"Full name Class Nationality First appearanceSun in Glory (anthology) Lady Baireschild is a noblewoman ruling a holding on the far western edge of Valdemar about 400 years before the time of Herald-Mage Vanyel. Her son, Herald Vess, gave up his position as her heir when he was Chosen. Given her name, the location of her holding, and the fact that Mage-Gift runs in the family, she is probably related to the ruling family of Baires."@en . . . "Noble"@en . "Lady Baireschild"@en . . "Sun in Glory"@en . "Lady Baireschild"@en . "Full name Class Nationality First appearanceSun in Glory (anthology) Lady Baireschild is a noblewoman ruling a holding on the far western edge of Valdemar about 400 years before the time of Herald-Mage Vanyel. Her son, Herald Vess, gave up his position as her heir when he was Chosen. Given her name, the location of her holding, and the fact that Mage-Gift runs in the family, she is probably related to the ruling family of Baires."@en .