unknown origin, pre-dating the current incarnation of Odin himself. At Odin's \"birth\" at the dawn of the current age of Asgardians, he found Gungnir on the Plains of Ida and used it to focus his power to fashion Asgard as it is known today. Gungnir possesses no known powers of its own; it seems to be a simple conduit for the channeling of personal energies. Like anything made of uru, the spear holds enchantments well. Odin has enchanted the spear to return to his hand when thrown, just as he enchanted his son Thor's uru hammer to do so."@en . "Own ATK 300% up / 15% chance"@en . . "So far, the Gungnir units have been mentioned only in the story mode of Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl."@en . "+25 Perfect HIT"@en . . . "Gungnir is a powerful magical spear used by the rulers of Asgard and serves as a symbol of Asgardian power."@en . . . "50"^^ . . "4"^^ . "Gungnir is one of the Four Treasures, and is also the greatest and most powerful of them. Gungnir maintains equilibrium in Asgard, and its wielder is the ruler of the Aesir. It is an important story element in Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria."@en . . . "In der nordischen Mythologie ist Gungnir (auch Gungni, Gungner oder Gungrir) der Name des Speeres von Odin, dem h\u00F6chsten Gott der germanischen und nordischen Mythologie. Mit diesem Speer brachte er den ersten Krieg in die Welten (Asgard, Midgard und Utgard), als er ihn ins Heer der Wanen warf. Gungnir wurde von den S\u00F6hnen Ivaldis hergestellt und war ein Geschenk dieser Zwerge an Odin, dessen \u00DCberbringer Loki war. Es hei\u00DFt, der Speer verfehlt sein Ziel nie und kehrt immer zu seinem Besitzer zur\u00FCck (dies erkl\u00E4rt auch wieso diese Waffe +20 Pr\u00E4zision besitzt). Lanzen Kategorie:Waffen"@de . . . . . "Gungnir"@fr . . "120"^^ . "1"^^ . "HSR"@en . . "So, you better let me protect"@en . "Gungnir"@de . "In Norse mythology, Gungnir (also Gungni, Gungner, or Gungrir) was the name of Odin's javelin. The javelin's name means \"Unwavering One\" for it always hit its mark. It has the practical characteristic of always hitting the target it was hurled against (which explains why it has +20 accuracy.) According to Snorri Sturluson's Sk\u00E1ldskaparm\u00E1l, the javelin was fashioned by the dwarves known as the Sons of Ivaldi under the mastery of the blacksmith dwarf Dvalin. It was obtained from the dwarves by Loki as a partial reparation for his theft of Sif's hair. Loki was the person who gave the spear to Odin in a contest where Odin was the judge. The war between the Aesir and the Vanir officially started when Odin threw a javelin over the heads of an assembly of Vanir gods. This was not the Gungnir thou"@en . . . . . . . "it's not like I'm enjoying it!"@en . "Rare"@en . . . "File:Wood Icon.png Wood"@en . . "please! I'll keep you safe."@en . . . "4345"^^ . . . . . . . . "The Gungnir is an epic weapon with decent damage output."@en . "The Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB Gunguniru, also officially translated as Gunguneel in Fire Emblem Treasure) is a holy Lance from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. This lance was once wielded by Dain the Crusader, bestowed upon him by an unidentified Divine Dragon during the Miracle of Darna. The Gungnir is the property of Dain's descendants, who are the heirs of the Kingdom of Thracia. The holy spear of the Thracian dragon kings, the Gungnir is similar to the G\u00E1e Bolg, but it grants a bonus to Speed in place of Skill. The Gungnir may only be equipped by users possessing major Dain holy blood, the only units to do so being Travant and Arion. No playable characters fulfill this requirement and it is unobtainable in the game. The Gungnir resurfaces in Fire Emblem Awakening, where its blood link has faded away and it can be obtained and wielded by any playable unit with sufficient prowess with lances."@en . . . . . "Gungnir (altnordisch f\u00FCr \u201Eder Schwankende\u201C) ist der Name des Speeres von Odin, dem h\u00F6chsten Gott der nordischen Mythologie. Mit diesem Speer brachte er den Krieg in die Welt, indem er ihn ins Heer der Wanen warf. In der Kurzgeschichte Der Speer des Schicksals befindet sich ein altnordischer, mit Runen geschm\u00FCckter Speer im Jahr 1973 im Besitz des Kunstsammlers Moxon. Nach einigen temporalen Zwischenf\u00E4llen im Umfeld der Sammlung, beauftragen die Time Lords den Dritten Doctor, den Speer sicher zustellen da es sich offenbar um einen Physikalischen Temporalnexus handelt."