. . . "The Orion Dawn was a legendary event in Orion history, when the Orions finally gained ships of their own with which to battle the aliens that enslaved them, leading to the birth of Orion piracy. Ombrey and Maark were two Orion slaves who served as senior officers on freighters belonging to the Buban. In November 1508 BCE (reference stardate \u221235/0811), they stole two armed freighters in a well-planned heist, named the Revenge and the Fate. Ombrey and Maark were aided by Orions on Botchok (Rigel VIII) and in Colonies near the Rigel system, forming a widespread network of secret supply stations and repair facilities. Later legend embellished the event into the 'Orion Dawn', and had Ombrey and Maark learn their skills as slaves in a freighter's hold, and lead a revolt of manual labor slaves to seize the ship, but this was untrue. The Rigellians actually had complete information on the theft, but in their subtle support of the Orion cause, they claimed ignorance to the other signatories of the Treaty of Kammzdast who asked for their help. Unable to ever return to Botchok, Ombrey, Maark and their crews established hideouts on Rigel BC-I (Avali) and Rigel BC-II (Ugoan) that same year, beginning settlement of these worlds. They contacted friendly Orion Colonies, who provided aid and supplies of crew and equipment. They went on to raid and capture other ships to add to a growing Orion pirate fleet, rising to 200 merchant vessels in less than 50 years. In time, hulls for pirate ships were secretly manufactured on a regular basis. They aimed to provide star travel to Orions that wasn't dependent on their alien masters, and to maintain the illusion that their Orion slaves weren't complicit in piracy. Ultimately, these pirate fleets would be instrumental in the Orion War and the battle for Orion independence. (FASA RPG - The Orions modules: Book of Common Knowledge, Book of Deep Knowledge)"@en . "Orion Dawn"@en . "The Orion Dawn was a legendary event in Orion history, when the Orions finally gained ships of their own with which to battle the aliens that enslaved them, leading to the birth of Orion piracy. Ombrey and Maark were two Orion slaves who served as senior officers on freighters belonging to the Buban. In November 1508 BCE (reference stardate \u221235/0811), they stole two armed freighters in a well-planned heist, named the Revenge and the Fate. Ombrey and Maark were aided by Orions on Botchok (Rigel VIII) and in Colonies near the Rigel system, forming a widespread network of secret supply stations and repair facilities. Later legend embellished the event into the 'Orion Dawn', and had Ombrey and Maark learn their skills as slaves in a freighter's hold, and lead a revolt of manual labor slaves to"@en .