. . . . . . . . . . "Native American mythology"@en . "General Information on various Native American mythologies and Oral Tradition. Obviously, this page covers an enormous variety of different cultures, but they're grouped together here for convenience. See also these sub-pages for specific cultures: \n* Aztec Mythology \n* Inca Mythology See Useful Notes on Pre-Columbian Civilizations. For the Hollywood History version, see Magical Native American and Mayincatec."@en . "General Information on various Native American mythologies and Oral Tradition. Obviously, this page covers an enormous variety of different cultures, but they're grouped together here for convenience. See also these sub-pages for specific cultures: \n* Aztec Mythology \n* Inca Mythology See Useful Notes on Pre-Columbian Civilizations. For the Hollywood History version, see Magical Native American and Mayincatec."@en . . "Native American Mythology"@en . . . . . "Native American mythology was a set of beliefs followed by Native Americans. Some parts of Native American mythology involved the medicine wheel and the medicine bundle. (VOY: \"The Cloud\", \"Cathexis\", \"Initiations\", \"Basics, Part I\") In 2378, Seven of Nine was given a dreamcatcher by a holographic Commander Chakotay. Seven noted that the dreamcatcher was a part of Native American mythology, used to ward off nightmares. (VOY: \"Human Error\")"@en . . "Native American mythology was a set of beliefs followed by Native Americans. Some parts of Native American mythology involved the medicine wheel and the medicine bundle. (VOY: \"The Cloud\", \"Cathexis\", \"Initiations\", \"Basics, Part I\") In 2378, Seven of Nine was given a dreamcatcher by a holographic Commander Chakotay. Seven noted that the dreamcatcher was a part of Native American mythology, used to ward off nightmares. (VOY: \"Human Error\")"@en . . .