@de . . "The magic spear of the god Odin, Gungnir (Old Norse \"swaying one\") always hits its mark and never misses its target. In the V\u00F6lusp\u00E1, the war between the Vanir and Aesir is officially started when Odin hurls a spear over the heads of the Vanir; whether this was specifically Gungnir or not is not stated. In Sigrdr\u00EDfum\u00E1l, Sigrdr\u00EDfa, a valkyrie, teaches the legendary hero Sigurd the magical application of runes. She tells Sigurd that, as well as on numerous other things, runes were carved on the tip of Gungnir. The spear was forged by the dwarves known as the Sons of Ivaldi, under the mastery of the blacksmith dwarf Dvalin. The spear was obtained from the dwarves by Loki, as a partial reparation for cutting of Sif's hair. During Ragnar\u00F6k, Odin will ide before the Einherjar (the Valiant Dead) wearing golden mail and will attack the great wolf Fenris with Gungnir, though the great wolf will eventually swallow the one-eyed god and kill him. In Too Human, Baldur's favorite guns, a pair of glass pistols called Havoc and Malice are also called \"the Marks of Gungnir\" and were gifted to him by ODIN."@en . "Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB Gunguniru?) is a Light-elemental thrusting arte in the Tales series. Its name is derived from the legendary spear of the same name, which also appears as a recurring weapon. The recurring weapon is almost always written as Gungnir (\u30B0\u30FC\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB Guunguniru?) however, with Tales of Vesperia and Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 as the only outliers."@en . "The Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB Gunguniru, also officially translated as Gunguneel in Fire Emblem Treasure) is a holy Lance from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. This lance was once wielded by Dain the Crusader, bestowed upon him by an unidentified Divine Dragon during the Miracle of Darna. The Gungnir is the property of Dain's descendants, who are the heirs of the Kingdom of Thracia. The Gungnir resurfaces in Fire Emblem Awakening, where its blood link has faded away and it can be obtained and wielded by any playable unit with sufficient prowess with lances."@en . . "Gungnir is one of the Four Treasures, and is also the greatest and most powerful of them. Gungnir maintains equilibrium in Asgard, and its wielder is the ruler of the Aesir. It is an important story element in Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria."@en . "Elec Boost"@en . . "In Norse mythology, Gungnir (Old Norse \"swaying one\") is the spear of the god Odin."@en . . "Gungnir (pronounced \"GONG-neer\"; Old Norse \"Unwavering One\") is the spear of the god Odin. It serves as the All-Father's primary weapon, as well as the Symbol of Power."@en . . "75"^^ . "Asamiya Style"@en . "-"@en . . . "UR"@en . . . "10"^^ . "1"^^ . . . . . "B\u00ECnh th\u01B0\u1EDDng \u2192 V2 \u2192 V3 \u2192 V4 \u2192 S \u2192 \u221E"@vi . . "4400"^^ . . "Minimal"@en . "Use me as you please."@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Forgive me...master."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Concept artwork of the Gungnir from Awakening."@en . "p3"@en . "Gungnir (pronounced \"GONG-neer\"; Old Norse \"Unwavering One\") is the spear of the god Odin. It serves as the All-Father's primary weapon, as well as the Symbol of Power."@en . . . . "you, or else!"@en . "Two-Handed"@en . "Yes"@en . . "492"^^ . . "A legendary spear that is known for its ability to never miss its target."@en . . . . . . . "Gungnir (lit. Swaying One) is an ancient Void Century spear, discovered in an equally ancient, faraway ruin by Peabody Rune, a former pirate member of The Four Legged Pirates and current Archaeologist for The Jolly Pirates. Due to its age and origins, as implied by Rune's research into the weapon's history, not only is it an invaluable piece of history, but perhaps a highly threatening weapon in the eyes of the World Government as well, due to its supposed date of creation. Interestingly, it's implied that Rune was destined to find and wield Gungnir, as many other people have tried using it, only to be weighed down by the spear's immense weight; whereas Rune apparently can pick it up as easily as if it were any other spear. Additionally, Gungnir seems to wield rather otherworldly powers, making it quite a prized weapon. Among its abilities, it seems to be capable of elemental attacks, and can home in towards Rune's location, no matter where she is, after being thrown by her, among other powers. Due to this and its mysterious origins, it is perhaps one of Rune's most prized possessions, as she is never seen without it."