. "48"^^ . "2014-08-05"^^ . . "Star Wars Rebels Lands in Bookstores"@es . . "A New Hero is a Star Wars Rebels picture book from Disney\u2013Lucasfilm Press that was released on August 5, 2014. The book was written by Pablo Hidalgo, member of the Lucasfilm Story Group. It is illustrated using concept art from the series. Purchase of A New Hero included a Star Wars eBook."@en . "A New Hero"@en . . . . "250"^^ . "Star Wars Rebels"@en . "*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico\n**Stormtrooper\n**Piloto\n*Granjero\n*Caballero Jedi\n*Rebeldes de Lothal"@es . "*Misi\u00F3n de rescate en Kessel"@es . . . . . . . "A new hero"@en . "Dreadlord: [taking a deep breath in] I can sense you fear mortal but not only that...he has done well to hide it from you little one\u2026a shame I cannot end your life but my masters need you. you will come with me. Shirah: It\u2019s ok sister, it\u2019s ok. Imoen: [gasping] Thank you sister\u2026light, the demon almost pulled me threw\u2026but\u2026he didn\u2019t want to kill me but bring me to his masters\u2026 Shirah: Problery for an extra slave sister or information on the alliance. Imoen stares at the corpse of the Dreadlord and looks confused at it. Ray: This is hopeless Mog\u2026I mean I can hardly hold a sword let alone swing my fists\u2026 Mog: Nonsense master Ray! I\u2019m sure master can save the damsel in distress from the evil boyfriend! Ray: Yeah right\u2026look she\u2019s made her mind already, she\u2019s beautiful and I don\u2019t know\u2026 Mog: We both know that Ryan is an asshole. Ray: She sure doesn\u2019t, perhaps I should leave her be\u2026 Mog: Where\u2019s your manliness!? Can you remember your promise to her hmmm? Ray: I was young then\u2026and presides im twenty to human years she\u2019s only sixteen\u2026adultery that is. Mog: So? Ryan is twenty five and he\u2019s a human! Ray: Your not going to stop are you friend? Mog: Of course not. We both know she\u2019s unhappy and your unhappy so you two need to talk. Ray: You know how Ryan is with people\u2026certainly me. Mog: Nonsense just give him a try. Ray: Old mac, I see baker Stanley is still giving you his spares. Old mac: Aye \u2018e iz a rite lov\u2019ly chap! \u2018E jus keep giv\u2019n \u2018n giv\u2019n! Old mac: O\u2019 if ye be go\u2019n to see ol Imoen\u2026[he sighs] well her mums at it ag\u2019n. Mog: You can\u2019t blame her! You only see one side of Ryan\u2026 Ray: Mog\u2026 Old mac: E\u2019s ok mate, I ear it all da time. Nalia: Ah hello Ray\u2026things are a bit\u2026hectic here. Mog: Oh? Nalia: Come in old friends\u2026I\u2019ll make some hot tea. Nalia: Don\u2019t. Ray: I\u2019m only going to see if she\u2019s alright. Mog: Let him be Nalia. Ryan: You again! I thought I told you to leave us alone! Ray: Woah hey calm down I heard a loud bang and I got worried. Ryan: Oh so you think it would be me right? What\u2019s your problem, elf. Ray: I have none\u2026 Ray looks over to Imoen who looks turns her head away from him, it\u2019s unsure whether or not it was that he might of caught them about to have sex or that something else has happened. Ryan: Now do you mind we were about to \u2018do\u2019 something before you pocked your long nose in. Nalia: Is everything ok Ray? Ray: They were about to\u2026well you know. Mog: So he says\u2026 Nalia looks at Mog and glares at him. Nalia: We must respect Imoen and Ryan, no matter what we- you may think, familer. Mog: Of course, I understand. Nalia: So Ray, how does your mother and father fare? I havn\u2019t heard from them since\u2026well sixteen years now. Ray: Mother is still with the rangers, I don\u2019t see her as much I would of liked to and father is always at his worshop making weapons\u2026the others laugh at him for making so many weapons and armor, they say that at the rate he is going a quarter of our armies will be stocked