. "Uciec z Lasu razem z innymi jeleniami po przybyciu ludzi"@pl . . . . "Ena is the sister of Tien Jr. and she is not afraid of the androids."@en . . "Goku"@en . . "Ena"@es . "Ena"@nl . "20"^^ . . "Future Ena"@en . "Ena (\u30A8\u30CA EnaJap) es una ni\u00F1a hu\u00E9rfana que aparece en un episodio de relleno de Dragon Ball Z."@es . . "Jele\u0144 wirginijski"@pl . . . "Ena was a young mother in Orzu's clan of Sea-Folk with one baby nursing and another on the way. She had dirty straggly hair and sharp intelligent dark eyes."@en . . . . "13"^^ . "25"^^ . . . . "Bambi - zi\u0119\u0107"@pl . . . "\u2193"@en . "Ena"@es . . "The Ena was an ancient civilization that lived between 98,000 BCE (reference stardate \u22121,000/00) and 88,000 BCE (stardate \u2212900/00). The Ena civilization was centered in the Rimward side of the Orion Arm, in what was later the Klingon Empire, though at least two sites were reported in The Triangle. There were no physical remains of the Ena, but a few surviving images and the dimensions of their ruined architecture indicated that they possessed what could be considered a blocky or clumsy body structure, by humanoid standards. Their nation was thought to be large and expansionist. Their rise began the Emergent Era, while their disappearance began what was called the First Interregnum. (FASA RPG - The Orions module: Book of Common Knowledge)"@en . . . . . "10"^^ . "\u017Byje"@pl . . . "Ena"@nl . "26"^^ . . "742"^^ . "Ena"@en . "Dragon Ball Z Episode # 4"@en . . "21"^^ . "Tien Jr."@en . "Aunt Ena .jpg"@nl . . . "Clarabelle"@en . "Ena"@en . . "17"^^ . . "124"^^ . "792"^^ . "Ena.png"@pl . . . "Chi-Chi"@en . "\u2193"@en . "\u2193"@en . . "ENA"@fr . . "Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball KD, Dragon Ball WL, Dragon Ball ND"@en . . "774"^^ . "Ena"@en . "7"^^ . "Nelena"@en . "fe10"@en . . "728"^^ . "Feline , Bambi , Geno en Gurri"@nl . . "Brin Tura"@en . . . "Ena is a Redguard warrior and smuggler, who resides in the cave of Mannammu. She is a member of the Verethi Gang."@en . . . . . . "44"^^ . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategoriiEna \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind."@pl . "Participant in a famous Esrolian love story \n* She met Syertus at the Open Circle dance ground. \n* She gave birth to Erevelus Source: Book of Heortling Mythology"@en . "\u30A8\u30CA"@es . . . . . . . "May, 767 Age"@en . "13"^^ . "Samica"@pl . "\u2193"@en . "Het Bos"@nl . "Krillin"@en . . . . "Ena Anne Paula"@en . . . . "Ena Paula"@en . . "\u2193"@en . . "\u2193"@en . "11"^^ . . . "26"^^ . "27"^^ . . "Ena \u2013 sierota, kt\u00F3rej rodzice zgin\u0119li podczas tsunami, razem z Chico, Pigero, Romem, Hacchim, Jinku i Yordonem zamieszkuje opuszczony budynek, ucieka przed pracownikami opieki spo\u0142ecznej i zdobywa jedzenie. Jest trzeci\u0105 osob\u0105, kt\u00F3r\u0105 spotyka Son Gohan w mie\u015Bcie. Podczas pierwszego z\u0142apania przez policj\u0119, ratuje j\u0105 Pigero, za drugim razem dziewczyna trafia do domu dziecka. Kategoria:Dzieci Kategoria:Kobiety Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Postacie pozytywne Kategoria:Postacie serii DBZ Kategoria:Ziemianie Kategoria:Postacie epizodyczne"@pl . "Ena"@pl . "-"@en . "De Mens"@nl . . . "\u2193"@en . "23"^^ . . . "Mai 2007"@de . . . . "Ena"@fr . "Ena - jest matk\u0105 Felinki, przyjaci\u00F3\u0142k\u0105 matki Bambiego oraz babci\u0105 Geno i Gurri."@pl . "Female"@en . . "22"^^ . "23"^^ . "Ena (\u30A4\u30CA Ina) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Despite being technically classified as a Red Dragon, her scales are pink in color, and she is characterized by relatively high magic stats. This is a result of the White Dragon blood that she has received from her grandfather, Nasir."@en . "225"^^ . "Ena"@en . "\u2193"@en . . "34"^^ . "Breath of the Wild"@en . . "Goku Jr."@en . "18"^^ . . "26"^^ . . "Part 4, End Game Part 1: Rebirth 1"@en . "Smuggler"@en . "Ena is a Redguard warrior and smuggler, who resides in the cave of Mannammu. She is a member of the Verethi Gang."@en . . . . "14"^^ . "17"^^ . "Chapter 5: Flight!"@en . "10"^^ . "Goed"@nl . "Ena"@pl . "21"^^ . "9"^^ . . . "Dobra"@pl . "Bambi"@nl . . "20"^^ . "72"^^ . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategoriiEna \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind."@pl . . "Slanke bruine hinde, met cr\u00E8mekleurige hals en buik en roodbruine ogen, en zwarte neus"@nl . "Ena - jest matk\u0105 Felinki, przyjaci\u00F3\u0142k\u0105 matki Bambiego oraz babci\u0105 Geno i Gurri."@pl . "ja"@de . . "ena"@en . "Ena was a young mother in Orzu's clan of Sea-Folk with one baby nursing and another on the way. She had dirty straggly hair and sharp intelligent dark eyes."