"Commands (AKA Cheats) are actions entered by the Player which make a certain action occur in the game automatically. Commands were added in Update 0.16.0."@en . "Note: You may use either a forward slash (/) or an at symbol (@) to begin any command."@en . . . . . . . . . "Commands that can be done as a shortcut for a feature or to perform various Emotes. Some can only be done in the lobby or in-game."@en . "Commands are advanced functions activated by typing certain strings of text. When the Player creates a new world, they will have the option to choose to have \"Cheats\" on or off. If the player chooses off, they will be unable to use cheats in that world unless the world is opened to LAN with cheats enabled. Commands can also be used with Command Blocks."@en . "/groupinvite (playername) - Used to invite players to join your group. /groupleave - Used when a player wishes to leave their current group (after a warzone) /groupleader (playername) - If you are the Groupleader you make (playername) the new leader /groupkick \u2013 the group leader may kick a player /teaminvite (playername) \u2013 Invite another player or group. If you are inviting a group you must invite the group leader. /teamkick \u2013 the team leader can kick a group /teamchallenge (playername) - Used to challenge another player/group/team on the same realm to a challenge. If you are challenging a group/team you must /teamchallenge the groupleader. /claninvite (playername) - Invite another player to the Clan. If you are inviting to clan, you must have permission to invite to do this command. /clankick (playername) - Kicks a player from the Clan. You must have the required premission to do this /clanleave - Leaves your current Clan."@en . . "Technical"@en . . . . "/groupinvite (playername) - Used to invite players to join your group. /groupleave - Used when a player wishes to leave their current group (after a warzone) /groupleader (playername) - If you are the Groupleader you make (playername) the new leader /groupkick \u2013 the group leader may kick a player /teaminvite (playername) \u2013 Invite another player or group. If you are inviting a group you must invite the group leader. /teamkick \u2013 the team leader can kick a group /clankick (playername) - Kicks a player from the Clan. You must have the required premission to do this /clanleave - Leaves your current Clan."@en . "There are various commands that help the user to perform certain tasks. These commands are to be typed in the terminal of the game."@en . "Commands are words or phrases that when said inside the client, will perform a specific action. Commands are shortcuts typed on the keyboard rather than manually clicking to do an often tedious task. To say a command, players log into the client (as they can't be inputted on the website) and enter a room. In the chat bar, they type a colon (:), followed by the command word and press Enter or Say. Commands with parameters are spaced before being entered. Typed-out commands will appear on-screen only if it has been misspelled; otherwise the action will already be done."@en . . "List of /commands and in FEZ"@en . . . . . . . . "Commands are specific abilities that units have which the player can instruct them to do. This includes abilities such as move or attack. Commands use linked skills to define the parameters for the command, such as the movement speed or attack strength."@en . "Commands is a command that will show a list of all available MUD commands."@en . "/whisper NAME /lfg - You are able to speak in a Gold text that is ment for \"Looking for Gang\" chat. /trade - You are able to speak in a Purple text that is ment for \"Trading\". /gang - You are able to speak to your Posse's in a nice Green text. Only works if you are in a gang. /group - Only works if you are in a group. /say These all are used for communication when talking. Anyone can use these."@en . . . . "Note: You may use either a forward slash (/) or an at symbol (@) to begin any command."@en . "Incomplete."