up. Nalia: Mmm don\u2019t you agree that these tea leaves are just divine? They are from Stranglthron vale you know? Mog: Really!? Nalia: Oh yes, what with the work we did my friend I\u2019ve managed to live off of it for years and the church may not pay well but it sure does help keep us going. Ray: How could you go hungry!? What with Stanley giving out bread to old mac. Nalia: We don\u2019t like bread, Imoen has an allergy to his special ingrediant. Ray: Aye mother and father don\u2019t buy from him anyway say that human bread is bad for us\u2026guess it would be for Imoen to. Nalia: Yes, that and her allergy to his ingredients. There is a silence for a few seonds whilst they sip on the tea, we hear small noises from upstairs. Nalia: [sigh] I will have to take her to those goblins again\u2026another pregnancy check. Mog: Pregnancy check? Nalia: [smirking] Well im sure familers know the basics of mating right? [laugh] I am joking friend im sure you do. Ray: Yeah Mog\u2026it\u2019s preety obvious. Mog: Yeah\u2026.but\u2026.what I meant was\u2026it\u2019s not the first time you\u2019ve done this\u2026surely she knows how dangerous it can be\u2026having a child at her age!? Nalia: She is young and filled with love dear friend, it must be her human genetics\u2026then again me and Khallid hardly held back on our emotions. Nalia: Ah before I forget, Ray take this letter to your brother Tien. It\u2019s the router for this week at the church. Ray: Of course! Well then we best get going Mog, thanks for tea ma\u2019am Nalia: It was my pleasure Ray and goodbye to you both! Ray smiles and goes out the door. We now see them walking down a long country road. Ray: Why does Nalia always call you \u201Cmy friend\u201D anyway? Mog: Oh we go waaaay back. Ray: Yeah? Mog: Well you know your mother and father fought in the second war? Ray: Uh-huh. Mog: Well I fought alongside Nalia. Ray: You? Fighting alongside Nalia in a war!? Your playing me on! Mog: I didn\u2019t fight! I just\u2026observered and gave insight into matters. Ray: So you weren\u2019t bought after the war then? Mog: No I was more of a\u2026upper hand in battle. Ray: So what did you tell them then? Mog: Oh death knight stuff really and fel magic and where the high points of it was. Tien: Brother! Welcome home can I get you anything? Ray: No! No, Nalia has already filled us up with her tea. Tien: Ahhh yes the ones from Stranglethron vale yes? Mog: Yup the very same. Tien: Ah and hello to you familer Mog, please please take a seat! Ray: So how\u2019s pops? Tien: Father is same as always\u2026he\u2019s making a special weapon today he told me it was very important\u2026I think father may be getting post war stress he has seen a lot of horrors in his time little brother. Ray: Aye\u2026though im sure it\u2019s his way of relaxing! I mean what else \u2018would\u2019 he do? Tien: A valid point. Oh and as for mother\u2026she\u2019s with the Farstirders today scouting for any left overs of the orcs. Ray: Good to see she is still her old self\u2026but them aside, how are you getting on Nalia says your doing well there! Tien: Well it\u2019s hard work brother but\u2026it\u2019s worth it, the feeling of the light is strong when I do my work. Ray: Bah, the light\u2026can\u2019t belive you really belive in all that stuff. It\u2019s just a way for power I reckon. Tien: Not at all! The light has helped us threw many a challenge! If wasn\u2019t for the silver hand\u2026we wouldn\u2019t have even won the second war! Ray: Well firstly, we all know that we won the war by meer chance and luck and secondly if the silver hand is all high and mighty why don\u2019t they alow dwarves and us in eh? Tien: Well\u2026im sure they have their reasons. Ray: Yeah sure they do, come on brother! Your at your age now when you can become a weapon smith like father or use your mana for arcane heck you