"Gray Wing"@en . "Owl Eyes, Alder and Birch about training Clover and Thistle"@en . "Thunder Rising"@en . "Deputy"@en . "Foster Father:"@en . "Owlstar (SotC)"@en . "58"^^ . "178"^^ . "56"^^ . "Unknown"@en . "Gray Wing about Owl Eyes"@en . . "StarClan"@en . "Owl Eyes was an excellent deputy while you and Lightning Tail were gone. Leaf and Gooseberry got into an argument about the nests in the warriors' den, and Owl Eyes figured out a solution every cat could live with. He was so well that I didn't even know there was an argument until it was over."@en . "Are you giving up already?"@en . . "Owl Eyes about sharing Twolegs with Tom"@en . "And Owl Eyes caught the rabbit! But he was happy to share it."@en . . . "He\u2019s our father! And if they don\u2019t want him around, then maybe they don\u2019t want us, either."@en . "Gray Wing"@en . . "Narration"@en . . "Owl Eyes"@en . "Owl Eyes and Jackdaw\u2019s Cry about Owl Eyes leaving camp"@en . "ThunderClan, Tall Shadow's Camp, Clear Sky's Camp, Thunder's Camp"@en . "\"ThunderClan's second leader was a legendary hunter, who learned the ways of the tawny owl to stalk prey by night in silence.\""@en . "47"^^ . "I can still remember her scent."@en . "Sparrow Fur"@en . "I don\u2019t want to share them! I want to go home where there aren\u2019t any Twolegs!"@en . . "You\u2019re too young."@en . "But we can guess. If Bluefur stays in the nursery with her kits, Thistleclaw will become deputy instead. He is an ambitious, violent cat, and we know it. He would lead his warriors to attack other Clans-the last thing this forest needs right now. Would you rather see more warriors coming to join us because of his bloody leadership?"@en . "Owlstar to Moonflower"@en . . "Owl Eyes"@en . "Owl Eyes"@en . "Owlstar is a lean, sleek, dark gray tom with large, unblinking, brilliant amber eyes, and broad shoulders."@en . . "Jagged Peak and Owl Eyes"@en . "173"^^ . . "89"^^ . "Path of Stars"@en . "Owl Eyes"@en . . "It\u2019s getting harder and harder to catch enough prey. It\u2019s like everything is sick."@en . . "Secrets of the Clans"@en . "No! I just think we should be careful. Cats have been killed on the Thunderpath. I don\u2019t want any more cats to die."@en . "Sister:"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "[Gray Wing] was proud that they\u2019d followed their instincts and chosen their own homes."@en . "I hunt better than she does in the rain. Sparrow Fur doesn\u2019t like getting her paws wet."@en . "Alder"@en . "The Blazing Star"@en . . "Owl Eyes about the group\u2019s dislike of Tom"@en . "Owl Eyes"@en . "We\u2019ve always been curious about our father. It\u2019s hard, only knowing about half your kin, especially when your mother is dead and you feel like an orphan. [\u2026]Oh, but of course we love you, Gray Wing! We will always love you. It\u2019s not\u2026 it\u2019s just\u2026"@en . . . . "76"^^ . "Secrets of the Clans, page 22"@en . . "Owl Eyes and Gray Wing about Sparrow Fur seeing her father"@en . "I want to come."@en . "I wish I\u2019d been there. I\u2019d have clawed their ears off."@en . "Unknown"@en . "You\u2019re just in a bad mood because he chose Sparrow Fur for the second hunting patrol."@en . "203"^^ . "Thunder"@en . "Kit:"@en . . . . "Will you remember Turtle Tail, even in your new home?"@en . . . . "I\u2019m not your father, am I?"@en . "Owl EyesOwleyes, Owl EyesOwlstarOwlstar"@en . "241"^^ . "Secrets of the Clans"@en . . "Clear Sky asked us to train them, not you."@en . . "This place is yucky! I don\u2019t like it here."@en . "He knew that Owl Eyes had good hunting instincts, but deciding to go out alone was one of the most reckless things he had ever heard of."@en . . "254"^^ . "I still think you should be teaching them how to stalk, not to jump."@en . "Owl Eyes and Gray Wing about having to cross the Thunderpath"@en . "Thunderstar's Echo"@en . "Birch"@en . "110"^^ . "Jagged Peak"@en . . . "We just want to know\u2026 our other father. The father whose blood we carry. Is that too much to ask?"@en . . "But the Blazing Star is on the other side of the Thunderpath."@en . "232"^^ . . "Approx. 26 moons"@en . "Halfway up the trunk is a hole that is home to a tawny owl that flies out at night. Legend has it that an early ThunderClan apprentice learned the secrets of night hunting from one such owl. Every night, as the moon rose, he would wait at the foot of the Owl-Tree. When the owl swooped out, he followed, like the owl's shadow cast by the moon on the ground. Eventually this bold apprentice became a great leader known as Owlstar. In the hunt, he was as silent and deadly as the tawny owl."@en . "It\u2019s your own fault for running away from Jagged Peak. What were you told about not leaving camp? You can\u2019t ignore Gray Wing\u2019s orders like that, especially when he is our leader, and the most respected cat in camp."@en . . "238"^^ . "Thunder Rising, The First Battle, The Blazing Star, A Forest Divided, Path of Stars, Moth Flight's Vision, Thunderstar's Echo, The Ultimate Guide, Secrets of the Clans, Code of the Clans"@en . "Why was Sparrow Fur so keen to visit Tom?"@en . "Warrior:Deputy:Leader:StarClan Resident:"@en . "Early Settler:"@en . "Owl Eyes and Sparrow Fur promising Gray Wing they\u2019ll never forget Turtle Tail"@en . . "Owl Eyes about prey becoming sick"@en . "Brother:"@en . "Violet Dawn suggesting Owl Eyes as deputy"@en . "Leader"@en . "The First Battle"@en . "It was just a bit of fun! And I did catch a vole."@en . "151"^^ . "Mother:"@en . "Lightning Tail"@en . "But I know how to fight."@en . "2"^^ . "A Forest Divided"@en . "Thunder and I want to talk."@en . "Owl Eyes about a patrol being attacked by rogues"@en . "Thunderstar"@en . "I\u2019m sorry. I shouldn\u2019t have left the camp on my own like that."@en . "Owl Eyes and Thunder about Owl Eyes going into battle"@en . "Gray Wing"@en . "159"^^ . . "Apprentice:"@en . "Blossom about Owl Eyes sharing his rabbit"@en . "There\u2019s no need to worry about that. All three of you have a lot to contribute to our group. It doesn\u2019t matter what your father did."@en . "11"^^ . "Owlstar is a lean, sleek, dark gray tom with large, unblinking, brilliant amber eyes, and broad shoulders."@en . "chapter 8"@en . "Of course we will! We\u2019ll never forget her."@en . "Jackdaw\u2019s Cry"@en . "Father:"@en . "Owl Eyes to Gray Wing about leaving camp without permission"@en . "Snail Shell"@en . "You want to argue."@en . "Gray Wing thinking about Turtle Tail\u2019s kits"@en . .