@en . "Update 0.16.0"@en . . . "List of /commands and in FEZ"@en . . . . . . . "These are a list of server commands that come with a default Blockland installation. Note: Use these commands with caution. \t\t /AcceptMiniGameInvite ? - Used in a GUI. Probably accepts any pending minigame invites. \t \t\t /AcceptTrustInvite ? - Used in a GUI. Probably accepts any pending trust invites. /AddEvent enabled inputEventIdx delay targetIdx NamedTargetNameIdx outputEventIdx p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 - Used in a GUI. This adds an event to the current wrench brick, but the parameters needed use special event IDs that are harder to get. serverCmdAddEvent is useful for automatically applying events to things, though. \t \t\t /Alarm - Shows the ! emote if Emote_Alarm is enabled. \t \t\t /Ban clientid bl_id time reason - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Bans the specified ID/client. Set time to -1 for permanent"@en . . . "Commands"@en . "These are some shortcuts that could serve useful in the game. \n* ALT + V: Opens the basic information window which shows the character name, class, LV & JLV EXP in %, current HP/Max HP, current SP/Max SP, current weight/max weight, and Zeny. Other windows can also be opened from here. \n* ALT + E: Opens the current inventory window. Tabs on the left control what section is displayed. From top to bottom, the sections can be described as usable items (I), equipment (E), and miscellaneous (M) items respectively. \n* ALT + A: Opens the status window. \n* ALT + Q: Opens the equipment window. \n* ALT + W: Those with the Push Cart skill (From the Merchant class or True Ring of Visibility) can open the cart window or un-equip the cart here, as well. \n* ALT + U: Opens the quest window. "@en . . "Commands"@en . . . . . "heres some basic commands. they may not be on frugooscape but they are on other servers: remember to always put :: before commands! pickup (item ID) (number of items wanted) eg. ::pickup 4151 1 would give you a whip for nothing. home simply teleports you to your starting point. resetmypos FRUGOO ONLY!! teleports you to lumbridge. hightly usefull when getting pked. bank opens up your bank wherever you are and contains all the items you put into it. noclip allows you to walk through walls. npc (npc id) example. ::npc 2745 would spawn a jad in fron of me. pnpc turns you into the desired npc. mute MOD+ mutes the user eg. ::mute (players name) permute ADMIN+ permanently muted the desired player. hourmute MOD+ mutes the desired players(s)for an hour unmute MOD+ unmutes a muted player xteletome MOD+ teleports the selected player to you eg. ::xteletome (player name) teleall teleports the entire server to you.MOD+ teleto teleports the player to the selected player. jail one of the best commands MOD+ simply teleports the rule breaker to a selected jail. yell global message everyone on the server sees ur message. eg. ::yell (ur message) kill ADMIN+ inflicts whatever hitpoints the desired player is on. ban/::banuser ADMIN+ bans the selected account. ipban banns the ip adress to prevent ANY log ins on that pc. ADMIN+ resetskill resets a skill to 1 eg. ::resetskill (skill name)"@en . . . . "These are some shortcuts that could serve useful in the game. \n* ALT + V: Opens the basic information window which shows the character name, class, LV & JLV EXP in %, current HP/Max HP, current SP/Max SP, current weight/max weight, and Zeny. Other windows can also be opened from here. \n* ALT + E: Opens the current inventory window. Tabs on the left control what section is displayed. From top to bottom, the sections can be described as usable items (I), equipment (E), and miscellaneous (M) items respectively. \n* ALT + A: Opens the status window. \n* ALT + Q: Opens the equipment window. \n* ALT + W: Those with the Push Cart skill (From the Merchant class or True Ring of Visibility) can open the cart window or un-equip the cart here, as well. \n* ALT + U: Opens the quest window. Shows your current progress on various quests. \n* ALT + R: Opens the homunculus window. This window is only accessible by Alchemists. \n* ALT + J: Opens the pet window. This window is only accessible by pet owners. If inaccessible, right-click the pet and manually \"Check Pet Status\" until the window opens up. The shortcut should would after the window shows up. \n* ALT + S: Opens the skill window. From here, skills can be used and