could be advisor to the king himself I tell you this! Tien: Well\u2026I\u2019m just happy the way I am. Ray: Suit yourself brother, if your happy\u2026then so am I! Ray looks at him worried. Ray: Brother what is it what\u2019s wrong\u2026why aren\u2019t you at church? Tien: Ray\u2026im so sorry\u2026 Ray: \u2026What is it? What\u2019s happened!? Tien: Lorderon\u2026the\u2026the king is dead. Ray: What!? Tien: We just heard the news today\u2026the city is in panic as is most of the lands\u2026 Ray: And the prince? Tien: He did it\u2026 Tien: They knew something was wrong but after the scourge attack on Andorhal and his work on Strathome\u2026he was holding a blade\u2026the paladins said it felt so dark\u2026filled with Shadow. Ray: Crap\u2026what do we do brother? Tien: It seems father was ready for such a thing being he has armed half of the men of the city it seems he has the last laugh now and mother is scouting for undead troops. Mog: Ray\u2026[yawn] You forgot to give your brother the letter Nalia sent\u2026not that It\u2019s much use having a router now but [yawn] it may have his times for next week when this is all over. Tien: I don\u2019t think this will breeze of familer [Ray gives him the letter] Thank you brother\u2026I suppose I am needed at the altar here if we have any human visitors. Ray: Alright\u2026keep me updated if there are any changes\u2026I hope Imoen is- Tien: Be strong brother, Nalia wouldn\u2019t go down without a fight and her father will not alow her to come to any harm. Praying will help you. Ray: I\u2019ll pass brother but thank you for your words. Tien: Brother! The scourge are here! Last night they attack Andorhal\u2026quick we must get our blades and fight for glory and freedom! Ray: Alright brother, to arms it is! As they rush to a forgery Tien opens a cellar door. Tien: Brother! The swords our father made for us wait for us in those cellars! Go! Ray: Brother! What are you doing!? Tien: I can\u2019t let you die brother\u2026this city will fall and with it our people\u2026some will survive. Brother don\u2019t forget all that I\u2019ve told you about the light\u2026farewell brother I hope that under certain circumstances\u2026we do not meet again. Ray: BROTHER!? BROTHEEER!?!. Ray starts bashing on the door franticly. Mog: You have to stop Ray! You\u2019ll draw attention to us! Ray: SHUT UP! I WON\u2019T LET HIM DIE! I WILL DIE BESIDE HIM IF I HAVE TO!!! Mog: Live today fight tommrow! Ray: Shut up just shut up! Tien: I\u2019m sorry\u2026brother. Arthas: Let the feast begin\u2026 Ray: Argh shit! Ugh\u2026where am I? Mog: Your in your fathers cellar. Ray: What? What am I doing here? Mog: Can\u2019t you remember the scourge attack? Ray: [suddenly realising] Oh yes! Ray: I can\u2019t even lift a blade to save my brother\u2026or my family\u2026I\u2019m hopeless\u2026 Mog: Don\u2019t say that Ray\u2026you havn\u2019t had any trainning yet and presides\u2026you still have me! Ray: Great\u2026a familer as family\u2026 Mog looks offended and lets out a huff. Ray goes over to the cellar door and tries to pry it open but can\u2019t. Ray: If I open this\u2026will the undead come for us? Mog: I don\u2019t know. Kael\u2019thas: Search every home! There must have been some survivors there just has to be! Alorion: We could use the weapons here for later\u2026clear the area. Ray: Hello? Guard: By the sun! A Survivor! Ray: \u201CA\u201D Survivor\u2026? Mog: I\u2019m sure there are more\u2026 Alorion: Move out of the way! Ray: Stop! He is with me\u2026he is all that\u2019s left of my family. Alorion: So be it, let the familer go. Son\u2026you may just be the last survivor left\u2026but we will not give up hope! Men, take this man and his familer to our camp make sure he is not infected\u2026 Kael\u2019thas: A survivor! Sir know that even though our people have suffered greatly like a grand