. . . "\u30AB\u30AF"@fr . "FFFFFF"@fr . . "Devil Fruit Powers, Enhanced Jumping"@en . . "7.258248E8"^^ . . "Kaku in Enies Lobby.jpg"@de . "5"^^ . . . . . . . "CP-0"@es . . . "Doriki:"@it . "Zoro replies to Kaku that both the fact that he can maximize the giraffe's power and the fact that he is a Yontoryu user aren't good enough reasons to defeat him."@en . . . "* Lucci,\u00A0Kaku,\u00A0Blueno\u00A0et\u00A0Kalifa\u00A0vs\u00A0Franky,\u00A0Usopp,\u00A0Mozu et Kiwi\u00A0= Victoire\n* Kaku et Rob Lucci Vs Pauly = Victoire facile\n* Kaku & Rob Lucci VS Monkey D. Luffy & Zoro Roronoa\u00A0= Victoire \n* Kaku VS Zoro\u00A0= Interrompu\n* Kaku & Jabura VS Zoro & Usopp \u00A0= Interrompu\n* Kaku VS Zoro\u00A0= D\u00E9faite\n* Kaku et les autres membres du CP9 vs des pirates inconnus = Victoire rapide\n* Kaku et les autres membres du CP9 vs Spandam\u00A0= Victoire"@fr . "553119"^^ . . . "inform of bad news"@en . . . "Kaku ist ein ehemaliger Agent der Weltregierung und war dort Mitglied der Cipher Pol No.9. Nach den Ereignissen in Enies Lobby desertierte er mit seiner gesamten Einheit."@de . . . . . "CP9 Agent"@en . . . . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Kaku (\u30AB\u30AF, Kaku) is first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One and specializes in mechanics diagnostics and house-calls. It was Kaku that inspected the Going Merry and informed the Straw Hats that it was broken beyond repair. Later on it is revealed that Kaku is a member of CP9 operating undercover in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg."@en . . . . . "\"Le Vent de la Montagne\""@fr . "--08-07"^^ . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . "\u30AB\u30AF"@de . . . "Model: Giraffe"@en . . . "blond"@de . . "Kaku"@fr . . . "Kaku is first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One and specializes in mechanics, diagnostics, and housecalls. It was Kaku who inspected the Going Merry and informed the Straw Hats that it was broken beyond repair. Later on, it was revealed that Kaku was a member of CP9, operating undercover in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg. Along with his colleagues, he has been dismissed from CP9 by Spandam."@en . "Fruit du Bovin - Version Girafe"@fr . . "lebendig"@de . "\u30AB\u30AF"@it . . . . . "Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu diketahui ia adalah anggota CP9 yang menyamar sebagai tukang kayu, untuk mencari cetak biru Pluton dari Iceburg."@in . . "\u30AB\u30AF"@es . "2200"^^ . . "Ry\u014Dtar\u014D Okiayu"@es . . "Assassin, Honorable Villain"@en . "Kaku"@de . . . . . . . "5"^^ . . . . . . "Kaku"@it . "Non-playable character."@en . "Kaku"@en . . . . . "--08-07"^^ . "Girafe"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kaku"@es . . . . "Kaku"@fr . "Kaku"@fr . . "GobiernoMundialColores"@es . "WorldGovernmentColors"@en . . . "10"^^ . "4"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "Kaku"@en . "Kaku (\u30AB\u30AF) is the youngest member of CP9, an organization of the World Government created with the authority to kill any who oppose the law. He is the second strongest member of the group. Like other members of his group he infiltrated the company of reputed shipwrights, Galley-La Company, in an attempt to obtain blueprints for a mass weapon of destruction named Pluton. During his brief undercover stint Kaku examines the Straw Hats' worn down ship, Going Merry, and accurately judged the ship to be beyond repair and on its last legs."