learned/improved. Also, skill icons can be dragged to the shortcut bar. \n* F12: Cycles through sets of shortcuts in the shortcut bar. Cycling goes through Shortcuts Sets 1, 2, 3, 4, and off. \n* ALT + F10: Toggles the chat window. \n* F10: Cycles through the height of the chat window. The mouse can also be used to change the window height. \n* ALT + Z: Opens the party window. \n* ALT + H: Opens the friends window which shows friends' online status. \n* CTRL + TAB: Cycles through how the mini-map is displayed through off, semi-transparency, and no transparency. \n* ALT + C: Creates a chatroom. \n* ALT + L: Displays different emoticons. Clicking the 'macro' button opens a window where different emotes or phrases can be assigned to ALT + # keys. \n* ALT + M: Opens the macro (Shortcut List) window. \n* ALT + Y: Displays a list of commands available. \n* ALT + G: Opens the Guild window. \n* ALT + T: Switches between passive and aggressive modes for homunculi. \n* CTRL + T: Switches between passive and aggressive modes for mercenaries. \n* INSERT: Makes the character sit down or stand up. \n* CTRL + ~: Opens the in-game World Map. Displays your location as well as that of party members. This shortcut is different in some keyboard configurations, for others visit the World Map page. \n* ALT + END: Toggles the players Health and SP bars."@en . "In Game"@en . . . . . . "Commands is a command that will show a list of all available MUD commands."@en . . . "Here is a list of DVD VM Commands. * Remember all PGC Numbers must be +1 because of shadow VTS and VMG menus in DVD-lab (Except if compiled without Abstraction Layer) You can instruct the Connection window to display the true PGC number above all objects instead of item order by checking the Show PGC Number button. The PGC number appears in red in top left corner of object. You can then use this number directly in VM Commands as PGC number"@en . "heres some basic commands. they may not be on frugooscape but they are on other servers: remember to always put :: before commands! pickup (item ID) (number of items wanted) eg. ::pickup 4151 1 would give you a whip for nothing. home simply teleports you to your starting point. resetmypos FRUGOO ONLY!! teleports you to lumbridge. hightly usefull when getting pked. bank opens up your bank wherever you are and contains all the items you put into it. noclip allows you to walk through walls. npc (npc id) example. ::npc 2745 would spawn a jad in fron of me. pnpc turns you into the desired npc. mute MOD+ mutes the user eg. ::mute (players name) permute ADMIN+ permanently muted the desired player. hourmute MOD+ mutes the desired playe"@en . . "Type"@en . "Both players and Non-Players are part of a chain of command. Though superiors are not supposed to interfere in decisions made by their juniors they can do so. The following influence are recorded in the rules: Asking a commander to volunteer (command or part of) for the front (or substitute), Seek or Block appointments, embezzlement trials, admittance to a regiment, excuse from duties, title rolls, and investments. Take the first one, a commander can either volunteer their entire unit or a portion of their command (and need not accompany it). In this case a colonel can, by volunteering, essentially order a squadron/battalion to the front. This could be extended therefor to the brigadier instead of volunteering the reqigment, get the commander to just volunteer a battalion. Nominally the regiments are independent organizations, with the Colonel historically \"owning\" the regiment, however if a subaltern is trying to be excused from extra duty, while at the same time trying to see the mistress of the regimental commander, the commander would likely order the Major to not excuse this subaltern. This type of exchange becomes more important in games where holders of posiitions can be sacked, and other house rules allow variations to the operation of a regiment. e.g. see Regimental Finances"@en . "First Appearance"@en . "Example of commands"@en . . . "By pressing the '/' you will be able to issue a console command (if you start typing the game will automatically begin your command with \"/c \" or which ever command you have set in your options