phoenix we \u2018will\u2019 rise from the ashes! That I swear by the sun! Ray: ...Very well prince Kael'thas... The screen fades out and we see the elves burning down their forests, we then see a Scourge commander looking at the forest on fire, he grins and the army walks away. We see a rally of people standing together Kael\u2019thas is shouting to people on a stand. Kael\u2019thas: Good people! It is time we stood against the scourge! We have burned down our beloved forests to stop the invasion and fool the idiocy of the Scourge! We now stand united as one force together we will make the scourge pay for their crimes! I go now good people to fight alongside the Alliance to rid of Arthas and these lands once and for all! For the sun! Crowd: For the sun! Kael\u2019thas: Good people! We go threw dark times but now I bring to you salvation\u2026I have found a new master, new allies that will help us with our new found addiction, A promised land. I have also given you all the chance to fight for your kingdom! Yes this creature is a creature of great power\u2026our allies have given us this creature to help us. Citzen: But it looks like it\u2019s in pain\u2026 Kael\u2019thas: This is what we must do good people! It is the alliance that has forced our hand in this! We have a choice to grab what power we can and tackle the alliance and the scourge or we lie down and let these people wipe us all out\u2026what say you!? Citzen: You\u2019ve gone mad! You expect us to torture such a creature in order to gain power!? Kael\u2019thas: Have faith good people, we \u2018will\u2019 have justice! Alorion: Come on rookie, swing harder! Ray: Umph\u2026I can\u2019t dammit im not strong enough for these swords! Alorion: Aww well I\u2019ll let the scourge know that when they have their hands around your neck. Now let\u2019s pretend im the one that killed your brother, that priest right? Tien. Alorion: Come on whimp! You better be stronger than that if you want avenger your family or would you rather hide in our cellar! Alorion laughs, Ray lets out a scream of rage and lifts the sword up in the air charging at him, Alorion manages to block the attack. Alorion: Good kid\u2026real good. It actually took some effort for me to block that\u2026we\u2019ll call it a day I think. Ray: Very well Blood knight master. Ray bows in respect to Alorion, he walks out of the trainning room and into the dinning room. Loads of blood elves are sitting at a long wooden table eating conjured food, Ray sits at the table and starts eating some bread a woman sits on the opposite side of the table to him. Nina: Mind if I sit here? Ray: Go ahead. Nina: Hey\u2026I know you\u2026your that man who has that talking familer right!? Ray: Yeah, im the man. Want to see him? Nina: Oh yes please! Ray: Irath\u2026quecon\u2026arthati dos! Mog: Who\u2019s the exstactic one? Nina: I\u2019m Nina Sunskies, please to meet you! Ray: Pleasure all mine- ours. Mog: Yes. Nina: So how are you finding trainning? Ray: Difficult\u2026lifting a sword is hard enough- Nina: You mean you don\u2019t use magic yet? Ray: Wait\u2026magic yet? Nina: Yeah that\u2019s what we all do, you can use that being to make you stronger like double your natural strength\u2026why do you think these scrawny arms can lift a blade! Ray: Son of a bith\u2026 Nina: Excuse me? Ray: Not you...my master he\u2019s made me use my bare hands no magic at all\u2026 Nina: [smiling] He\u2019s a bit of prankster eh? Mog: He\u2019s an asshole if that\u2019s what you mean\u2026 Nina laughs. Ray: Wait\u2026Nina sunskies\u2026from sunsky flowers? Nina: \u2026yeah\u2026 Ray: You were the flower girl! I remember your face now\u2026I\u2019m Ray Garner my mother loved your flowers. Nina: Garner! Well well it\u2019s a small world! The message \u201CTwo years later\u201D appear on the screen. Nina: Well my love\u2026this is good