@en . "This avatar of a mythic spear loves her master, but will never admit it."@en . . . "35"^^ . . "-"@en . "Thor: The Dark World"@en . . . "Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB, Gunguniru) is a shoot hissatsu technique."@en . . . . . "Melee"@en . "2011-06-20"^^ . "Polearm"@en . "26"^^ . . . . . . "majin2"@en . . . . . . . "5.05"^^ . . . "thumb|left|50px Gungnir ist die Lanze von Gallantmon Crimson Mode. Sie ist recht gro\u00DF und besitzt an beiden Enden eine Spitze und einen Griff in der Mitte. Die Gallantmon Crimson Mode k\u00F6nnen mit diesem Mechanismus perfekt umgehen und schwingen so ihre Lanze schnell und elegant. Die wei\u00DFe F\u00E4rbung von Gungnir kommt von der heiligen Energie, die sich in der Lanze befindet, wodurch sie zu einer m\u00E4chtigen Waffe wird. Gallantmon Crimson Mode setzen Gungnir bei ihrer Attacke \"Crimson-Licht\" ein, wobei sie ihren Gegner mit der Lanze attackieren."@de . . . "Gungnir"@en . "Adult only"@en . . . . . "47"^^ . . . . . . . "310"^^ . "39"^^ . . . "La Gungnir es la poderosa lanza m\u00E1gica de Od\u00EDn y sirve como un s\u00EDmbolo de su poder."@es . . . . . . "104"^^ . "B\u00ECnh th\u01B0\u1EDDng \u2192 V2 \u2192 V3"@vi . . . . . . . . . . . "Dainsleif"@en . "4220.0"^^ . . "La Gungnir es la poderosa lanza m\u00E1gica de Od\u00EDn y sirve como un s\u00EDmbolo de su poder."@es . . "Gungnir"@en . "In Norse mythology, Gungnir (Old Norse \"swaying one\") is the spear of the god Odin."@en . . . . . "Strength 175"@en . "Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game"@en . . "60"^^ . . . . . . "A large, fast sailfish with a strange, gold-and-reddish colour scheme"@en . . "Gungnir"@vi . . . "Odin"@de . "Gungnir is a powerful magical spear used by the rulers of Asgard and serves as a symbol of Asgardian power."@en . "10"^^ . . . "*"@en . "5"^^ . . "Cool"@en . . "Thor: Un Mundo Oscuro"@es . . "-"@en . . "Gungnir A08.png"@vi . "Excalibur"@en . . "File:Wind Icon.png Wind"@en . . "Gungnir"@vi . "Gungnir"@en . . . . "16"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . "The Gungnir is an epic weapon with decent damage output."@en . "Th\u1EC3 lo\u1EA1i:K\u1EF9 n\u0103ng Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB) l\u00E0 k\u1EF9 n\u0103ng s\u00FAt trong th\u1EBF gi\u1EDBi Inazuma Eleven v\u00E0 Inazuma Eleven GO."@vi . . . . . . "144"^^ . . . "Gi\u00F3 - G\u1ED7"@vi . "4000"^^ . . "?"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "-"@en . . . "I told you, use me as you"@en . . . "Gungnir ist ein m\u00E4chtiger magischer Speer, der von den Herrschern von Asgard benutzt wird und dient als Symbol der asgardischen Macht."@de . . . "131"^^ . "Normal \u2192 V2 \u2192 V3"@en . . . "\u0413\u0443\u043D\u0433\u043D\u0438\u0440"@en . "\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB"@en . . "Gungnir (altnordisch f\u00FCr \u201Eder Schwankende\u201C) ist der Name des Speeres von Odin, dem h\u00F6chsten Gott der nordischen Mythologie. Mit diesem Speer brachte er den Krieg in die Welt, indem er ihn ins Heer der Wanen warf. In der Kurzgeschichte Der Speer des Schicksals befindet sich ein altnordischer, mit Runen geschm\u00FCckter Speer im Jahr 1973 im Besitz des Kunstsammlers Moxon. Nach einigen temporalen Zwischenf\u00E4llen im Umfeld der Sammlung, beauftragen die Time Lords den Dritten Doctor, den Speer sicher zustellen da es sich offenbar um einen Physikalischen Temporalnexus handelt."@de . "Gungnir (Old Norse \"swaying one\") is Odin's Spear. It is based on the weapon of the same name from Norse mythology which played a prominent part in many of the Norse myths and, in turn, the Marvel Comics continuity. It exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is Asgardian in origin."@en . . "Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB, Gunguniru)? is a weapon in the series."@en . . "--"@en . . . "13"^^ . . "35"^^ . . "Daytime only"@en . "Thor: The Dark World Prelude"@en . "Gungnir"@en . . . . "4"^^ . . "Gungnir ist ein m\u00E4chtiger magischer Speer, der von den Herrschern von Asgard benutzt wird und dient als Symbol der asgardischen Macht."@de . "Lance"@en . . "Gungnir (\u30B0\u30F3\u30B0\u30CB\u30EB, Gunguniru)? is a weapon in the series."@en . "1"^^ . "None"@en . "Thor: God of Thunder"@en . . "Gungnir Loki.png"@de . . . .