to be the default chat). /go usage unknown as no valid action code is known at this time, may be a programing error. /debug used to turn on debug mode where you can get more info in your sun console to help us debug client issues. Keeping it on otherwise is not recommended and can hurt performance. (no longer works) /convert converts your standard account time to 1/3rd as much premium time. /r displays your unique recruitment link /signature displays your unique recruitment link as a clickable signature /buddy or /b or /f Adds player to buddy list /Ignore or /i Puts player on ignore list. /clearignore clears your ignore list /Inspect displays current equiptment and stats for that player /group or /g sends text to your group /c or /civil or /s send the text to the civil chat channel /u or /uncivil send the text to the uncivil chat channel /clan1 or /1 send the text to your primary clan's chat channel /clan2 or /2 send the text to your secondary clan's chat channel /dnd or /d sets do not disturb mode rejecting all incoming tells, trades, and duels. /afk or /a sets afk mode, that will auto reply from any tell that you are afk and may not have gotten the message. /afk will also keep you logged in if you close your window or your computer disconects. You will still be booted if the server is rebooted. /tell or /t or /m send the text in a private message to the character name"@en . . . . . . . "Commands are specific abilities that units have which the player can instruct them to do. This includes abilities such as move or attack. Commands use linked skills to define the parameters for the command, such as the movement speed or attack strength."@en . . "This page lists and describes all commands that have been added by the LotR mod."@en . "All commands can be used in the Dev console, don't use the / in the console though, so /kill becomes kill."@en . . . . . . "All commands can be used in the Dev console, don't use the / in the console though, so /kill becomes kill."@en . . "Commands are advanced functions activated by typing certain strings of text. When the Player creates a new world, they will have the option to choose to have \"Cheats\" on or off. If the player chooses off, they will be unable to use cheats in that world unless the world is opened to LAN with cheats enabled. Commands can also be used with Command Blocks."@en . . "There are various commands that help the user to perform certain tasks. These commands are to be typed in the terminal of the game."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "/whisper NAME /lfg - You are able to speak in a Gold text that is ment for \"Looking for Gang\" chat. /trade - You are able to speak in a Purple text that is ment for \"Trading\". /gang - You are able to speak to your Posse's in a nice Green text. Only works if you are in a gang. /group - Only works if you are in a group. /say These all are used for communication when talking. Anyone can use these."@en . "This page lists and describes all commands that have been added by the LotR mod."@en . . . "25"^^ . "Both players and Non-Players are part of a chain of command. Though superiors are not supposed to interfere in decisions made by their juniors they can do so. The following influence are recorded in the rules: Asking a commander to volunteer (command or part of) for the front (or substitute), Seek or Block appointments, embezzlement trials, admittance to a regiment, excuse from duties, title rolls, and investments. Take the first one, a commander can either volunteer their entire unit or a portion of their command (and need not accompany it). In this case a colonel can, by volunteering, essentially order a squadron/battalion to the front. This could be extended therefor to the brigadier instead of volunteering the reqigment, get the commander to just volunteer a battalion."@en . . . "Incomplete."@en . . . "These are some basic commands for Gunz. You must place the code in the text box (which is also used for chatting). Some codes require for you to be in-game to use."