bye for now\u2026 Ray: Don\u2019t worry Nina, once I have completed my mission and help make a truce between us and the Horde I will come back for you in outland I promise. Nina: I will miss you\u2026and Mog. [kneels over to Mog] You take care of him whilst im away ok? And you two stop playing super heroes ok? Ray: [grinning] Now where would the fun be in that? Nina: I will miss you\u2026when you get to outland we will retire\u2026and get married there if that\u2019s ok with you of course? Ray: I will make our truce with the horde quick then. Nina smiles as she joins the ranks of her troops, the blood knights march into a huge portal created by some blood elven mages. Noble: Guard Captain? Ray: Yes sir? Noble: Ah good\u2026you can still understand \u201Cbasic\u201D elven\u2026I have a mission for you some Forsaken madman is going around my manor spouting nonsense to passer by\u2019s and is reaking the place of his stench\u2026see him out will you boy? Ray: Of course! Mog: Things sure have changed around here\u2026 Ray: Indeed! Though our mission is complete we still need to stay here. Mog: Yeah\u2026to maintain the peace\u2026bah I say. Ray: Well\u2026yeah. But order are orders and im sure Alorian knows what\u2019s best. Forsaken 1: YOU! YEES YOU! Forsaken 2: Will you consider? Will you murder? Forsaken 1: Murder! Noble: I say! Get off me you- Forsaken 1: You\u2026you will not consider? Forsaken 2: You\u2026will not\u2026murder? Noble: Murder what? Forsaken 1: The scourge! Forsaken 2: Eat them! Fry them! Eat their eyes\u2026it is good for the heart. Noble: Oh how revolting! Get away from me! The noble brakes free and walks off shaking his head, Forsaken 2 breaks into tears whilst the other pats him on the back. Forsaken 2: He won\u2019t he won\u2019t! He will not consider! Consider he won\u2019t! Forsaken 1: Do not fear brother\u2026we will get more to consider! Forsaken 2: Yes! We will we will! YOU! YES YOU WITH THE CAT! Ray: Now come on fellas it\u2019s time we- Forsaken 1: Will you consider will you murder? Ray: Well Ray and Mog always fight the scourge so\u2026yes sure. Forsaken 1: He does he does! Forsaken 2: He has considered! Mog: Great now can you move along now? Forsaken 2: Catty watty smattty batty! Forsaken 1: Yes brother\u2026lunch! Ray: Mog is no meal, now I will need your names. Forsaken 1: What for eh!? Forsaken 2: Brother! He has considered! Forsaken 1: Of course! How could I forget!? Forsaken 2: We are part of the crusade you know? Mog: Yeah\u2026suuuuure you are. Forsaken 2: Khallid does not lie dear talking catty watty! Mog: Yeah sure you\u2026wait\u2026Khallid!? Ray: Khallid sigil!? Khallid: Yessy messy! Tiz me\u2026you know me? I don\u2019t know you\u2026why you look at me like that! Mog: Well we knew you when you were\u2026alive. Khallid: What! I am alive! I am with the crusade\u2026what? [he turns to his left] Silence Ryan! I will deal with you later! [turns to his right] What!? Imoen! I thought I said no cookies! Your grounded missy! Go to your room! Now\u2026as you were saying? Ray: Er\u2026I need you both to leave this area\u2026 Forsaken 1: But they must consider! Khallid: Yes! It is our sworn duty to make people consider murder of the scourge yessy bessy! Mog: Well this area isn\u2019t very good mr? Forsaken 1: Fancheng. Mog: Right\u2026fancheng\u2026you know Orgimmar isn\u2019t to far by zepplin only a day\u2019s journey and they are loads of them there! Khallid: The talking kitty witty has a point brother\u2026 Fancheng: Yeaaas\u2026 Khallid: Let us go! They must consider! Let us fly! Mog: By the sun\u2026 Ray: Poor Imoen\u2026 Mog: I guess seeing Lorderon must of really made him coo coo\u2026 Ray: Hey up\u2026boss mans\u2019 here. Noble: I see he\u2019s gone Captain\u2026good work. Now then\u2026in our barracks we have another job for you\u2026one that you will have to take care of descretly am I understood? Ray: Yes sir, what is it? Noble: Well let me explain\u2026 To be continued\u2026."