"Space Development Steering Committee"@en . . "The Space Development Steering Committee, founded in 2006, includes the second astronaut on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, the sixth astronaut on the moon, Edgar Mitchell, the Chief of the Future Science and Technology Exploration Branch of the US Air Force, Peter Garretson, the National Science Foundation Program Director for Control, Networks & Computational Intelligence, Paul Werbos, the Chief Scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, Dennis Bushnell, NASA Senior Aerospace Engineer and Head of Risk Assessment and Management at Goddard Space Flight Center, Feng Hsu, Boeing Phantom Works' Ed McCullough, Air Force Research Laboratory veteran James Michael Snead, and the world\u2019s leading expert on space solar power, 25-year NASA veteran John Mankins. The Space Development Steering Committee also includes the heads of the National Space Society, the Space Frontier Foundation, and the Mars Society. The founder of the Space Development Steering Committee is mass behavior specialist Howard Bloom, a former visiting scholar at NYU\u2019s Graduate Psychology Department, a former Core Faculty Member at the Graduate Institute, and the author of three books: The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History, Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st Century, and How I Accidentally Started The Sixties. The Space Development Steering Committee founding statement reads like this: For close to 40 years, the space community has been developing new dreams, new schemes for making life a multiplanetary project--for taking ecosystems and you, me, and our children into permanent homes in space. The Space Development Steering Committee is dedicated to making those private visions public. And The Space Development Steering Committee is dedicated to giving a vast new frontier to the grand experiment of life, to the family of DNA. The Space Development Steering Committee has five active projects as of April 2008\u2014including two TV series in development and a global space event to be held in India. The Committee is small, imaginative, and informal. It has no web page or other self-promotional accoutrements. The Committee is an organization member of the Alliance for Space Development."@en . . "The Space Development Steering Committee, founded in 2006, includes the second astronaut on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, the sixth astronaut on the moon, Edgar Mitchell, the Chief of the Future Science and Technology Exploration Branch of the US Air Force, Peter Garretson, the National Science Foundation Program Director for Control, Networks & Computational Intelligence, Paul Werbos, the Chief Scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, Dennis Bushnell, NASA Senior Aerospace Engineer and Head of Risk Assessment and Management at Goddard Space Flight Center, Feng Hsu, Boeing Phantom Works' Ed McCullough, Air Force Research Laboratory veteran James Michael Snead, and the world\u2019s leading expert on space solar power, 25-year NASA veteran John Mankins. The Space Development Steering Committee also "@en . . .