@en . "Here is a list of DVD VM Commands. * Remember all PGC Numbers must be +1 because of shadow VTS and VMG menus in DVD-lab (Except if compiled without Abstraction Layer) You can instruct the Connection window to display the true PGC number above all objects instead of item order by checking the Show PGC Number button. The PGC number appears in red in top left corner of object. You can then use this number directly in VM Commands as PGC number"@en . "Commands that can be done as a shortcut for a feature or to perform various Emotes. Some can only be done in the lobby or in-game."@en . "By pressing the '/' you will be able to issue a console command (if you start typing the game will automatically begin your command with \"/c \" or which ever command you have set in your options to be the default chat). /go usage unknown as no valid action code is known at this time, may be a programing error. /debug used to turn on debug mode where you can get more info in your sun console to help us debug client issues. Keeping it on otherwise is not recommended and can hurt performance. (no longer works) /convert converts your standard account time to 1/3rd as much premium time. /r /signature"@en . "These are a list of server commands that come with a default Blockland installation. Note: Use these commands with caution. \t\t /AcceptMiniGameInvite ? - Used in a GUI. Probably accepts any pending minigame invites. \t \t\t /AcceptTrustInvite ? - Used in a GUI. Probably accepts any pending trust invites. /AddEvent enabled inputEventIdx delay targetIdx NamedTargetNameIdx outputEventIdx p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 - Used in a GUI. This adds an event to the current wrench brick, but the parameters needed use special event IDs that are harder to get. serverCmdAddEvent is useful for automatically applying events to things, though. \t \t\t /Alarm - Shows the ! emote if Emote_Alarm is enabled. \t \t\t /Ban clientid bl_id time reason - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Bans the specified ID/client. Set time to -1 for permanent. \t \t\t /BrickCount - Gives the number of bricks in the server. \t \t\t /BSD - Shows the 'Bricks' emote. (normally when you open the Bricks GUI) \t \t\t /BuyBrick ? - Used by a GUI. Adds a brick to your brick cart. \t \t\t /CancelAllEvents - Admin only. Cancels all 'delayed' events and deletes event-spawned objects. \t \t\t /CancelBrick - Deletes your temp brick. \t \t\t /CancelEvents - Cancels your 'delayed' events and deletes event-spawned objects. \t \t\t /CancelExtendedBrickInfoRequest - Cancels the brick information request used by Event/Ownership saves. \t \t\t /CancelSaveFileUpload - Cancels the current save file upload. \t \t\t /ChangeMap MapName - Admin Only. Changes the map to that. \t \t\t /ChatTest # - Admin only. Prints the specified number of lines to chat. \t \t\t /ClearAllBricks - Admin only. Clears all bricks in the server. \t \t\t /ClearBrickGroup bl_id - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Clears a specific person's bricks. \t \t\t /ClearBricks - Clears your bricks. \t \t\t /ClearColors - Unknown \t \t\t /ClearEvents - Used in a GUI. Clears the events on your current wrench brick. \t \t\t /ClearInventory - Unknown \t \t\t /ClearVehicles - Admin only. Clears all vehicles in the server. \t \t\t /ColorTest - Prints a test of all the \\c# colours to chat. \t \t\t /Confusion - Shows the \"???\" emote if Emote_Confusion is enabled. \t \t\t /CreateMiniGame Name Colour ? - Creates a minigame with the specified name and colour. \t \t\t /DFG - Unknown. \t \t\t /DoAllIcons - Unknown. \t \t\t /DoIcon - Unknown. \t \t\t /DoItemIcon - Unknown. \t \t\t /DoPackIcons - Probably to do with the Avatar GUI. \t \t\t /DoPlayerIcons - Probably to do with the Avatar GUI. \t \t\t /DoSecondPackIcons - Probably to do with the Avatar GUI. \t \t\t /DoUpdates - Admin only. Ends the server and forces all clients to check for Blockland updates. \t \t\t /DropCameraAtPlayer - Admin only. Puts you in control of 'Fly Mode', movable camera. \t \t\t /DropPlayerAtCamera - Admin only. Warps you to the current position of the movable camera. \t \t\t /DropTool ? - Drops a tool you are holding. (Does it use a slot?) \t \t\t /EndMiniGame - Ends the current minigame you are in. \t \t\t /EndSaveFileUpload - Used in a GUI. Finishes the current upload. \t \t\t /Fetch Name - Admin only. Teleports the player with