. . "The Autumn Way sounds like it should be one of the most evil Arts known to the Fae, but it is actually relatively benign in nature. It provides a backdoor into the mortal world from the Dreaming, often shielding its user from the Banality of that world in the process. While no group has explicitly banned the use of the Autumn Way, the Kithain often have little need for its techniques, as it does things that are of fairly limited usefulness to them. To some of the purer manifestations of the Dreaming, and to the groups who have been banned from free travel within its borders, such as the Adhene, it becomes vastly more useful."@en . "The Autumn Way sounds like it should be one of the most evil Arts known to the Fae, but it is actually relatively benign in nature. It provides a backdoor into the mortal world from the Dreaming, often shielding its user from the Banality of that world in the process. While no group has explicitly banned the use of the Autumn Way, the Kithain often have little need for its techniques, as it does things that are of fairly limited usefulness to them. To some of the purer manifestations of the Dreaming, and to the groups who have been banned from free travel within its borders, such as the Adhene, it becomes vastly more useful."@en . "Autumn Way"@en . .