@en . "A New Hero is the first part of the quests that need to be completed to gain Sabine's trust and his promise to help you during the Revolution."@en . "Disney\u2013Lucasfilm Press"@es . "\u041D\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0439 \u0433\u0435\u0440\u043E\u0439"@en . "*La Fuerza\n**Lado Oscuro de la Fuerza"@es . . "news/star-wars-rebels-and-more-at-san-diego-comic-con-2014"@es . . "A New Hero"@ja . . . "A New Hero is the seventy-second episode of Transformers: Rescue Bots. It first aired in the United States on May 09, 2015 on Discovery Family."@en . "5"^^ . . . . . . "*Human\n**Lothalian\n*Lasat\n*Twi'lek\n*Wookiee \n*Pau'an"@en . "Star Wars Books Holiday Gift Guide"@en . "Dreadlord: [taking a deep breath in] I can sense you fear mortal but not only that...he has done well to hide it from you little one\u2026a shame I cannot end your life but my masters need you. you will come with me. Shirah: It\u2019s ok sister, it\u2019s ok. Imoen: [gasping] Thank you sister\u2026light, the demon almost pulled me threw\u2026but\u2026he didn\u2019t want to kill me but bring me to his masters\u2026 Shirah: Problery for an extra slave sister or information on the alliance. Imoen stares at the corpse of the Dreadlord and looks confused at it. Mog: We both know that Ryan is an asshole. Mog: Nonsense just give him a try."@en . "A New Hero"@ru . . . . "A New Hero"@en . "*Loth-cat \n*Loth-rat"@en . . . . "A New Hero"@en . "*Astromech droid\n**C-series\n***C1-series astromech droid"@en . "Young readers book"@en . "A New Hero"@es . . . . "*Gato de Lothal \n*Rata de Lothal"@es . . "*Farmer\n*Galactic Empire\n**Imperial Military\n***Imperial Army\n****Stormtrooper Corps\n*****Stormtrooper\n***Imperial Navy\n**Inquisitorius\n***Grand Inquisitor\n**TIE fighter pilot\n*House Vizsla\n**Clan Wren \n*Jedi Knight\n*LothalNet \n*Spacer\n*Spectres"@en . "news/star-wars-rebels-lands-in-bookstores"@es . "\u30E4\u30F3\u30B0\u30FB\u30EA\u30FC\u30C0\u30FC\u30BA\u66F8\u7C4D"@ja . "news/star-wars-books-holiday-gift-guide"@en . "\u300EA New Hero\u300F\u306F2014\u5E748\u67085\u65E5\u306B\u767A\u58F2\u3055\u308C\u305F\u300E\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30A6\u30A9\u30FC\u30BA \u53CD\u4E71\u8005\u305F\u3061\u300F\u306E\u30D4\u30AF\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC\u30FB\u30D6\u30C3\u30AF\u3002\u30EB\u30FC\u30AB\u30B9\u30D5\u30A3\u30EB\u30E0 \u30B9\u30C8\u30FC\u30EA\u30FC\u30FB\u30B0\u30EB\u30FC\u30D7\u306E\u30D1\u30D6\u30ED\u30FB\u30D2\u30C0\u30EB\u30B4\u8457\u3002\u30A2\u30CB\u30E1\u30FB\u30B7\u30EA\u30FC\u30BA\u300E\u53CD\u4E71\u8005\u305F\u3061\u300F\u306E\u30B3\u30F3\u30BB\u30D7\u30C8\u30FB\u30A2\u30FC\u30C8\u3092\u30A4\u30E9\u30B9\u30C8\u306B\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u30022015\u5E74\u73FE\u5728\u3001\u672A\u90A6\u8A33\u3002 \n* \u30AB\u30C6\u30B4\u30EA:\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30A6\u30A9\u30FC\u30BA \u53CD\u4E71\u8005\u305F\u3061 \u30E4\u30F3\u30B0\u30FB\u30EA\u30FC\u30C0\u30FC\u30BA\u66F8\u7C4D"@ja . . "A New Hero"@es . "Star Wars Rebels and More at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 – UPDATED!"@es . . "Rebels Animation Team"@en . . "*Territorios del Borde Exterior\n**Lothal\n***Capital City\n***Torre de Ezra\n***Academia Imperial de Lothal \n*Ryloth"@es . . . "*Outer Rim Territories\n**Lothal sector\n***Lothal system\n****Lothal\n*****Academy for Young Imperials \n*****Capital City\n*****Western Zone\n******LothalNet comm tower E-272\n**Ryloth"@en . "*Droide astromec\u00E1nico"@es . . "A New Hero"@es . "*Casco \n*Armadura mandaloriana \n*Sable l\u00E1ser\n**Sable de luz de Kanan\n*Bomba de pintura"@es . "*Mission to free Wookiee prisoners"@en . . "*Humano\n*Lasat\n*Twi'lek\n*Wookiee \n*Pau'ano"@es . . . "Star Wars Rebels Lands in Bookstores"@en . . . . . "A New Hero es un libro ilustrado de la serie de televisi\u00F3n Star Wars Rebels que se public\u00F3 el 5 de agosto de 2014. El libro fue escrito por Pablo Hidalgo, miembro del Grupo de Historia de Lucasfilm. Fue ilustrado mediante el arte conceptual de la serie. Con la compra de A New Hero viene incluido un eBook de Star Wars."