the specified name to you. \t \t\t /Find Name - Admin only. Teleports you to the player with the specified name. \t \t\t /GetID - Admin only. Gets the class name and object ID of the object you are looking at. \t \t\t /GetMapList - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Requests the server's map list. \t \t\t /GetPZ - Unknown. \t \t\t /Hate - Shows the 'Hate' emote if Emote_Hate is enabled. \t \t\t /HilightBrickGroup bl_id - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Highlights all bricks in the \t \t\t specified brick group. \t \t\t /Hug - Raises both of the player's arms up until a tool is used. \t \t\t /IconInit - Unknown. \t \t\t /IgnoreMiniGameInvite - Used in a GUI. Probably ignores the current or specified player's minigame invites. \t \t\t /IgnoreTrustInvite - Used in a GUI. Probably ignores the current or specified player's trust invites. \t \t\t /InitUploadHandshake - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Recieved command for a check for whether a player recieved the 'upload' connection. \t \t\t /InstantUseBrick ? - Used in a GUI. Forces the player to use the specified brick in-hand. \t \t\t /InviteToMiniGame ? - Used in a GUI. Sends an invite to the specified player to join a minigame. \t \t\t /JoinMiniGame ? - Used in a GUI. Join a given minigame. \t \t\t /Kick ? - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Kick the specified player from the server. \t \t\t /LeaveMiniGame - Leave the current minigame. \t \t\t /Light - Toggle the player light. \t \t\t /ListAllDataBlocks - Admin only. List all datablock names in the server in the chat. \t \t\t /Love - Show the \"love\" emote if Emote_Love is enabled. \t \t\t /MagicWand - Admin only. Used in a GUI, but can be used outside of it. Use the Destructo Wand. \t \t\t /MessageSent msg - Send a chat message. \t \t\t /MissionStartPhase1Ack ? - Unknown exact function. Mission initialisation. \t \t\t /MissionStartPhase2Ack ? - Unknown exact function. Mission initialisation. \t \t\t /MissionStartPhase3Ack ? - Unknown exact function. Mission initialisation. \t \t\t /NextSeat - Change to the next seat in a vehicle. \t \t\t /PlantBrick - Plant the temp brick. \t \t\t /PrevSeat - Change to the previous seat in a vehicle. \t \t\t /RayPZ - Unknown. May be admin only. \t \t\t /RealBrickCount - Doesn't work. Shows '0'. \t \t\t /RejectMiniGameInvite ? - Used in a GUI. Probably rejects either the pending or specified minigame invite. \t \t\t /RejectTrustInvite ? - Used in a GUI. Probably rejects either the pending or specified minigame invite. \t \t\t /ReloadBricks - Admin only. Load the last 'Uploaded' save to the server instantly. \t \t\t /RemoveFromMiniGame ? - Used in a GUI. Kicks the specified player from your minigame. \t \t\t /RequestBanList - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Request the server ban list. \t \t\t /RequestBrickManList - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Request the server brick groups list. (\"BRICK MANager\") \t \t\t /RequestEventTables - Used in a GUI. Request the list of server event types. \t \t\t /RequestExtendedBrickInfo ? - Used in a GUI. Request the list of events and ownership during saving. \t \t\t /RequestMiniGameColorList - Used in a GUI. Request the list of server minigame colours. \t \t\t /RequestMiniGameList - Used in a GUI. Request the list of currently existing minigames. \t \t\t /RequestNamedTargets - Used in a GUI. Request the list of \"\" to use. \t \t\t /RequestWrenchEvents - Used in a GUI. Request the list of Wrench Events for the current wrench brick. \t \t\t /ResetMiniGame - Resets the current minigame. \t \t\t /ResetVehicles - Admin only. Respawns all vehicles in the server. \t \t\t /Ret - Return to your player during admin orbing. \t \t\t /RotateBrick ? - Rotate the current temp brick. (by an angle?) \t \t\t /SAD pass - Used in a GUI. Send an admin password attempt to the server. \t \t\t /SADSetPassword pass - Admin only. Change the current Admin password. \t \t\t /SetColorMethod - Used in a GUI. Sets the load colour method. \t \t\t /SetFocalPoint - Unknown. \t \t\t /SetMiniGameData datastring - Sets the minigame information, rules and start equipment. \t \t\t /SetPrint ? - Sets the current