. . . . . . . "120"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "In Age of Empires, Mysticism is a technology that can be found at the Temple once the Bronze Age is reached. Once the technology is researched, the hit points of the Priest doubles. It is recommended to research this technology after typing the \"HOYOHOYO\" cheat code, if that cheat is going to be used."@en . "Mysticism is a secondary skill from Heroes of Might and Magic II and Heroes of Might and Magic III. It increases the hero's spell point regeneration."@en . "Mysticism is the direct interaction, or pursuit of direct interaction, with one or more deities or other spirit beings."@en . . . . "Mysticism is divided among several schools \n* Draconism \n* Lunar \n* Teshnan \n* Vithela Commonly the lands of Vithela, Teshnos and Kralorela are said to have mystical pantheons. This is both true and false. The people of those lands worship gods, spirits and true beings like others in glorantha but at the same time their religion is heavily influenced by the mystical sages."@en . "Manipulate/Create/Mimic Objects, Spirits,and Powers."@en . . "Mysticism is a reagent shop in Cove which, during Ultima V, was run by Enlor."@en . . "Reagents"@en . . . "Enlor.png"@en . . . . . "Mysticism is one of the three types of crafting, along with Arms and Science. It is strong in buffing Ego, Presence, and Recovery, but has no Constitution. \n* When you collect Mystic crafting material, you gain a power regeneration buff that will go past your equilibrium point that lasts for 5 or so minutes (also goes on all friendly players in a 50' sphere around you."@en . . . . . . . "User can utilize Mysticism: an untainted form of magic that can be used in many different ways such as creating, manipulating and/or mimicking objects, spirits and powers. Mysticism is often a result of an immediate spiritual intuition of truths transcending ordinary understanding, or of a direct, intimate union of the soul with primal forces of Creation through contemplation or ecstasy. Many users have supernatural patrons and access to magical objects."@en . . . . . . "#200030"@en . . "Mysticism"@en . "50"^^ . . "Increases your Intellect by 5%."@en . . . . . "Mysticism is one of the attributes of the Dervish profession. It is a Dervish's primary attribute, this means only players who picked Dervish as their primary profession have access to this attribute and can spend attribute points to increase the attribute rank."@en . "Mysticism"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Mysticism"@en . "Mysticism is a reagent shop in Cove which, during Ultima V, was run by Enlor."@en . . . . "Mysticism is what believers see as communion with the divine, either through esoteric knowledge or directly through revelation or meditation. Mystics come in all flavors, from the deeply sincere to the outright fraudulent. Direct communion can occur in many ways, from speaking in tongues or other forms of possession to visions and revelations. Indirect methods include tarot cards and the arcane practices of the Kabbalah."@en . . . "It has a successor in the Dark Age, Prophecy."@en . "Mysticism is divided among several schools \n* Draconism \n* Lunar \n* Teshnan \n* Vithela Commonly the lands of Vithela, Teshnos and Kralorela are said to have mystical pantheons. This is both true and false. The people of those lands worship gods, spirits and true beings like others in glorantha but at the same time their religion is heavily influenced by the mystical sages."@en . . "Utility"@en . "Mysticism (from the Greek \u03BC\u03C5\u03C3\u03C4\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC\u03C2, mystikos, an initiate of a mystery religion) is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, instinct or insight. Mysticism usually centers on a practice or practices intended to nurture those experiences or awareness. Mysticism may be dualistic, maintaining a distinction between the self and the divine, or may be nondualistic. Differing religious traditions have described this fundamental mystical experience in different ways: \n* Nullification and absorption within God's Infinite Light (Hassidic schools of Judaism) \n* Complete non-identification with the world (Kaivalya in some schools of Hinduism, including Sankhya and Yoga; Jhana in Buddhism) \n* Liberation from the cycles of Karma (Moksha in Jainism and Hinduism, Nirvana in Buddhism) \n* Deep intrinsic connection to the world (Satori in Mahayana Buddhism, Te in Taoism) \n* Union with God (Henosis in Neoplatonism and Theosis in Eastern and Catholic Christianity, Brahma-Prapti or Brahma-Nirvana in Hinduism) \n* Innate Knowledge (Irfan and Sufism in Islam) \n* Experience of one's true blissful nature (Samadhi Svarupa-Avirbhava in Hinduism