@es . . "\u300E\u53CD\u4E71\u8005\u305F\u3061\u300F\u30A2\u30CB\u30E1\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u30FB\u30C1\u30FC\u30E0"@ja . "*Cadet helmet \n*Cloaking device \n*Mandalorian armor \n*Laser cannon\n**L-s1 laser cannon\n*Lightsaber\n**Kanan's lightsaber\n*Paint bomb \n*Sensor \n*Twin Ion Engine"@en . "Star Wars Rebels and More at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 – UPDATED!"@en . . "*Ezra Bridger\n*C1-10P\n*El Inquisidor\n*Kanan Jarrus\n*Zeb Orrelios\n*Hera Syndulla\n*Sabine Wren"@es . . . "*The Force\n**Dark side of the Force"@en . . "A New Hero is a Star Wars Rebels picture book from Disney\u2013Lucasfilm Press that was released on August 5, 2014. The book was written by Pablo Hidalgo, member of the Lucasfilm Story Group. It is illustrated using concept art from the series. Purchase of A New Hero included a Star Wars eBook."@en . "news/star-wars-rebels-and-more-at-san-diego-comic-con-2014"@en . . "50"^^ . . . . . "48"^^ . . "\u300EA New Hero\u300F\u306F2014\u5E748\u67085\u65E5\u306B\u767A\u58F2\u3055\u308C\u305F\u300E\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30A6\u30A9\u30FC\u30BA \u53CD\u4E71\u8005\u305F\u3061\u300F\u306E\u30D4\u30AF\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC\u30FB\u30D6\u30C3\u30AF\u3002\u30EB\u30FC\u30AB\u30B9\u30D5\u30A3\u30EB\u30E0 \u30B9\u30C8\u30FC\u30EA\u30FC\u30FB\u30B0\u30EB\u30FC\u30D7\u306E\u30D1\u30D6\u30ED\u30FB\u30D2\u30C0\u30EB\u30B4\u8457\u3002\u30A2\u30CB\u30E1\u30FB\u30B7\u30EA\u30FC\u30BA\u300E\u53CD\u4E71\u8005\u305F\u3061\u300F\u306E\u30B3\u30F3\u30BB\u30D7\u30C8\u30FB\u30A2\u30FC\u30C8\u3092\u30A4\u30E9\u30B9\u30C8\u306B\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u30022015\u5E74\u73FE\u5728\u3001\u672A\u90A6\u8A33\u3002 \n* \u30AB\u30C6\u30B4\u30EA:\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30A6\u30A9\u30FC\u30BA \u53CD\u4E71\u8005\u305F\u3061 \u30E4\u30F3\u30B0\u30FB\u30EA\u30FC\u30C0\u30FC\u30BA\u66F8\u7C4D"@ja . "news/star-wars-rebels-lands-in-bookstores"@en . "A New Hero"@en . . . "A New Hero"@es . . "Main Quest"@en . . . "A New Hero es un libro ilustrado de la serie de televisi\u00F3n Star Wars Rebels que se public\u00F3 el 5 de agosto de 2014. El libro fue escrito por Pablo Hidalgo, miembro del Grupo de Historia de Lucasfilm. Fue ilustrado mediante el arte conceptual de la serie. Con la compra de A New Hero viene incluido un eBook de Star Wars."@es . . . "A New Hero is the first part of the quests that need to be completed to gain Sabine's trust and his promise to help you during the Revolution."@en . . "A New Hero"@ja . "A New Hero"@en . . . . . "A New Hero is the seventy-second episode of Transformers: Rescue Bots. It first aired in the United States on May 09, 2015 on Discovery Family."@en . . . . "*Crucero Gozanti clase C-ROC \n*Esp\u00EDritu\n*Crucero Gozanti \n*Destructor Estelar clase Imperial I\n*Phantom\n*TIE\n*Caza estelar Alfa-3 clase Nimbus Ala-V"@es . "*Ezra Bridger\n*C1-10P\n*The Grand Inquisitor\n*Kanan Jarrus\n*Garazeb Orrelios\n*Hera Syndulla\n*Sabine Wren"@en . . "--08-05"^^ . "*Starship\n**Capital ship\n***Imperial-class Star Destroyer\n****Imperial I-class Star Destroyer\n**Freighter\n***Light freighter\n****VCX-100 light freighter\n*****Ghost\n******Phantom\n**Gozanti-class cruiser \n***C-ROC Gozanti-class cruiser \n**Starfighter\n***Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter \n***TIE line\n****TIE/ln space superiority starfighter"@en . .