@en . "Kaku.png"@it . . "Kaku on muiden CP9 agenttien tavoin ammattitappaja, joka k\u00E4yt\u00E4nn\u00F6ss\u00E4 tarkoittaa vastustajan kanssa leikittely\u00E4, kunnes lopulta h\u00E4vi\u00E4\u00E4 taistelun. T\u00E4m\u00E4n lis\u00E4ksi Kaku on ilman muiden suostumusta ottanut el\u00E4m\u00E4nteht\u00E4v\u00E4kseen sponsoroida heid\u00E4n omilla rahoillaan CP9:\u00E4\u00E4. H\u00E4n toisinaan keskeytt\u00E4\u00E4 hyvin dramaattisia kohtauksia l\u00E4im\u00E4isem\u00E4ll\u00E4 logon ruudulle oman myyntivalttinsa, PING, PING, PING -\u00E4\u00E4niefektin soidessa taustalla, jonka Kaku teki mm. merijunassa Enies Lobbyyn matkatessa. Vaikka Kaku toistuvasti yritt\u00E4\u00E4 myyd\u00E4 oheistuotteita kuten mansikanmakuista suunraikastinta, ei h\u00E4n ole ikin\u00E4 myynyt yhtik\u00E4s mit\u00E4\u00E4n. Kakun myyntimiesh\u00F6lm\u00F6ily on johtanut CP9:n uskottavuuden menetykseen, sek\u00E4 tuonut j\u00E4rjest\u00F6lle tarpeettoman paljon julkisuutta, tehden siit\u00E4 v\u00E4hemm\u00E4n salaisen."@en . . "Mountain Wind"@en . . "18"^^ . . . "Gobierno Mundial"@es . . . "Ecki Zugluft"@de . "c418"@en . . . . . . . "7"^^ . . . "EBD081"@en . . . "Kaku ist ein ehemaliger Agent der Weltregierung und war dort Mitglied der Cipher Pol No.9. Nach den Ereignissen in Enies Lobby desertierte er mit seiner gesamten Einheit."@de . . "0"^^ . . . "* CP0;\n* CP9 ;\n* Water Seven ;\n* Galley-La company"@it . . . . . "Giraffe"@en . . . . . . . "* membro del CP0;\n* assassino;\n* membro del CP9 ;\n* carpentiere"@it . "Four Sword Style"@en . "--08-07"^^ . . "Kaku"@en . "300"^^ . . . "Mensch"@de . . "418"^^ . "Fighting"@en . . "417"^^ . . . . "Kaku \u00E8 un membro del CP0. Prima del salto temporale era un membro del CP9."@it . . "Jerry Jewell"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "si"@es . . . . . . . . "385"^^ . "blond"@de . . "Kaku"@de . "Kaku (\u30AB\u30AF, Kaku) est un membre du CP-AIGIS0. Il fut d'abord introduit comme \u00E9tant l'un des 5 contre-ma\u00EEtres du Dock 1 de la Galley-La Company et \u00E9tait sp\u00E9cialiste en diagnostique m\u00E9canique et visite \u00E0 domicile. Plus tard, on d\u00E9couvre que Kaku \u00E9tait un membre de l'\u00E9quipe CP9 travaillant en couverture pour obtenir les plans de Pluton des mains d'Icebarg. Plus tard, on apprend qu'il a rejoins le CP-AIGIS0 aux c\u00F4t\u00E9s de Rob Lucci et Spandam."@fr . "#000000"@fr . . . "Kaku (\u30AB\u30AF) is the youngest member of CP9, an organization of the World Government created with the authority to kill any who oppose the law. He is the second strongest member of the group. Like other members of his group he infiltrated the company of reputed shipwrights, Galley-La Company, in an attempt to obtain blueprints for a mass weapon of destruction named Pluton. During his brief undercover stint Kaku examines the Straw Hats' worn down ship, Going Merry, and accurately judged the ship to be beyond repair and on its last legs. When Robin is held prisoner at Enies Lobby, Kaku opposes Zoro in a grueling duel. In spite of activating his new Devil Fruit powers to gain an advantage in range, Zoro emerges triumphant. To honor his opponent's strength, Kaku hands Zoro the key to Robin's handcuffs before passing out."@en . . . "402"^^ . . "CP9"@en . . . . . "c417"@en . . . . "FFFFFF"@fr . . "231"^^ . . "\u30AB\u30AF"@en . . . . "0"^^ . "232"^^ . . . . "247"^^ . . "Ushi Ushi no Mi"@en . "242"^^ . . . . "To get the blueprints for Pluton."@en . "--08-07"^^ . "\u30A6\u30B7\u30A6\u30B7"@es . "Water 7 Shipwright"@en . "326"^^ . "M"@it . "327"^^ . . "Kaku"@it . "Kaku"@es . . "Vaca"@es . "Charpentier, Assassin et amuseur d'enfants en toboggan"@fr . "7"^^ . . "342"^^ . . . . . . "25"^^ . "349"^^ . "25"^^ . . . . . . . . . "23"^^ . "#FFFFFF"@fr . "Alex Organ"@en . "unmasked"@en . . . "300"^^ . "Chapter 323; Episode 230"@en . "299"^^ . . . . . "Kaku"@in . . . . "squre giraffe"@en . . "Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu diketahui ia adalah anggota CP9 yang menyamar sebagai tukang kayu, untuk mencari cetak biru Pluton dari Iceburg."