and Buddhism) \n* Seeing the Light, or \"that of God\", in everyone (Quakerism) Enlightenment or Illumination are generic English terms for the phenomenon, derived from the Latin illuminatio (applied to Christian prayer in the 15th century) and adopted in English translations of Buddhist texts, but used loosely to describe the state of mystical attainment regardless of faith. Mystic traditions form sub-currents within larger religious traditions\u2014such as Kabbalah within Judaism, Sufism within Islam, Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism within Hinduism, Christian mysticism within Christianity\u2014but are often treated skeptically and sometimes held separately, by more orthodox or mainstream groups within the given religion, due to the emphasis of the mystics on direct experience and living realization over doctrine. Mysticism is sometimes taken by skeptics or mainstream adherents as mere obfuscation, though mystics suggest they are offering clarity of a different order or kind. In fact, a basic premise of nearly every mystical path, regardless of religious affiliation, is that the experiences of divine consciousness, enlightenment and union with God that are made possible via mystical paths, are available to everyone who is willing to follow the practice of a given mystical system. Within a given mystical school, or path, it is much more likely for the mystical approach to be seen as a divine science, because of the direct, replicable elevation of consciousness the mystical approach can offer to anyone, regardless of previous spiritual or religious training. Some mystic traditions can exclude the validity of other traditions. However, mystic traditions tend to be more accepting of other mystic traditions than the non-mystical versions of their traditions. This is based on the premise that the experienced divinity is able to bring other mystics to their own tradition if necessary. Some, but not all, mystics are even open to the idea that their tradition may not be the most practical version of mystic practice. Most mystic traditions have both positive (+) and negative (-) values of mystical experience within their own tradition. One example of this is in the New Age tradition, which simply calls these values positive and negative energy. Another example is in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions, which would refer to these as the influence of good and evil spirits, or good and evil realms - in the case of an out of body experience."@en . . "Mysticism is one of the attributes of the Dervish profession. It is a Dervish's primary attribute, this means only players who picked Dervish as their primary profession have access to this attribute and can spend attribute points to increase the attribute rank."@en . "User can utilize Mysticism: an untainted form of magic that can be used in many different ways such as creating, manipulating and/or mimicking objects, spirits and powers. Mysticism is often a result of an immediate spiritual intuition of truths transcending ordinary understanding, or of a direct, intimate union of the soul with primal forces of Creation through contemplation or ecstasy. Many users have supernatural patrons and access to magical objects."@en . . "It has a successor in the Dark Age, Prophecy."@en . . . "22"^^ . . . "Mysticism (from the Greek \u03BC\u03C5\u03C3\u03C4\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC\u03C2, mystikos, an initiate of a mystery religion) is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, instinct or insight. Mysticism usually centers on a practice or practices intended to nurture those experiences or awareness. Mysticism may be dualistic, maintaining a distinction between the self and the divine, or may be nondualistic. Differing religious traditions have described this fundamental mystical experience in different ways:"@en . "Mysticism is one of the three types of crafting, along with Arms and Science. It is strong in buffing Ego, Presence, and Recovery, but has no Constitution. \n* When you collect Mystic crafting material, you gain a power regeneration buff that will go past your equilibrium point that lasts for 5 or so minutes (also goes on all friendly players in a 50' sphere around you."@en . . "Mysticism is a passive priest ability learned at level 50."@en . . . . . "300"^^ . . . . . . . . "Mysticism is what believers see as communion with the divine, either through esoteric knowledge or directly through revelation or meditation. Mystics come in all flavors, from the deeply sincere to the outright fraudulent. Direct communion can occur in many ways, from speaking in tongues or other forms of possession to visions and revelations. Indirect methods include tarot cards and the arcane practices of the Kabbalah."