. "Story:Star Trek: Conflict/Battle of Reui"@en . "Captain Young and Nox are in Sick Bay. They are being checked out by Dr. Franz von Aldrich, the Chief Medical Officer of the Admonitor. The check-up on the captain is brief, since she does not like being probed by a \"maggot\": however, Dr. von Aldrich refuses to inspect Nox. He tells the captain that it is for personal reasons, to which she simply scoffs and leaves, taking him with her. Once they leave, Dr. von Aldrich takes out his comm-badge and contacts someone on the Enterprise. He tells the person, whom he addresses as \"my son\" that the time is now, just as he injects a lethal substance into a sleeping patient, causing them to flat-line. Meanwhile, Young returns to her chair on the Bridge. A comm-channel with Shield from the Enterprise has been going on, during which they have been passing pertinent information to and from each other. Shield states that they recalibrate the Universal Translators for the Reuian dialect, which, according to their Bajoran contact onboard the Admonitor, has only been heard by the people of this system. Young expresses her doubts over meeting a new alien species, believing that they might be another race of brutish monsters like the Klingons. Shield allays her concerns a little, by saying that the Reuians are not as war-like as the Klingons. He further goes on to say that they (the crew of the Enterprise-C and the Admonitor, which they have come to be calling themselves \"Insurrectionists\") are in need of a technological advantage as well as an ally against the Federation. Young states that the S'srellian technology on the Admonitor is enough to out-match what the Federation might have for the next thirty years. Shield agrees, but he tells her that the Reuians have never met humans before, and that meeting them will be a precursor to inviting them into the Federation once justice has been restored. Meanwhile, onboard the Enterprise-C, Captain Shield briefs his crew about the coming first contact. They reply with quiet neglect. He asks them if they need to be relieved, but they say that their condition will not jeopardize first contact with the Reuians. Shield accepts this, and he leaves. Once he is in his cabin, two figures come onto the Bridge. One of them stays out of visible sight of the others, but the second is Dr. Franz von Aldrich of the Admonitor. He greets them as compatriots in a common cause. When they ask him what cause that is, he tells them that they are united by their common goal: killing Captain Shield. Dr. Aldrich then goes into a long-winded history of a secret society known as the Brotherhood of the Aryan Race (to which he belongs): a neo-Nazi militant/political group formed after World War III in the early-mid 21st century to influence the policies of the petty despots that began to appear in the post-war chaotic environment. After First Contact, the world went into chaos again with the Cochrane Movement. On the outside, the Movement opposed the Brotherhood strongly for its low regards to the life of humanity. Secretly, however, the Movement was receiving help from the Brotherhood in conditioning persons believed to be \"socially-backward\" and \"detrimental to the common good of humanity.\" By the 23rd century, the Brotherhood had been firmly established in the upper echelons of the United Federation of Planets. John Gill the noted Federation historian, Dr. Aldrich says, was a strong supporter of the Brotherhood and was sent to Ekos by the Brotherhood to secure a world openly for their cause. (See \"Patterns of Force\"). According to Dr. Aldrich, the Federation is still sympathetic to the plight of the Brotherhood of the Aryan Race. Many members of the Brotherhood, according to Dr. Aldrich, are still influential in the policies of the Federation. Most noted among them being Admiral Sanders, the deceased Admiral Leopold P. Shield, Vice Admiral Black and Commodore Henry Gardner. Those who remain, according to Dr. Aldrich, will pardon any who surrender Shield and Young into the justice of the Federation. Aldrich tells them that they have been unfairly torn from their families by Shield's rash actions on Typhon III. He also adds that they would not technically be betraying him, since it was he who betrayed his crew by sentencing them to become outcasts with himself. The crew agree with one voice, and join themselves to Dr. Aldrich's mutiny."@en . . "Captain Young and Nox are in Sick Bay. They are being checked out by Dr. Franz von Aldrich, the Chief Medical Officer of the Admonitor. The check-up on the captain is brief, since she does not like being probed by a \"maggot\": however, Dr. von Aldrich refuses to inspect Nox. He tells the captain that it is for personal reasons, to which she simply scoffs and leaves, taking him with her. Once they leave, Dr. von Aldrich takes out his comm-badge and contacts someone on the Enterprise. He tells the person, whom he addresses as \"my son\" that the time is now, just as he injects a lethal substance into a sleeping patient, causing them to flat-line."@en . .