"Kaslain"@en . "Kaslain is a tall man and physically strong \u2013 mighty enough to wield his symbol of office, the Reikhammer, as its creator intended. The Reikhammer is the brother-weapon to the famed Mace of Helsturm; an heirloom of the cult that is currently in the possession of Kaslain's opposite number, Arch Lector Aglim. Forged by the very first Grand Theogonist, Johann Helsturm, the two magically blessed artefacts have been passed down from generation to generation ever since. In these times of strife, it is rare for either of these great weapons to stay unbloodied for long.[1a]"@en . . . "Kaslain is a tall man and physically strong \u2013 mighty enough to wield his symbol of office, the Reikhammer, as its creator intended. The Reikhammer is the brother-weapon to the famed Mace of Helsturm; an heirloom of the cult that is currently in the possession of Kaslain's opposite number, Arch Lector Aglim. Forged by the very first Grand Theogonist, Johann Helsturm, the two magically blessed artefacts have been passed down from generation to generation ever since. In these times of strife, it is rare for either of these great weapons to stay unbloodied for long.[1a] An Arch Lector must be strong of mind as well as in body. Kaslain is as loyal a supporter as Volkmar could have ever wished for, and his level-headed council has many times saved the Grand Theogonist from teaching impudent Imperial courtiers a lesson with his fists. It is Kaslain's fervent believe in the divine might of Sigmar that makes him such a formidable weapon against the darkness. When his battle rage is upon him, Kaslain exudes a wrath that manifests as an aura of blazing white light, burning away the shrouding shadows that hide his foes from sight.[1a]"@en . . . .