. . "K\u00E4mpfer"@de . "NG Neutral gut"@de . . . . . "Lord Nasher Alagondar is an official campaign NPC who is the lord of the city of Neverwinter. Players with a high standing with him may join the Neverwinter Nine."@en . "Lord"@en . "Mensch"@de . . . "Nasher Alagondar"@de . . "Lord Nasher's history and his role as Neverwinter's ruler are mentioned in several books of lore. Some excerpts follow. From The Northern Four Adventuring Troupe: The Northern Four is the name of a band of adventurers that have each gone on to become key citizens of the Sword Coast. Led by Nasher Alagondar, who became Lord of Neverwinter, the group also consisted of Dumal Erard, who went on to found and watch over Helm's Hold, Ophala Cheldarstorn, matron of the Moonstone Mask who was thought to be an important figure among the mages of the Many-Starred Cloak, and Kurth, who has become a High Captain of Luskan.The band adventured together successfully for many years, and spawned many tales in their adventures around the region. One popular tale depicts the successful rescue of the Black Raven Tribe from a foul white dragon. As a symbol of gratitude from the tribe, Nasher was gifted with the noted Neverwintan Morregence as a \"debt-child.\"The success of the troupe eventually came to an end with a leadership struggle between Nasher and Kurth. Ophala was torn between her love for Kurth and her loyalty to Nasher, but after Kurth left, Ophala settled in Neverwinter, unwilling to compromise her hatred for Luskan and its Arcane Brotherhood; many assume that she still bears resentment against Nasher for the way things turned out. Regardless, Nasher and Erard have remained close, and Ophala still serves her Lord loyally. The same cannot be said of Kurth, who has joined forces with an army that would love nothing more than to see Neverwinter destroyed. From The Leadership of Neverwinter: Today Neverwinter is ruled by Lord Nasher Alagondar, an amiable and balding warrior who keeps his city firmly in the Lords' Alliance. Lord Nasher has laid many intrigues and magical preparations against attacks from Neverwinter's warlike rival town, Luskan. Nasher doesn't allow maps of the city to be made. This is to keep the spies of Luskan busy and add a minor measure of difficulty to any Luskanite invasion plans. [...]Lord Nasher is always accompanied by his bodyguard, the Neverwinter Nine. These warriors are entrusted with the many magic items Nasher accumulated over a very successful decade of adventuring. From The City of Neverwinter: Many good-aligned spellcasters also make Neverwinter their home, including the Many-Starred Cloak, a band of wizards who support Lord Nasher's rule with their spells and some say hold the real power in the city."@en . . "1,80m"@de . . "Nasher Alagondar, Lord of Neverwinter"@en . "Male"@en . . "Lord Nasher Alagondar ist der herrschende F\u00FCrst von Niewinter, der nun im Grafenb\u00FCndnis sitzt. W\u00E4hrend seiner Regentschaft hatte er oft damit zu tun, Angriffe und \u00DCberf\u00E4lle von Luskan abzuwehren, obwohl Niewinter offiziell Frieden mit Luskan pflegt. F\u00FCr seinen eigenen Schutz hat er die Niewinter Neun gegr\u00FCndet, welche ihm als Leibw\u00E4chter und Heerf\u00FChrer im Krieg dienen besch\u00FCtzt. Sie benutzten mehrere magische Gegenst\u00E4nde, die Lord Nasher in seinen Abenteuern gefunden hat. Diese sind zum Beispiel sein Ring und Nashers flinke Stiefel. In seinen fr\u00FChen Jahren galt er als arroganter Abenteurer. In den Archiven Niewinters gibt es mehrere Biografien \u00FCber ihn. In der Politik wird er von den Harfnern und guten Magiern unterst\u00FCtzt."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Nasher Alagondar"@en . . . . "Lord Nasher Alagondar is an official campaign NPC who is the lord of the city of Neverwinter. Players with a high standing with him may join the Neverwinter Nine."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lord Nasher's history and his role as Neverwinter's ruler are mentioned in several books of lore. Some excerpts follow. From The Northern Four Adventuring Troupe: The Northern Four is the name of a band of adventurers that have each gone on to become key citizens of the Sword Coast. Led by Nasher Alagondar, who became Lord of Neverwinter, the group also consisted of Dumal Erard, who went on to found and watch over Helm's Hold, Ophala Cheldarstorn, matron of the Moonstone Mask who was thought to be an important figure among the mages of the Many-Starred Cloak, and Kurth, who has become a High Captain of Luskan.The band adventured together successfully for many years, and spawned many tales in their adventures around the region. One popular tale depicts the successful rescue of the Black Rav"@en . "1385"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "wei\u00DF"@de . "blau"@de . . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Nasher Alagondar"@en . . "Nasher Alagondar"@de . . . "F\u00FCrstenallianz"@de . . . . "DR"@en . . . . . "Lord Nasher Alagondar was the fearless former adventurer and ruler of Neverwinter who held his city firmly in the Lords' Alliance. Nasher was responsible for laying many plots and magical contingencies against assaults from the city's warlike rival, Luskan, even going so far as banning maps of the city being made in order to throw off the spies of Luskan and their potential invasion plans."@en . . . "Lord Nasher Alagondar was the fearless former adventurer and ruler of Neverwinter who held his city firmly in the Lords' Alliance. Nasher was responsible for laying many plots and magical contingencies against assaults from the city's warlike rival, Luskan, even going so far as banning maps of the city being made in order to throw off the spies of Luskan and their potential invasion plans."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lord Nasher Alagondar ist der herrschende F\u00FCrst von Niewinter, der nun im Grafenb\u00FCndnis sitzt. W\u00E4hrend seiner Regentschaft hatte er oft damit zu tun, Angriffe und \u00DCberf\u00E4lle von Luskan abzuwehren, obwohl Niewinter offiziell Frieden mit Luskan pflegt. F\u00FCr seinen eigenen Schutz hat er die Niewinter Neun gegr\u00FCndet, welche ihm als Leibw\u00E4chter und Heerf\u00FChrer im Krieg dienen besch\u00FCtzt. Sie benutzten mehrere magische Gegenst\u00E4nde, die Lord Nasher in seinen Abenteuern gefunden hat. Diese sind zum Beispiel sein Ring und Nashers flinke Stiefel. In seinen fr\u00FChen Jahren galt er als arroganter Abenteurer. In den Archiven Niewinters gibt es mehrere Biografien \u00FCber ihn. In der Politik wird er von den Harfnern und guten Magiern unterst\u00FCtzt."@de . .