@in . . . "Ox-Ox Fruit Giraffe Model"@en . . "23"^^ . . . . "271"^^ . "CP9 ; Galley-La Company CP-0"@en . "Kaku"@fr . "Kaku on muiden CP9 agenttien tavoin ammattitappaja, joka k\u00E4yt\u00E4nn\u00F6ss\u00E4 tarkoittaa vastustajan kanssa leikittely\u00E4, kunnes lopulta h\u00E4vi\u00E4\u00E4 taistelun. T\u00E4m\u00E4n lis\u00E4ksi Kaku on ilman muiden suostumusta ottanut el\u00E4m\u00E4nteht\u00E4v\u00E4kseen sponsoroida heid\u00E4n omilla rahoillaan CP9:\u00E4\u00E4. H\u00E4n toisinaan keskeytt\u00E4\u00E4 hyvin dramaattisia kohtauksia l\u00E4im\u00E4isem\u00E4ll\u00E4 logon ruudulle oman myyntivalttinsa, PING, PING, PING -\u00E4\u00E4niefektin soidessa taustalla, jonka Kaku teki mm. merijunassa Enies Lobbyyn matkatessa. Vaikka Kaku toistuvasti yritt\u00E4\u00E4 myyd\u00E4 oheistuotteita kuten mansikanmakuista suunraikastinta, ei h\u00E4n ole ikin\u00E4 myynyt yhtik\u00E4s mit\u00E4\u00E4n. Kakun myyntimiesh\u00F6lm\u00F6ily on johtanut CP9:n uskottavuuden menetykseen, sek\u00E4 tuonut j\u00E4rjest\u00F6lle tarpeettoman paljon julkisuutta, tehden siit\u00E4 v\u00E4hemm\u00E4n salaisen."@en . "Kaku (\u30AB\u30AF, Kaku) est un membre du CP-AIGIS0. Il fut d'abord introduit comme \u00E9tant l'un des 5 contre-ma\u00EEtres du Dock 1 de la Galley-La Company et \u00E9tait sp\u00E9cialiste en diagnostique m\u00E9canique et visite \u00E0 domicile. Plus tard, on d\u00E9couvre que Kaku \u00E9tait un membre de l'\u00E9quipe CP9 travaillant en couverture pour obtenir les plans de Pluton des mains d'Icebarg. Plus tard, on apprend qu'il a rejoins le CP-AIGIS0 aux c\u00F4t\u00E9s de Rob Lucci et Spandam."@fr . . "Kaku \u00E8 un membro del CP0. Prima del salto temporale era un membro del CP9."@it . "One Piece"@en . "23"^^ . "25"^^ . "286"^^ . . "check of Going Merry's status"@en . "masked"@en . "Kaku is first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One and specializes in mechanics, diagnostics, and housecalls. It was Kaku who inspected the Going Merry and informed the Straw Hats that it was broken beyond repair. Later on, it was revealed that Kaku was a member of CP9, operating undercover in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg. Along with his colleagues, he has been dismissed from CP9 by Spandam."@en . . . . . "Governo"@it . "2200"^^ . "Kaku tiene los ojos grandes y redondos, tiene una nariz larga como Usopp, aunque \u00E9l la tiene cuadrada (Seg\u00FAn un SBS de Oda la nariz de Usopp es m\u00E1s grande solo por la punta redondeada). Cuando estaba en la Galley-La, llevaba unos pantalones vaqueros una chaqueta y una gorra blanca. Y cuando es un agente del CP9 lleva el un traje elegante y su gorro, en este caso, negro."@es . . . . "Kaku tiene los ojos grandes y redondos, tiene una nariz larga como Usopp, aunque \u00E9l la tiene cuadrada (Seg\u00FAn un SBS de Oda la nariz de Usopp es m\u00E1s grande solo por la punta redondeada). Cuando estaba en la Galley-La, llevaba unos pantalones vaqueros una chaqueta y una gorra blanca. Y cuando es un agente del CP9 lleva el un traje elegante y su gorro, en este caso, negro."@es . "Cipher Pol Agent ; Shipwright"@en . . . . "Kaku"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe"@en . . "Devil Fruits"@en . . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Kaku (\u30AB\u30AF, Kaku) is first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One and specializes in mechanics diagnostics and house-calls. It was Kaku that inspected the Going Merry and informed the Straw Hats that it was broken beyond repair. Later on it is revealed that Kaku is a member of CP9 operating undercover in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg."@en . . . .