@en . "The Ena was an ancient civilization that lived between 98,000 BCE (reference stardate \u22121,000/00) and 88,000 BCE (stardate \u2212900/00). The Ena civilization was centered in the Rimward side of the Orion Arm, in what was later the Klingon Empire, though at least two sites were reported in The Triangle. There were no physical remains of the Ena, but a few surviving images and the dimensions of their ruined architecture indicated that they possessed what could be considered a blocky or clumsy body structure, by humanoid standards. Their nation was thought to be large and expansionist."@en . . "20"^^ . . "Ena Youfe"@en . "Ena is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Ena is a Hylian girl who can be found at a stable in a region of Hyrule. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "fe9"@en . . . . "Bambi\nBambi II"@pl . "Laedien ,"@de . . . . . . "18"^^ . . . "5"^^ . . "Ena is a minor antagonist in Corpse Princess. He's one of the members of The Seven Stars."@en . "Participant in a famous Esrolian love story \n* She met Syertus at the Open Circle dance ground. \n* She gave birth to Erevelus Source: Book of Heortling Mythology"@en . "22"^^ . . . . . . "Ena"@en . . . "Las"@pl . . . . . . . . "11"^^ . . "Allianz"@de . . . "30"^^ . . "Ena"@pl . . "15"^^ . . "ENA"@de . "Ena (\u30A8\u30CA EnaJap) es una ni\u00F1a hu\u00E9rfana que aparece en un episodio de relleno de Dragon Ball Z."@es . . . "Female warrior of the MacConn clan. She was killed by her undead 'children' cause of Lord Loss."@en . . . "20"^^ . "Ena duikt op wanneer ze samen met Bambi's moeder, op de weide is en Bambi zich verbergt achter zijn moeder, nadat hij opgejaagd is door Feline. Haar dochter zegt dan tegen Ena dat Bambi verlegen is, waarop ze antwoordt dat het misschien beter zou gaan als ze \"Hallo\" tegen Bambi zou zeggen. Wat later overwint Bambi zijn verlegenheid, en jaagt Bambi, Feline op zijn beurt op rond de poten, van hun moeders en de twee gaan dan verder de weide in, terwijl ze worden nagekeken door Bambi's moeder en Ena"@nl . . . "9"^^ . . "15"^^ . . . . . . "Wychowa\u0107 Felink\u0119"@pl . "Ena is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Ena is a Hylian girl who can be found at a stable in a region of Hyrule. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Verethi Gang\n*Bandit"@en . "Nebellegenden [ENA]"@de . . . "Sphere"@de . "59"^^ . . . "Bambi"@nl . . . "Female warrior of the MacConn clan. She was killed by her undead 'children' cause of Lord Loss."@en . "Bambi II"@nl . "6"^^ . "Android 18"@en . "Ena is the sister of Tien Jr. and she is not afraid of the androids."@en . . "52"^^ . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "Ena (\u30A4\u30CA Ina) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Despite being technically classified as a Red Dragon, her scales are pink in color, and she is characterized by relatively high magic stats. This is a result of the White Dragon blood that she has received from her grandfather, Nasir."@en . "Ena duikt op wanneer ze samen met Bambi's moeder, op de weide is en Bambi zich verbergt achter zijn moeder, nadat hij opgejaagd is door Feline. Haar dochter zegt dan tegen Ena dat Bambi verlegen is, waarop ze antwoordt dat het misschien beter zou gaan als ze \"Hallo\" tegen Bambi zou zeggen. Wat later overwint Bambi zijn verlegenheid, en jaagt Bambi, Feline op zijn beurt op rond de poten, van hun moeders en de twee gaan dan verder de weide in, terwijl ze worden nagekeken door Bambi's moeder en Ena Enkele sc\u00E8nes later duikt De Mens op en worden ze gewaarschuwd door De Grote Prins (Bambi's vader). Na zijn waarschuwing, vluchten de herten en de andere dieren van de weide af, onder de herten, zijn o.a De Jonge bokken, Feline, Ena, Bambi, Bambi's moeder en De Grote Prins zelf"@nl . "Ena is a minor antagonist in Corpse Princess. He's one of the members of The Seven Stars."@en . . "Pigero Romu Chico Jinku Yordon Hacchi"@es . . "Ena \u2013 sierota, kt\u00F3rej rodzice zgin\u0119li podczas tsunami, razem z Chico, Pigero, Romem, Hacchim, Jinku i Yordonem zamieszkuje opuszczony budynek, ucieka przed pracownikami opieki spo\u0142ecznej i zdobywa jedzenie. Jest trzeci\u0105 osob\u0105, kt\u00F3r\u0105 spotyka Son Gohan w mie\u015Bcie. Podczas pierwszego z\u0142apania przez policj\u0119, ratuje j\u0105 Pigero, za drugim razem dziewczyna trafia do domu dziecka. Kategoria:Dzieci Kategoria:Kobiety Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Postacie pozytywne Kategoria:Postacie serii DBZ Kategoria:Ziemianie Kategoria:Postacie epizodyczne"@pl . "Mary Lansing"@pl . "18"^^ . . "20"^^ . . . . . . . . "Ena"@es . . "\u2193"@en .