@en . . . . "Passive"@en . "Cove"@en . . . . "In the case of the Vulcan people, it referred to certain practices such as their unique mental abilities, such as psychokinesis, telepathy, and their ability to transfer their own katra to other host bodies. The women of Elas were described by Federation scientists as having mystical powers, making them able to \"drive men wild.\" (TOS: \"Elaan of Troyius\" ) In 2285, Admiral James T. Kirk explained to Admiral Morrow that Spock's katra was locked inside Doctor Leonard McCoy's body, and the only way to free it was to return him to Vulcan. Morrow refused to hand over the USS Enterprise to Admiral Kirk, and in addition to the fact that he felt the Enterprise would never take the pounding involved in making the trip to Vulcan, he told him that he didn't know if he believed in Vulcan mysticism. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)"@en . . "Mysticism is a passive priest ability learned at level 50."@en . "While the specifics regarding the origins of Mysticism are unknown, it is highly assumed that their arts came into usage soon after the Sage of Six Paths introduced ninjutsu to the world. Utilizing their abilities to manipulate the form of chakra, via the Yin Release, mystics began to monitor and study chakra that didn't originate from human entities. This eventually would result in the discovery and classification of Y\u016Bgure, sentient embodiments of chakra driven by primal urges and emotion. Deeming these beings dangerous several groups of mystics took it upon themselves to eradicate these Y\u016Bgure, instead of merely observing them. This attempted eradication would eventually escalate into a secret war between the Y\u016Bgure and the Mystics. This war, though secret from a majority of the world's population, would result in heavy losses for both the so called inhuman Y\u016Bgure and their hunters, the Mystics. Furthermore, most of the knowledge acquired by the mystics regarding the intricacies of chakra, would be forever lost. Even after both the Y\u016Bgure and the Mystics had nearly annihilated one another, both sides held a deep grudge against one another, and would attempt to kill each other on site. Unfortunately, as time passed it became more and more difficult to find those who had the potential to wield the Yin Release. While the Yin Release was not an absolutely necessary tool in combating the Y\u016Bgure, most mystics were too proud to accept help from any shinobi clans or organizations. Furthermore, the secrecy of the existence of their foes and the battle that was being waged eliminated the chance for outside aid to an even greater degree. Unable to restore their forces at the same rate as their opponents, the mystics were hunted to the edge of extinction and fled around the world. Currently, mystics are a forgotten group with less than a handful of people alive knowing of their existence. While these few people carry on the work of slaying Y\u016Bgure, the true nature of mysticism has run its course."@en . . "While the specifics regarding the origins of Mysticism are unknown, it is highly assumed that their arts came into usage soon after the Sage of Six Paths introduced ninjutsu to the world. Utilizing their abilities to manipulate the form of chakra, via the Yin Release, mystics began to monitor and study chakra that didn't originate from human entities. This eventually would result in the discovery and classification of Y\u016Bgure, sentient embodiments of chakra driven by primal urges and emotion. Deeming these beings dangerous several groups of mystics took it upon themselves to eradicate these Y\u016Bgure, instead of merely observing them."@en . . . . . "In the case of the Vulcan people, it referred to certain practices such as their unique mental abilities, such as psychokinesis, telepathy, and their ability to transfer their own katra to other host bodies. The women of Elas were described by Federation scientists as having mystical powers, making them able to \"drive men wild.\" (TOS: \"Elaan of Troyius\" )"@en . . . "Mysticism is a secondary skill from Heroes of Might and Magic II and Heroes of Might and Magic III. It increases the hero's spell point regeneration."@en . . . "Priests get double Hit Points"@en . . . "In Age of Empires, Mysticism is a technology that can be found at the Temple once the Bronze Age is reached. Once the technology is researched, the hit points of the Priest doubles. It is recommended to research this technology after typing the \"HOYOHOYO\" cheat code, if that cheat is going to be used."@en . "Mysticism is the direct interaction, or pursuit of direct interaction, with one or more deities or other spirit beings."@en . "Power/Ability To:"@en . . . "Mysticism"@en .