print brick's print to the ID specified. \t \t\t /SetSaveUploadDirName - Used in a GUI. Exact function unknown. \t \t\t /SetWrenchData datastring - Used in a GUI. Sets the brick's wrench attributes e.g. light or item \t \t\t /ShiftBrick x y z - Move the current temp brick. \t \t\t /Sit - Move the player to a \"sitting\" position until they jump or walk. \t \t\t /Spy name - Admin only. Used in a GUI, but can be used outside of it. Set the movable camera to orbit the specified player. \t \t\t /StartSaveFileUpload ? - Admin only. Starts a save file upload to the server. \t \t\t /StartTalking - Adds your name to the \"talking\" list shown above the chat. \t \t\t /StopTalking - Removes your name from the \"talking\" list. \t \t\t /Suicide - Kills your current player and respawns it. \t \t\t /SuperShiftBrick x y z - Shift the current temp brick by its width in the specified direction. \t \t\t /TeamMessageSent msg - Sends a message to players in your current minigame. Has special functions in certain mods. \t \t\t /TimeScale # - Admin only. Sets the server's time scale to a ratio between 0.2 and 2. \t \t\t /TripOut ? - Unknown. \t \t\t /Trust_Demote ? - Used in a GUI. Sends a notification to the specified player that you have removed them from the trust list. \t \t\t /Trust_Invite ? - Used in a GUI. Sends a trust invite to the specified player. \t \t\t /TrustListUpload_Done - Not usable normally. Confirmation that the list of players you 'trust' has been uploaded. \t \t\t /TrustListUpload_Line ? - Not usable normally. Sends one line of trust info to the server. \t \t\t /UnBan ? - Unbans the specified player. \t \t\t /UndoBrick - Deletes the last placed temp brick or last brick change. (e.g. paint/print, excluding Wrench) \t \t\t /UnIgnore - Un-ignores invites from the specified player. \t \t\t /UnUseTool - Put away the current tool. \t \t\t /UpdateBodyColors ? - Updates your avatar appearance. \t \t\t /UpdateBodyParts ? - Updates your avatar appearance. \t \t\t /UpdatePrefs ? - Updates your avatar appearance. \t \t\t /UploadSaveFileLine - Admin only. Used in a GUI. Upload one line of save data to the server. \t \t\t /UseFXCan ID - Use the specified FX can, if you aren't in a minigame or if Painting is enabled in the current game. \t \t\t /UseHammer - Admin only. Use the Hammer, whether one is in your inventory or not. \t \t\t /UseInventory slot - Use the specified brick, if you aren't in a minigame or if Building is enabled in the current game. \t \t\t /UsePrintGun - Admin only. Use the Printer, whether one is in your inventory or not. \t \t\t /UseSprayCan ID - Use the specified spray can, if you aren't in a minigame or if Painting is enabled in the current game. \t \t\t /UseTool slot - Use the specified tool. \t \t\t /VehicleSpawn_Respawn - Respawns a vehicle on the current wrench brick. \t \t\t /Wand - Use the Wand, if you aren't in a minigame or if the Wand is enabled in the current game. \t \t\t /Warp - Admin only. Warps the player to the place you are aiming at. \t \t\t /Wtf - See /confusion \t \t\t /Zombie - See /hug \t"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Commands are words or phrases that when said inside the client, will perform a specific action. Commands are shortcuts typed on the keyboard rather than manually clicking to do an often tedious task. To say a command, players log into the client (as they can't be inputted on the website) and enter a room. In the chat bar, they type a colon (:), followed by the command word and press Enter or Say. Commands with parameters are spaced before being entered. Typed-out commands will appear on-screen only if it has been misspelled; otherwise the action will already be done. Most commands in Habbo are used for moderation, but there are a few for normal players. There are also specific commands which can only be done in Habbo Retros and not actually in Habbo."@en . . . . "Commands (AKA Cheats) are actions entered by the Player which make a certain action occur in the game automatically. Commands were added in Update 0.16.0."@en . "These are some basic commands for Gunz. You must place the code in the text box (which is also used for chatting). Some codes require for you to be in-game to use."@en . . .